Chapter 12

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Oka Ruriko's POV:

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Oka Ruriko's POV:

I was lying in my bed, the sweating had gone down a lot, and I haven't been vomiting that much. It was about five days since Kaname had revealed to Aido and I that I was pregnant, and as far as he knew, I wouldn't live through the end of the week. But I was determined to prove him wrong, I had to be alive for Aido... and for our unborn child.

Whenever I walked around outside of the dorms, I had noticed that Yuki always seemed to be following me where ever I went and to be honest, I was beginning to get annoyed. Even if I was with Aido and we wanted to be alone she would always be there like a shadow. 

This was how everyone was acting around me as if I needed protection, even Aido. I just felt like I was going to end up snapping and hurting someone, and I definitely did not want that person to be Aido or Yuki because Kaname would kill me if I had ever hurt Yuki and I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

I heard my door open and turned my head slightly to see who it was that was walking in. I saw that it was Zero and I sighed, returning my gaze back to the ceiling. 

"What is it that you want, Zero?" I asked.

"I wanted to know what it is that you know about Shizuka," he replied.

I laughed slightly. "I might be dying and you want me to spend my possible last moments reminiscing about a heartless monster who abused me as a child?"

His eyes widened slightly. "You're dying?"

I sat up and swung my legs over the edge of the bed. "It doesn't matter. Perhaps we should go for a walk while I tell you what I know. Perhaps if you're with me Yuki will finally leave me alone."

He nodded as I stood up and he finally took in my appearance. I knew that I looked horrible, for the past five days I could barely leave my bed so my hair was mattered and I looked pale and had dark circles under my eyes. 

"Will Aido let you leave with me?" Zero asked.

I glanced out the window and saw that it was night time outside. "Don't worry, he'll be in the class by now."

We walked out of my bedroom, down the stairs and out of the Moon Dorms. I looked around and noticed that Yuki was nowhere in sight and sighed in relief. I'll finally feel somewhat free of a guard.

"When I met Shizuka, she was just another one of my parent's friends. After a week of knowing her, my parents made her my tutor because they couldn't be bothered to teach me anything themselves and Shizuka took an... interest in me. Around a month or two, after she became my tutor, she took me to some cherry blossom trees because she wanted me to do a favour for her. She was the first person in my life that had trusted me to help with whatever they needed," I paused slightly and took a breath, "The favour that she wanted me to do is to get the attention of two little boys who were training to become vampire hunters. Zero and Ichiru Kiryu children being trained to be killing machines by vampire hunter Toga Yagari."

Zero took a slight breath. "Why did you have to get our attention."

I shrugged. "Shizuka never told me, and I was always taught to listen to my elders."

We had now made it to the fountain where Aido and I usually sit down and talk to each other while ditching class or after class. I smiled sadly as I thought about how I may never get the chance to do that with Aido again. 

"When I overheard a conversation between my mother and Shizuka, I discovered that the reason why I was to get your attention is so then Shizuka could plant herself into your lives and then kill your parents and take you and Ichiru as trophies of killing two of the most powerful vampire hunters in the world. I disagreed and said that I wouldn't take any part in the plot, but I, of course, was punished and made to participate anyway," I paused and looked at him. "I still remember the look of hatred you gave me that night when you thought that it was I who had killed your parents. But ironically only a few weeks later I would be ripping my own parents apart."

"Oka!" I heard Aido call out and I cringed as I turned around to find him giving me a look of protection, glaring at Zero. "You should be resting in bed."

"Aido, I'm fine," I tried calming him down as he continued to glare at Zero with his hands clenched. When I saw that he wasn't calming down I turned to Zero. "Perhaps you should leave, Zero. Go and see what Yuki is doing."

Zero hesitated slightly before turning around and walking away. I looked back to Aido to see that he was already staring at me with concern. 

"Why aren't you in bed, Oka. You should be resting," Aido stated.

I gave him a small smile. "I feel fine, Aido. Zero just wanted to know what I knew about Shizuka."

He sighed and pulled me into his chest, hugging me. "I know that you're fine, Oka. I'm just worried about you. It's been five days and Kaname said that you may only have a week."

I pulled back slightly so then I could look into his beautiful blue eyes and smiled. "Kaname has been wrong before Aido. I will be perfectly fine and live out the rest of my life with you and our child."

He smiled at me and pulled me in for a sweet and loving kiss that only lasted for a few seconds but felt magical. He suddenly picked me up bridal style and carried me back to my room in the dorms. I laughed slightly and he sat me down softly on the bed. He laid down next to me and I snuggled into his side as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

I fell asleep listening to his calming heartbeat and his soft breaths. 

Hanabusa Aido's POV:

I smiled down at Oka's sleeping form and felt her snuggle closer to me in her sleep. I sighed slightly and closed my eyes in order to try and fall asleep. Suddenly the potent smell of Kaname's blood drifted through the air. Oka must've smelt it as well, because she woke up and sat up, smelling the air.

"Kaname," she muttered. 

I sat up and rubbed her back slightly. "Let's go and check on the others, Oka."

She nodded and we got off of the bed and downstairs to find the others.

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