New Parents

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JensenAckles:  To my daughter, Justice Jay, You have my big green eyes, and your mothers little nose

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JensenAckles: To my daughter, Justice Jay, You have my big green eyes, and your mothers little nose. You have the brightest smile and the cutest toes. I have waited nine months to hold you in my arms and now I never want to let you go. I can't wait to hear your first words, see you take your first steps, and explore the world through your eyes. And when you opened your green eyes for the first time and stared at me, I learned what unconditional love meant. I had never seen anyone or anything more beautiful. Your mommy and I love you very much and can't wait to watch you grow, but no rush, please. I am happy to have my little girl, my daddy's girl.

Tagged: @(Y/n)Ackles

Likes: 490k Comments: 32k

@Kat(Y/L/N): She's beautiful Jensen. JJ has the best parents in the world and I'll be the best Aunt that I can be.

@AlinaWincester: OH MY CHUCK! Congratulations! Can't wait to meet the newest member of the Supernatural Family!

@nowandgen: Congratulations guys! @(Y/N)Ackles rocked those labor pains better than I did. Can't wait for Tom and Shep to meet their new cousin!

@EricKripke: Welcome to the world little Justice Jay. With Ackles and (Y/L/N) blood in your system, you are already hired for any role on Supernatural.


You were beginning to wake after a much needed sleep. Your body was still sore from all the pushing and bringing your little baby into the world. As you slowly open your eyes, you turn your head to the side of your bed and see the most beautiful sight in the world.

Jensen sitting in the lounge chair holding your daughter.

"What a sight to wake to." You softly smile and Jensen's head snaps up with a smile. "Look whos awake JJ. Mommy, mommy's awake." Jensen coos to your daughter and gets up from the chair as you prop yourself with a few pillows to hold your baby girl. "Here's mommy." Jensen sets her in your arms and you trace your finger on the edge of her soft little face. "Hi baby. My sweet girl. You are so beautiful and I am so happy you got your daddy's eyes." You look up to Jensen and he smiles and leans down to kiss you. "She's beautiful. I can't believe we are parents. I love you so much." Jensen kisses you again and leans his forehead against your for a moment till JJ begins to fuss. "And the interruptions begin," Jensen says with your foreheads still connected before looking at your daughter. "You hungry baby? Or maybe a diaper change?" Jensen asks and leans down to kiss your baby's belly causing her to smile. "Don't think it's a diaper change. She's just a little hungry hippo right now." Jensen laughs and you whack his chest, before beginning to unbutton the corner of your gown.

"Our daughter is not a hungry hippo. She's a beautiful, growing baby." You smile and watched your daughter latch onto you without any problems. "She's so beautiful because she looks just like her mom." Jensen kisses your head and a knock rings from the outside of the door. "Just a sec-" You say trying to grab a small blanket to cover your exposed breast, but whoever is on the other side of the door decided to walk in anyways. "Hey-" You snap and see that it's Jared and Gen. "Oh did you say wait a sec? I swore I heard "You can come in"." Jared laughs and Gen slaps his shoulder coming to your side. You turn to see Jensen laughing and giving Jared a bro hug. "What?," Jensen asks as you glare at him. "It was good. We are going to make that joke forever." Jensen laughs and you try not to smile but it's not use.

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