Chapter 3

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Author's Note:
This one is a little bit shorter than my others... by a lot. But I hope that you enjoy and I'll try to get the next chapter out as soon as possible.
Also, I still haven't found a transcript so if you find one and can send me a link that would be great. :)

Oka Ruriko's POV:
"Dorm inspections? Why do we have to do that? It's not like any of us have some weird shrines or anything." I said when Kaname said that Yuki and Zero would be by later today to check all of our bedrooms.
"Are you kidding me? Have you seen Hanabusa's room?" Akatsuki asked.
"What?" I asked.
Akatsuki pulled Aido and me aside and started to talk about how Aido should clean his room.
"How do you not have a cleanroom? You even cleaned my room one time because you felt like it." I stated.  
Aido looked at me and sighed. "Fine, I'll clean it. Just don't laugh at me when you see it."
I nodded and he led us to his bedroom and opened the door. Everywhere was just broken junk.
"Okay... do you mind explaining why there's a ton of broken junk in your bedroom?" I questioned.
Aido gasped and looked at me in shock. "This isn't junk! These are my treasures! Objects that Lord Kaname has used his wonderful powers on."
I fell over laughing. "Y-you're obsessed w-with Kaname!" Tears started coming out as I rolled on the floor laughing.
"I'm not obsessed with him! I just appreciate his magnificence." He said defensively which made me laugh even harder.
I zoned out of their conversation because I was laughing so hard when suddenly I heard the sound of glass shattering and I instantly stopped laughing and got up to see Aido dive down to pieces of glass from the light fittings.
"Oh! This can be added to my collection!" Aido exclaimed.
I saw Kaname glaring at him and I giggled slightly. "Looks like you're gonna have to clean up, Aido."
He groaned and I laughed again as I exited the room and sat on the window seat just outside of his room, watching as Senri, Takuma and Akatsuki carried out boxes of Aido's things from his room. Aido himself was nearby, tearing up at seeing all of his precious 'treasures' leave his bedroom. Kaname was near me, looking out the window.
I looked out the window to see what he was looking at and saw Yuki and Zero walking towards the dorms when suddenly Yuki stopped walking and turned to Zero.
He seemed pissed off.
Yuki fell over and Zero caught her, causing both of them to fall to the ground. Yuki grabbed something out of his jacket pocket as they both stood up and observed it. She said something when Zero snatched back the thing, it looked sort of like a blood tablet box, and stormed away.
Yuki chased after him and they both left the Moon Dorms.
"I guess we won't be having inspections today after all." I mused.
"Does that mean I got rid of all of my precious possessions for nothing?" Aido asked appalled.
Kaname glared at him and he shrunk away.
I giggled. "This is what you get for teasing me about the yaoi manga."
He groaned and walked away. I laughed and followed.
"You know, Aido. I don't think you want me to fall for you. Maybe you want Lord Kaname too." I smirked.
"Shut up Oka. Why don't you go and bother Takuma and Senri with their relationship." He groaned as he continued to walk.
I fake pouted. "Don't you like talking to me?"
He looked at me and stopped walking. "How could I say no to you? You're so adorable."
I laughed. "Thank you. I do try."
"You know, Oka, you're not what I expected you to be. I expected you to be more like Lord Kaname. More uptight. But you're not." He stated, smiling.
"Is that a good thing?" I asked.
He nodded. "I think it is."
I smiled at him and we continued to walk, making little jokes about one another.
Kaname Kuran's POV:
It felt so weird to see Oka walk off with Hanabusa. I wasn't jealous of him or anything, I love Yuki after all. It's just that, she hasn't communicated with really anyone and yet she does so with ease.
And all though she may deny it, I can see that she is truly falling in love with Hanabusa Aido.
But if he hurts her, then I shall have to kill him myself.
Oka Ruriko's POV:
We were in class, Kaname had to go talk to the Headmaster about something so we were all just talking about random things until we smelled it.
No one knew who's blood it was, but I did, and so did Aido.
It was the blood of Yuki Cross.
I felt my eyes go red and a hand grabbed mine, I looked to my left to see Aido looking at me concerned.
"Oka. You have to calm down." He said softly, gripping my hand a little tighter.
I nodded slightly, gripping his hand and I closed my eyes, resting my head on his shoulder, trying to ignore the smell of something so delicious.
I could tell that Aido was having a difficult time with it as well. But instead of focusing on himself, he decided to help me. And that was probably a good idea, I could've made it to the source of blood in under a second. It's good that he kept me grounded.
I appreciate that.
I appreciate him.

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