Thank You

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So, that last chapter, I conclude my Wattpad writings....

When I first stated writing, I never thought much of it. But when I published my first chapter in Wattpad during my Junior year of high school, my whole life changed.

I'd finally found what I was meant to write. I had found what gave me a place in this world.

So over time, I found out that I wanted to get involved in a different kind of writing. Screenwriting! Making movies or television sounds like an absolute dream to me and I'll keep working till I make it.

I am currently a freshman in college and and ready to climb the toughest mountains and push through blizzards until I am where I wish to be in this world.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me. Votes for my chapters, left some beautiful comments, and have really touched my life. I thank you from the bottom of my ever growing heart.

To those who are lost, afraid, and unsure of themselves. You are beautiful. You are smart. You will make it till tomorrow. Keep doing what you love and strive big.

Strive so fucking big!

I love you all!

Melanie Morgan

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