Needing A Little Space

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Right as the ambulance pulled up in front of the hospital, the double doors were pulled open and doctors were ready for (Y/n). She was still unconscious and this terrified Jensen. He was holding her had the entire way to the hospital. He occasionally left soft kisses along her temple and said little things in her ear, hopefully causing her to wake up. But nothing happened.

"This (Y/n) Ackles? Trauma to the head and also pregnant?" One of the doctors says and Jensen watches, with his eye stained cheeks, the paramedics pull the gurney off the ambulance. "Yes. Pulse has gotten a bit stronger but not by much. Don't know much about the baby though, can't find a heart beat." The male paramedic said and Jensen froze after jumping off the ambulance. "What- what do you mean you can't find the baby's heart beat?" Jensen followed the gurney, holding (Y/n)'s hand, until the paramedics pulled him away to let her head back into an open room to be screened. "Wait! Let me go with her! She's my wife!," Jensen moved against the paramedics arms as much as her could. "She needs me! My baby!" Jensen tried again to push past the paramedic but its no use. "Please Mr. Ackles, take a seat in the waiting area and the doctors will let you know when (Y/n) can be seen." Jensen let out a huff, knowing this guy was right and that he could do nothing but wait now.

Once Jensen sat down in the waiting room he pulled out his phone and saw missed calls from everyone. But the first one he wanted to call was (Y/n)'s mother.

Ring. Ring.

"Jensen! Jensen what's happening? (Y/N)? The Baby!?" Jensen could hear Karen's accelerated heart beat from through the phone.

"Shh, please, relax. I think, I hope she will be okay. Right now all I know is that (Y/n) has a low pulse and," Jensen held back a small sob. "And they can't find a heart beat for the baby. That's all I know. They just pulled her to an open emergency room to be screened. I-I'm so scared Karen, I'm so freakin scared." Jensen admitted and ran his hand over his wet eyes. His hands were trembling at the thought out losing you, or the baby.

"I know honey. (Y/n), she's a tough cookie. She's gonna be okay. As for your beautiful baby, they have (Y/surname) and Ackles blood in their system. Your baby will be perfectly fine. Genevieve, Matt, and I are boarding the plane now. Just relax and be strong for them both. We will be there in less than two hours. We all love you, bye Jensen. Give (Y/n) a kiss for us if you get to see her." Karen added a 'smooch' sound into the phone and Jensen forms a small smile at her action.

"Will do, Karen. Thank you guys. See you soon. Love you." With that, Jensen hung up his phone call and slid his phone back in his pocket. Bending forward in his chair, Jensen set his face in his hands and took a few breaths. With Jensen's face still down, he felt a hand on his shoulder causing him to pull his face from his hands immediately. Hoping it was a doctor with something, anything about (Y/n).

But it was just Jared, with Misha behind him. Not really who Jensen was hoping for but he could use his best friends next to him right now. "Have you heard anything?" Jared asked and Jensen shook his head no. "Nothing. They have had her for about 15 minutes now. It's killing me!" Jensen leaned back and Misha patted his knee, taking a seat next to him. "It's all going to be okay, Jay. She's strong and so is the baby. But she needs you to be strong for her too, okay?" Misha asks Jensen and he nods. Misha gives Jensen a weak smile and a strong hug. Jensen told Jared and Misha that he had just got off the phone with (Y/n)'s mother and she said that the plane will land in less than two hours. Jared will pick them up at the air port and bring them immediately to the hospital.

"So, how's the convention going?" Jensen asks with unsurety. He has never left the convention before, neither has (Y/n). "Everyone was very, very understanding. Many of the extra cast picked up yours and Jared's panel and photo ops. Everyone is pitching in to keep the con spirits up." Misha smiled. "That's great. Thank you guys for explaining everything to everyone. I- I was just so concentrated on (Y/n) that I just didn't want to talk to anyone and head straight to the ambulance." Jensen scratched the back of his neck and looked down, the tears were beginning to fall as he said (Y/n)'s name. "No problem man. Like Mish said, everyone is helping out and send their best for you three." Jared smiled and patted Jensen on the back.

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