Chapter 10

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Oka Ruriko's POV:

I woke up to someone's arms wrapped around me. I smiled and rolled over on the bed to see Aido's sleeping face. He looked so peaceful, and calm. Which was sort of weird, I was so used to seeing him hyperactive. I snuggled into his chest more and sighed, a happy sigh, closing my eyes.

I feel like I slightly overreacted yesterday when we were dancing. What he said was meant as an innocent comment, but I made it more.

I sighed and sat up, getting out of bed but being careful not to wake Aido. I walked over to my bathroom and entered, going directly to the basin on the far wall and splashed cold water on to my face. I looked into the mirror and saw how horrible I looked; my skin was pale, there were dark shadows under my eyes and my usually lustrous hair was limp and looked dead.

I sighed and walked over to the bath, putting the plug in and began to fill it with warm water. I sighed and stripped out of my white lace nightgown. Two arms wrapped around me and I saw Aido's blond hair settle on to my shoulder as he nuzzled into my neck.

"Good morning, my beautiful Oka," He said in his sexy 'I-just-woke-up' voice.

I smiled softly. "Good morning, my love."

"Were you planning on having a bath without me?" He asked pulling away from me and looking at me with innocent eyes.

I laughed slightly. "I wasn't aware I had to wait for you to finally wake up in order for me to bathe."

He shrugged. "I thought it'd be worth a shot."

"Hmmm...." I smirked slightly and pulled away from Aido's hold and stepped into the bath, turning off the tap, I looked at Aido and gave an innocent look. "Well, aren't you going to join me?"

He smirked and stripped out of his clothes and got into the bath with me. He hovered over me slightly and brushed his lips on mine. I closed my eyes and gripped on to his shoulders, deepening the kiss. I felt Aido's hands trailing over my body and his lips moved from my lips to my jaw and down my neck. 

I moaned slightly and tilted my head back in order to give him more room. He kissed and sucked on my neck until he left little bruises, marking me as his territory. As my mate, he's just as territorial and protective over me as I am over him. 

I heard some water splash over the edge of the bath as I re-adjusted our position quickly so then I was hovering over him. He smiled at me and leaned up to kiss me. I smiled into the kiss and deepened it. 

~After the bath ;)~

I wrapped myself in the white fluffy robe and exited the bathroom going to my wardrobe while Aido was getting out of the bath. I looked for something to wear, technically it was a school night and I had to wear my school uniform, but I just didn't feel like wearing such an uptight uniform. I grabbed out a dark grey oversized sweater and black jeans. 

"You look dashing, my love," I heard Aido say.

I turned around and saw Aido standing there with a towel around his waist. "I could say the same about you, but you better go get changed. We have class after all."

Aido pouted and suddenly appeared in front of me. "But I don't want to go to class."

"Kaname would have our heads if we didn't show up."

He wrapped his arms around me. "But imagine all of the fun we could have."

"We could do that, and then die. Or... we could go to class, not be killed by our Dorm President, and then have some fun after."

He tilted his head to the side, almost pondering the idea and the smiled. "Fine. You drive a hard bargain, Oka Ruriko."

I laughed slightly and unwrapped his arms from around me. "Then you better get ready for class."

He smiled and pecked my lips one more time before he disappeared from my room. I smiled softly after his retreating figure and then looked in the mirror at my vanity. I still looked dreadful, my skin still pale and the dark shadows were still very visible under my eyes. I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to make it seem a little bit more lively, but I didn't succeed.

I sighed and decided that I was ready and that my appearance wasn't going to get any better. I pulled on sneakers and put on a beanie, trying to hide the fact that my hair was dying. I exited my bedroom and went down the stairs to see that Akatsuki, Kaname, Takuma, Senri and Ruma were sitting and standing there. 

They all looked up to see me walking down the stairs and all of them except for Kaname looked shocked at my appearance.

"Are you okay, Oka?" Takuma asked slowly and in a weary tone.

I looked at him and gave a smile. "Of course, why wouldn't I be?"

"It's just that..." Takuma hesitated.

"You look horrible," Senri finished his boyfriend's sentence. 

Everyone looked from Senri to me, back to Senri and then finally looked at me to see how I would react to such a statement. 

I laughed. "Yeah, I know. I'm just not feeling the best right now."

They all seemed to visibly relax and I heard footsteps come down the stairs. I turned my head to see Aido walk down the stairs with Ruka. I tensed a bit and the only person who seemed to notice was Kaname. When they reached the bottom of the stairs, Ruka walked over to Akatsuki and Aido walked over to me. 

"Well then, shall we go to class?" Kaname asked. 

We all nodded and followed Kaname out of the dorms and into the fangirl screaming of the day class. I looked around and noticed that 'Maria' wasn't with us.

I frowned but continued onwards to class. Maybe this was all apart of whatever plan Kaname had planned.

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