Where'd She Go?

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To say that Jensen was estatic about having twins was an understatement. After the three of you got home from the airport and after a bit of celebrating done by you and Jensen... alone ...his hand never left your stomach.

He loved that he was going to become a new father again, but with twins ... he was beyond happy and didn't want to wait to tell everyone either. However, you had the say in what happened with the announcement and you wanted to wait to tell everyone at Thanksgiving. You wanted it to be a pregnancy reveal and gender reveal. So, the two of you hosted thanksgiving at your house with family and close friends. It was hard to hide your belly but someone you get through it. Staying in Vancouver more before you told everyone allowd you wear more sweatshirts since it was cooler than in texas.

During the entire night, you and Jensen threw in things about twins and sets of two's. You two wanted to see if anyone caught on. Gen almost had the idea but then gave up at the last second before you and Jensen stood at the table to give the reveal with desert. There was two pies, special for the genders.

No one knew they were for the gender except you, Jensen and JJ. You and Jensen stood and said you two would cut the pie and pass it around. The morning of you and Jensen had brought your closer gender envelope to a backery so they could make two suprise pies for you. Getting ready to cut into the pies, you took one and Jensen took another.

You pulled out a slice and it was cherry, you showed Jensen and he smiled, another girl. Jensen pulled out his piece and showed you with tears in his eyes. It was blueberry, a boy. "We're having a boy and another girl?" Jensen smiled with tears in his eyes and you nodded with the same sparkle in your own eyes.

"Uh, you guys gave the pies gender's? Jensen, that is a very Dean thing to do." Jared spoke and everyone around the table laughed with him. "Funny Jare. Actually, (Y/n) and I have something we have been hiding from you for quite sometimenow, but we just wanted to know for sure. You want to say it?" Jensen looked down to you.

You nodded and looked up. "Say what?" Your mom questioned. You took of fyour large scarf and unbuttoned your fanenel to reveal you tank top and growing bump. "Jensen and I are expecting twins! These two pies were our gender reveal, blueberry and cherry. A boy and a girl."

No one moved once you finished. Everyone just stared at you and Jensen, especially your stomach. "You're pregnant?" Katharine slowly rose from her chair. "I am. Sorry we never told anyone, we wanted to be sure and wanted it to be special." You smiled and Katharine screamed with joy and engluffed you in a hug. Soon after that, everyone swarmed you with more hugs and kisses. Love was spread through warm thoughts and beautiful smiles for the rest of the evening.

Later that evening, you and Jensen made sure you let the entire fandom know as well.

@JensenAckles: Adding a couple of pairs of boots to the family later this year

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@JensenAckles: Adding a couple of pairs of boots to the family later this year. #crazytimesahead

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