Yes, Times A Million

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The concert was one of the best ones you had ever been in. The music was amazing, as Louden swain was one of your favorite bands. You and Jensen had a few duets along with your first solo piece, which was your favorite song. Everyone knew you had vocals, but had never heard you sing a solo. The crowd roared for you. As the night came to and end, the rest of the cast joined you on the stage to sing "Medicated" with Rob. You had fun with the kazoos along with the rest of the crowd. Then you bid everyone a goodnight or well good morning as the concert ended at 2am. Everyone chanted for an encore as you longed for your bed.

You had fallen half asleep on Jensen's shoulder as you rode in the elevator with Ryan, Cliff, Jared, Gen, and Dani. "(Y/n), baby girl. Gotta open your eyes for a bit longer. The room isn't that far away." Jensen said in your ear as he wrapped his arms around you. "Carry me." You said like a little kid with your eyes closed still. You heard Jensen chuckle before he brought his arms under your legs and behind your back. "So strong. I like that." You said as you snuggled into Jensen's chest. "Are you drunk?" Jensen asked you. "Nope." You replied popping the 'P'. Still carrying you, you felt his hand reach out for the door handle and he pushed it open. "Yay! Bedtime!" You cheered causing Jensen to laugh. "Yes, that's right. Bedtime. Are you sure you didn't drink anything backstage?" Jensen asked as you heard the door shut and him shift you a bit in his arms.

"I might've had this much drink..." You held up your fingers to Jensen, showing your thumb and pointer finger almost touching. "Just that much, nothing more. You sure?" Jensen said in a light chuckle as you felt yourself being set on the king bed you had in your hotel room. "Yep! I'm sure." You laid back on the bed as Jensen left your side. "Sure you did, baby. Well, here, take this and brush your teeth before going to bed," You grabbed the toothbrush from Jensen's hand and brushed your teeth, spitting in the cup Jensen gave you. "Let me take that, and let's get you changed." Jensen took the cup and tooth brush, returning back to you only in his boxers. Jensen helped you out of your tight, leather skinny jeans, your black heels, and your red V-neck shirt along with your leather Jacket. "Thank you." You mumbled as Jensen pulled a large t-shirt over your body. "You're welcome, baby girl. Now let's sleep. Cause I can't wait for tomorrow." You yawned and fell back on the bad again. Jensen pulled the covers back for the both of you and wrapped an arm around your waist before snuggling you close and turning off the light.


"That damn alarm is definitely wrong. It's too early to get up." You said in your pillow as your headache from the night before pounded against your skull. "Sorry, babe. But it's right and you have a meet and greet in an hour. I'm all dressed cause I have a panel with Jared soon. I'm going to give Dani a key to the room to help you get ready." Jensen said kissing your temple as he was sitting next to your side on the bed. "I also set the pain pills next to your head along with a glass of cold water. See ya babe, oh and Ryan is right outside the door if you need anything." Jensen said before moving of the bed. "Thanks baby. You're too good to me." You say opening your eyes to adjust to the brightness of the room. Jensen gave you and air kiss and moved out of the bed room to the door. Hearing the door slam you grabbed the pill bottle and swallowed a few pain killers with the water.

Knock, Knock.

"Come in." You semi yelled towards the door. "Hey, I brought you coffee." Dani said walking into the room. "Oh my god. Life saver. Hey would you mind taking a picture of me with my coffee for Instagram?" You asked pushing the covers back a bit and pulling your hair up. "Sure." Dani snapped a picture and you grabbed your phone to post it.

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