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"Jensen, Jared, Misha? What- Uh. What are you guys doing here?" You started to blush a bit before taking a seat in the middle of the room.

"Oh good, you've all met. (y/n), we just wanted the main characters in the room to see how you both interact." The director smiled back at you and your smile was mangled with confusion.

"Main Characters?" You tucked the loose piece of hair that was in you face behind your ear.

"Yeah. I play Dean Winchester, Jared plays Sam Winchester, and Misha plays Castiel." Jensen spoke up not taking of his grin. The three laughed quietly never taking their gaze off of you.

"Well," You threw you hands up. "That would have been nice to know last night-" You smiled and couldn't help but give a little chuckle with them.

You spent the whole night with the famous actors who could possibly be your co-stars. You told them private stuff just figuring they were guys you would never see again. Even though you desperately wanted to see them again, especially Jensen.

You looked over the script in your hands but kept getting distracted from Jensen's glances towards you.

"Are you ready (y/n)? We are all waiting on you-" The director called out, taking your attention away from your book.

"Yes, I am ready." You say firm, trying not to blush and mess up the whole thing.

"Okay, let's start with Sam and Dean talking to the trickster, before your entrance. I will be Rich for today. You three ready?"

"All set Bob-" Jensen calls out.

"Me too." Jared says, clearing his throat and taking a sip of water.

"Let's see whatcha got!" Misha rang looking directly at you. You gave him a sarcastic double thumbs up before getting into character.

"Page 1. Second paragraph. Trickster/Gabriel is  thanking Sam and Dean for saving him from his brother Lucifer. Cas next to Sam and Dean. Let's go-"

"You two really saved my ass back there-" The trickster wipes his forehead sarcastically but really means what he says.

"Uh, yeah. Well Lucifer is probably going be on our asses now. So we are taking off." Dean stated turning from Gab. Sam and Cas follow.

"Wait- let me give you something. Payback?" Gab shrugged his shoulders and the three stopped and slowly turned back.

"What could you possibly give us?" Sam stated making it very sassy.

"Oh Samantha, stop getting all defensive. I'm not giving you all something. Just Dean."

"You don't even know what I would want-" Dean huffed turning back towards is Baby.

"Oh, I don't, do I?" Trickster snaps fingers and instantly pops open Impala door. Sam, Dean, and Cas stop in their tracks as a beautiful women comes from the back seat. She's wearing tight leather and looks that could make any man weak in their knees.

You took a sip of water as your first line was coming up.

"Who the hell are you?" Dean questions giving glances to Cas and Sam.

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