The Final Showdown

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"I don't know about this, (Y/n)." Katharine wipes her mouth and turns her body to face yours. "It's all gonna be fine. I promise. I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't think this plan was going to work. It's risky and Jensen is going to hate me for it, but I have to do it, ya know? Like I just have his feeling that after this is over, everything is over," You take a quick breath, ceasing the oncoming tears.

"I need to get my baby girl back and avenge Ryan's death. He's here with me, I know it. He's with JJ." Katharine moves closer and wraps her arms around your shaking body, which you hadn't realized was shaking until her arms made contact with yours.

"I know you can do this. I'm just scared. If something happens to you, I would never forgive myself. Jensen would go insane because he needs you. You need each other." Katharine gave your head a kiss before leaning back in her seat. The two of you grabbed some food then drove to where Jeff was supposedly staying. The building was clearly abandoned and set your stomach doing flips, or well the babies doing flips.

"Goodness-" You lightly chuckle and rest your hand on top of your growing bump. "What? Are they kicking again?" Katharine slid her hand over yours and felt the strong kicks from your babies. "Of course they are. They are letting me know that I can do this. That I have to do this because I need my baby girl and, and because I am so tired." Katharine took off her hand and watched your break down before her eyes.

"I'm so tried of the pain and losing the ones I love. Sometimes I feel like a freakin' Winchester because of the people that I've lost. I just want to be happy again. I want to have my little girl running around with her hair in the wind as her daddy chases her around the yard. I want Dad to walk through the back door so I can run into his arms. I want Ryan to come home and bring my favorite ice cream like her always did. I was my little baby boy to come back to me and carry on the family last name. I want these weights lifted off of my chest before I collapse. Because my legs are only getting weaker, Katharine. My heart can't take much more." Your eyes shut and the pounding in your ears begins to drain.

"(Y/n), you've been through so much. But you have so many people that want to help. You are a Winchester not in how people keep leaving in traumatic ways, but because you bottle things up. You don't say to anyone how you are really feeling when it is eating you alive. That's not healthy. You have to come to us, okay? We only want to help you because we love you. We always have and we always will." Katharine tucked your fallen hair behind your hair. "You're my little sister. I'll always be here for you."

"Thank you Katharine. It means a lot. But, I have to get going I see." You point towards the car clock and 11:30 blinks on the monitor. "I thought Jeff said midnight?" Katharine asked as the two of you slid from the car. "He did. But for this plan to work, I have to get in there and talk to Jeff before Jensen gets here." Katharine nods and walks side by side with you up to a sketchy looking backdoor.

"If anything really does happen-" You get cut off. "No, don't talk like that." "Katharine! Just let me say this. If anything does happen to me, promise me you'll always be in JJ's life. She needs her aunt."

"And she needs her mom more. You can do this. Just be careful and back out if it gets too much. You have two babies to look out for. I love you, (Y/n/n)." Katharine grabs you tightly and you tug on her shirt to pull her closer. "I love you too, Kat. JJ's going to be coming out to you, okay? And tell Jensen, before he storms in here, that I love him."

"(Y/n), hey, you're actually scaring me. You're sticking to the plan, right?" Katharine holds your wrist before letting you walk inside. "That what plans are for. But sometimes you also needs a plan B. I love you." And with that, you pulled your wrist from Katharine's grasp and filled into the building. "Just don't try plan D, for Dumb ass. God, Mark always had the best lines in the show." Katharine mumbled to herself as she watched her sister go get her daughter back.

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