You Weren't Supposed To See This

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Pulling into the police station, you yank the keys out of the ignition and don't even wait for the boys before you start moving at a strict pace. "Deputy Morgan, we have new evidence." You move past the front desk and immediately to an open office that held the master mind known as Deputy Micheal Morgan. He had always been friends with Jensen and you, feeling like an uncle to you almost. He has also known JJ since before she was born and he just so happens to be the best investigator at the station as well. 

The deputy pokes his head out his door to give a warm smile to the three bodies heading in his direction. "(Y/n), hey sweetheart, how's it going?" He asks and wraps you in a big hug. Keeping his arm wrapped around your shoulder, he shakes Jensen's and Matt's hands. "I wish I could say any better." You say as he leads you into his office and into one of his soft chairs. The office is filled with two white boards, covered in information about JJ and Jeff. "Well, you're out of the hospital at least. Gave your hubby quite a scare." Deputy chuckles and you feel Jensen's hand pet down the back of your head and rest gently on your shoulder, massaging you gently.

"Yeah, a huge scare. She actually just got released and is supposed to be resting right now." You tilt your head back to meet Jensen's green eyes. He brushes the hair across your forehead and you softly smile. "Well, my daughter is still out there," you state as you bring your head back down to face Deputy Morgan. "and we got some new information." You pull your phone from your pocket and hand it to him. "Jeff called me just less that half an hour ago. His number is on there and the message was recorded too if that helps, it's in my files. I turned the call recorder on when I was in the car on the way home, thinking that Jeff may call. I am very glad I thought of it." You watch Deputy Morgan hook your cell up to his computer. 

"Okay, I am going to save your files and this number and have the I.T. guys check this out for us. I am also going to place a tracker on your phone so that we can locate your phone where ever you are and so we can locate calls faster in case Jeff calls anytime." He hands you back you cell and you stuff it in your jacket as you slide it off. "Whoa, why are you taking your jacket off?" Jensen stopped you. 

"Well we are going to be here for a while, might as well got comfortable." You finish sliding off your jacket, hanging it over your chair and stand in front of Jensen. "I thought we were just dropping off the call information and heading home. (Y/n), you have to be taking care of yourself and those babies. That mean getting the rest you need and the nutrition you need." Jensen cups your cheek but you grab his hands and hold them in your own. 

"Jensen, I am staying here for how very long it takes to get some new information from that number. And besides, I can still get some nutrition here. The vending machine near the bathrooms have the best fruit snacks. So, I will be right back after I pee and grab some food while we wait." And before Jensen can reply, you give him a quick kiss and scoot out of the room before he can stop you. 

As you make your way down the hall to the bathroom, you greet almost everyone at the station and thank them all for helping Deputy Morgan with your missing daughter. 

Jensen POV

"Jesus, that women is going to kill me from worry one of these days." I slide my hand down my face and face Matt and Deputy Morgan. "She's gonna kill you a few times." Matt states while he begins to slide off his jacket. 

"Well, I'll tell you two. (Y/n) is one of the strongest, if not thee strongest person that I have ever seen. Her dedication runs for miles and he passion shoots past the stars. That girl has been to hell and back so many times, and I am making it my mission to find your daughter, Jensen. I know how much that little girl means to you two, and this whole station." Deputy Morgan walks over to me and grabs me for a hug. "We're going to find her, don't worry." 

"Thanks Mike," I say and we pull apart. "Now, Matt told me earlier that he sent a video here that was sent to the house from Jeff, regarding JJ. Now, I don't want (Y/n) to see it, but I do."  My jaw tightened at the thought of what was on this horrid video.

"Jensen, I'm not sure you should-" I cut Mike off. "No, I need to see it." I looked at the Deputy then to Matt. "Alright, you can follow me down the hall." I do as he says and get set up with a laptop in a smaller room with Matt. "Just come back to the office when you're done boys." Mike moves out of the room, but doesn't close the door all the way....

Your POV

"God, if you guys are pushing on my bladder this much now, I'm nervous for how I'm going to feel in the next few months getting closer to my due date." You rub your belly after you step out of the bathroom. Letting out a breath, you turn to your right and head to the vending machine, getting two bags of fruit snacks, a package of gold fish and a cheese stick. Satisfied with your snacks you head back down to Deputy Morgan's office. Mindlessly eating your fruit snacks, hear someone cry as you pass by an almost closed interrogation room. Stopping to spy through the crack, you see what looks to be the backs of Jensen's and Matt's heads. Slowly and as quietly as you could, you set your snacks outside the door on a chair and push the door open to see what they were looking at. 

As you sneak into the room, moving closer to the two you hear the cries getting louder and the image on the computer screen get clearer. It was JJ. It was your daughter crying for you and her daddy. "W- What the hell are you two watching?" You bark, freezing Jensen and Matt in their stance. Jensen pauses the video and turns to face you. His eyes are filled with tears and more continue to leak out. "Babe, before you fre-" "Before I FREAK?! Of course I am going to freak! That was my daughter on there. What is that?" You move forwards to the laptop but Jensen slides in from your reach. 

"(Y/n), please. Don't watch this. Jeff sent this to the house earlier and Matt brought it here to be scanned. He called me about it but I didn't want you seeing it." Jensen sniffs and wipes the water under his eyes. "Move over Jay. I am seeing that goddamn video, right now!" You push and Matt goes to grab your arms but you hold your hands up. "Matty, let- let me see that video. Please, Matty." You cry towards your brother and he breaks every time he hears your cry. "Jay, she deserves to see it. She's not going to like it, but she has a right." Matt clapped Jensen on the shoulder and Jensen lowered his head, standing up to let you sit. 

Slowly you walked over and made yourself relax before pressing restart, then... play.


Enjoy this chapter?!??

I love fruit snacks so freakin' much! Anyone else? 

Or better yet, what are your favorite snacking foods? Let me know in the comments!

I'm pardon to some beef jerky and gummy bears!

Thanks guys!


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