Oh God

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Rob and Rich were on the stage right now talking with Louden Swain and getting the crowd pumped up for yours, Jensen's, and Jared's panel. It had been a half an hour since you told Jay and Jared about David, that you thought you saw him. You now knew you did. He's here. You are terrified to go on stage and see him. You stomach was in a billion knots and you thought your eyes were going to being to slip tears. You were trying to hold it together, for Jensen and the rest of the cast, but special for the fans.

Jared and Jensen were talking in front of you and Rich snapped you out of your daze. "Guys, you're on!" He sang out. "You ready baby girl?" Jensen held his hand for you and you smiled and nodded, grabbing his hand. Jared walked on first, then Jensen, then you. The crowd went wild and you felt the fear began to fade away. "Let me be the first to say it, Dallas, I present to you, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, and (Y/n) (Y/l/n)." You three waved. Jensen helped you to your seat so he and Jared could do their jump at the end of the song. You were now sitting in the middle of Jared and Jensen and the lights were so bright, like the concert last night, you could barely see the crowd. "Howdy Dallas!" Jared spoke first.

"Hey y'all! How's the convention been so far? Or better yet how have you enjoyed the lovely (Y/n) this weekend? Being her first convention, I think she's killin' it!" Jensen kissed your temple and the crowd was cheering so loud. "I'm loving meeting all of you! Thank you so much for the warm welcome!" You smiled and waved towards a few people who called your name. "So, I think we should start off with some questions, what do you say? Jensen...(Y/n), what side first, Left or Right?"

At the same time, Jensen said, "Left", and You said, "Right". You both looked at each other and narrowed your eyes at each other. It was so hard for you to not break out in laughter. "Looks like were are gonna have to settle this, the Winchester way..." You and Jensen both set down your Mics and got into position for Rock-Paper-Scissors. Jared scrambled out of his chair and stood behind us. "Okay, best out of three. If Jensen win's left goes first, and if (Y/n) win's right goes first. Now...GO!" Jared yelled in the Mic. And course, You won all three. "It's okay, next time Dean. You and your scissors!" You scoffed playfully and turned your body to the right side of the stage. "I let Baby win. You gotta let Baby win, am I right?!" Jensen said and you laughed as he kissed the top of your head.

"Hey! First question! What's your name?" You asked what looked to be a teen girl. "Hey, hi, omg, I love you all so much! AH! I can't believe this is happening." She was so excited. "Well believe it sweetheart." Jensen said and the girl screamed even more. "My-My name is Natalie. Uh my, my question is for (Y/N)!" "Yes! First Panel ever, and I get the first question! Awesome! What's up Natalie?" You exclaim.

"So my question is, uh, what is it like being on Supernatural?" Natalie asked. "Well, it's probably the best set to ever work on. The environment is so happy and always on their feet. And working with these two goofs make waking up at 4 in the morning worth it!" You say. "Aw! We love you too." Jared says and he wrapped his arms around you, same goes for Jensen. "Hey, no chick flick moments here." You say and everyone dies laughing. A few more people go through and ask what nicknames the boys have given you and you only give a few. People ask questions to just Jared, just Jensen, just you, sometimes all three of us. Just a big scramble.

"Hey! What's your name?" Jensen asks the next person to the mic. "I'm Jared." The young man says. "Hey! That's my name dude!" Jared yells and the crowd laughs. "Oh relax Jared, let Jared speak. What's your question man?" You ask him. "I was wondering what pranks you have done on each other?" You being to laugh and Jared and Jensen just look at you as you beginning to sink in your seat. You sink so far you fall of your seat and burst into laughter. "Well, I see since our biggest prankster is laughing her ass off right now, I will speak on behalf of her. Jared and I were the best pranksters until she came along. She's scary good people!" Jensen says laughing as he helps you up.

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