Announcing It To Everyone

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Right now, only three people knew you were pregnant...and Dr. Stefanski didn't count. Only Gen, Jared, and your very exited husband knew. As a few days passed from the big revel to Jensen and Jared, the four of you were figuring out a way to announce it to everyone.

"I want it to be good. Something fun..." You stated moving around the room, drinking a glass of water. You had just threw up your entire breakfast at the Padalecki house hold. Gen invited you and Jensen over for breakfast, and it was delicious. But morning sickness came faster than expected. Damn you morning sickness. After you finished hurling in the bathroom, once you sat down you became very light headed, moving around was the only think helping your body relax.

"Well, first, why don't we announce it to everyone at next weekends Vancouver Con? I mean, we seem to always announce our important news at conventions," Jensen rolled his eyes they smiles looking to you. "Why not do it again? I mean, everyone will be there." Jensen spoke, standing up to you from off the love seat he was in. You looked at Jensen with a sense of confusion. Was he being sarcastic? Why would he say that like he did and roll his eyes? These hormones were really starting to mess with your brain. "Excuse me? Do you not like sharing our important news at conventions?" You said in a snapping tone, feeling your aggressive hormones begin to bubble. "What?," Jensen looked confused. "I've loved sharing our important moments at Conventions, with all of our family around us. Why would you think I wouldn't like it?" Jensen asked you and went to rub your shoulder but you turned your back to him. This whole time, Gen and Jared were watching you and Jensen, not knowing when to intervene.

"H-how you said that 'we seem to always announce our important news at conventions'. You seemed to not want to do it again," You took a few breath. "I just want to you be happy," You say turning around to face Jensen with tears beginning to gloss your eyes. "I'll do whatever you want to do." Jensen placed his hands on your cheeks and wiped away a stray tear. "Babe, why are you crying?" "Cause of these stupid hormones." You shook you head and set your water down to clear your eyes and hope you didn't wipe all of your mascara off. "Anything you do will make me happy, us," Jensen pointed at Gen and Jared. "Will make us happy. We will figure it out. Don't stress too much, okay?" Jensen wrapped his arms around your body and you hugged his neck.

"Well, while your hormones were messing with you in that little conversation you had a bit ago, I figured out a way to announce the pregnancy." Gen stood up and you stuck your tongue out at her. "Ha ha. These are going to be the death of me, I swear." You all laugh and Gen comes closer to you, placing a hand on your arm. "Oh, they only get worse," You throw your arms up in the air and shake your head muttering 'great' under your breath, along with a few obscenities. "So, for my idea. It's really simple, first off. Because you don't need to stress to much. With my first pregnancy I stressed a lot and would have a tendency to have head aches and pass out some times. It freaked the living shit out of Jared and we don't need that happening to Jensen." "Oh god, please don't pass out on me again." Jensen says as he runs his hand down his face and moves to sit next to Jared. "Yeah, it did freak the shit out of me, but we learned how to keep you out of stressful situations and they got better. You'll be fine, (Y/n). You have us to keep you calm." Jared says wrapping an arm around Jensen's neck making you laugh.

"You also don't need anymore stress than the weekend is going to bring. So I also suggest only going for Sunday and not the other two like you've done in past conventions. But I think you and Jensen should just wear shirts that say the announcement. Like, soon to be mommy and daddy. Or, we're expecting. So simple, but the reaction will be huge. That sound good?" "I love it. And you are right about the stress, so this is good. Jay, you like it?" You turn to Jensen, who never took his eyes off you. "It's perfect. Let's find those shirts." Jensen says and Jared grabs his laptop that is siting on the table. After scrolling a few pages, you find the perfect shirts.

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