A Day With Double Good News

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Today was the day you launched your biggest add on to the Supernatural family. With Jared, Jensen, Misha, and many more cast, crew, and volunteers, the Supernatural Crisis Hotline was now able to be everywhere in the United States and even abroad. Ever since seeing what Emily went through at Dallas con, you dug deeper into the Supernatural fandom. You saw how much some people struggled with depression, suicidal thoughts, self harm, just everything that was so upsetting you had to shut your computer off the first time you read some storied from fans. It really got to you, all of it.

But, that was in the past, and this is now. People will actually beable to have people to talk to 24/7, 365 or 366 for a leap year. You couldn't sleep last night because of how excited you were. To some, this didn't look like a big deal, but to you, and to many many many other people, this was going to be a life changing place for people to turn to.

"Jay, get up, get up, get up, get up!" You bounced off the bed like a little kid. It was July 2nd and you were in Vancouver for the weekend to be able to do your live stream with many of the cast members and voulnteers. Since the hotline would base out of Vancouver. Jensen and you had flown up from Austin. You had gone back to Austin after you had picked out your wedding dress. Since the season was over, it gave you a chance to breath and really focus on the wedding that was less than three months away. It also gave Jensen sometime to talk with Matt more about there ideas of creating a brewery down in Austin. They had kept most of the plans to each other, since they didn't want to stress you too much because of the wedding. You let them work as you worked on the wedding. But, you hoped they would tell you more about the brewery soon. You and Jensen had also just signed off on a location for the wedding. The Crescent Court Hotel. It was a type of old garden and stone place. Vines hung from all around, with flowers sprouting from everywhere. It was the third place Melissa had shown you and you were in love.

"Okay, I'm up, I'm up, I'm up, I'm up!" Jensen replied back to you, mocking your childlike happiness. "I can't wait! I can't believe this is happening! I never thought this would happen for as big as it needs to be!" You say walking into the bathroom. "Well it did," Jensen says snaking his arms around your waist as he walks into the bathroom behind you. "It happened all becuase of you and your dedication. I am so incredibly proud of you. Why don't we celebrate?" Jensen said starting to kiss up your collar bone. "What do you have in mind mister Ackles?" You say in your seductive tone. "Maybe a shower, together. Ya know, to save water and all." Jensen smiled and turns your body to face him. "Oh definitely just to save water." You wink at him before starting the shower and you both step in after stripping out of your clothes.

After a very intense shower, you and Jensen were cleaned up and ready to head to the studio to make the big unraveling of the hotline. Everyone was going to be there. Your mom, Matt, Katharine, Dani, Jared, Gen, their boys, Misha, Victoria, their son, Mac, Jensen's parents, and the rest of the cast along with crew members. Ryan picked you and Jensen up at the house and drove you to the set. Reaching the set, Ryan pulled up the gate and you saw Jeff manning the gate today. "Hey Jeff, what's up?" You asked and he was very polite with you, and only you. With everyone on set, he was reserved to himself, unless you were around. You didn't notice it but Jensen always did and held you close to him, now being a good example. "I'm doing well, Ms. (Y/l/n)." He said and Ryan was going to drive away when you stopped him. "Jeff, how long have you been working here? You can call me (Y/n). Please, I consider you my friend, we trust each other." You smiled. "Alright, thank you Ms. (Y/l- (Y/n)." Jeff corrected himself and it made you laugh as Ryan pulled away.

You immeditaly noticed the camera crews and the medium sized crowd of people gathered. You turned to see Jensen staring at your excitment and he kissed your lips. "I love seeing you like this. Your happiness can cure anyone feeling down in the dumps. I love you." Jensen says giving you another kiss before helping you out of the SUV. You leaned into Jensen for only him to hear you, "Are you acting all happy because you are happy for me or because I promised another round of what we did this morning in the shower later?" You questioned him with a smirk. "Is it bad if I say both?" Jensen laughed and you scoffed, hitting his chest playfully.

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