And Again

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You slowly feel the need to open your eyes, but you didn't want to. You didn't want to face the horror that was associated with losing your daughter. However, your bladder wanted to be relieved so you were undoubtedly forced to get out of ... bed?

"Wha- What?" You question as your arms go underneath you and push off the soft warm bed that resides in your master bedroom. You didn't see Jensen next to you and you were in your pajamas, again at home, in your bed. You remember vividaly losing JJ and finding out that Jeff took her then you passed out from hitting your head.

Jensen wouldn't have taken you home, you would be in a hospital room getting tests galore because Jensen would want to see for himself that you were 1000% okay.

But, that wasn't the case. You get out of your bed, grabbing a large sweater to cover you and your belly as you moved down stairs to where little giggles were erupting from. Stepping in the kitchen, you see no one. No Jensen, No JJ, not even the dogs. But you heard giggles. You heard your daughter giggles that could cure sadness and your husbands hearty laugh that made your heart skip beats.

You weren't going crazy. You weren't.

"Jensen? JJ? Hello?" You asked out loud. Then you heard it again, the giggles. You speed walked to the play room behind the living room to where you heard them from but the same outcome was shown. No JJ. No Jensen.

"What the hell is happening?" You scan your pockets for your phone but figured you left it upstairs. You give your temple a rub before scooting upstairs and finding your phone on your night stand. Grabbing it, you notice that it is dead. "Great- just freakin' fantastic." You roll your eyes and plug your phone in, leaving it on-top of your pillow to charge.

Falling onto your back on the bed, you heard the laughter again. "I know I am just imagaing things. You guys aren't really there I guess." You squint your eyes tighter trying to block out the laughter that you know is coming out of JJ's room. And just before you were going to check if they were really here this time, you hear what sounds like a van pull in the drive way.

"Huh?" You question getting off the bed and moving to the window. Your heart jumps to your throat as you see a your JJ bring taken away towards this van. "JJ!" You scream and run out of the room and to her side as fast as you can. But, as soon as you open the door the van drives away and you are left without JJ by your side.

"NO! No, no, no, no! Not again!" You slug out to the end of the driveway to pick up the golden sparkle that had been tickling your eyes from the front porch. Bending down, you lift the object to see that it is JJ's locket. And before you knew it, you were falling to your knees and the ground was getting closer and closer and-

You gasp as you sit up in your bed. You breathing is ragged and your body covered in sweat. "A dream? This was just a dream, please let that have been a dream." You stumbled to your feet as you ran to your daughters room, no one. After her room you began checking every room, each filled a sounds of laughter in them. The the sounds would end once you crossed the threshold into each of the rooms.

You were in the backyard about to go into the tree house to see if your daughter and husband were there until you heard that framiliar screech of a van. "Not again!" You huff as you being to run towards the front lawn and you hear you rdaughter calling out for you, shattering your heart. Making it to the front law, you see your daughter being thrown into the van. "STOP!" You yell but nothing happens. The van doors slam shut and speeds down the road in a matter of seconds. You run to the end of the driveway to retreave that same locket. "JJ-" You sob until you feel your knees begin to sway and the ground get closer and closer and-

You spring out of bed again, reliving your nightmare again.

And again.

And again.

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