Chapter 11

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Oka Ruriko's POV:

At the class, there was nothing happening. Aido and I sat next to each other while the others chatted with each other. My vision had been spinning the whole time that we've been there and the walk there as well.

"Are you okay, Oka?" Aido asked me, rubbing my back.

I nodded slightly and that made me want to vomit. I shook my head no and ran out of the class and to the garden, which I ended up vomiting in. Aido was by my side in a second and held back my hair for me. I stopped vomiting and leaned back, wiping my mouth with the back of my sleeve with tears running down my face. 

"Oka, what's wrong? And don't even try to say you're okay because I just watched you vomit everything you've ingested in the past few hours," Aido said in a concerned tone while rubbing my back.

"I don't know. I don't know what's happening to me," I sobbed, my hands shaking.

He hugged me, my head leaning on his shoulder and him stroking my hair lovingly. "Shhh... it's okay. I'll take you to your room and then get Kaname. Okay?"

I nodded and he lifted me up and ran me to my dorm room. In only a second or two I was laying on my plush bed. Aido placed a bucket next to me and left to go get Kaname. I could feel my clammy, sweaty skin against the faux fur comforter and it felt disgusting. I felt a cold hand on my forehead and I lashed out, grabbing the person's wrist and flipping them over, snarling at them. 

After a second, I realised that I was pinning Kaname to the bed and that Aido was trying to pull me off of him.  I let go of Kaname and let Aido pull me off of him, I got Aido to let go of me and I ran to the corner of the room, pulling my knees to my chest and held my head in my hands. Kaname kneeled down in front of me and took my hands away from my face.

"Oka, look at me," He observed my face for a few moments.

"What's wrong with her, Lord Kaname?" Aido asked him.

Kaname stood up. "She's pregnant."

~The next morning~

I woke up a few hours after Kaname dropped the bomb onto Aido and me, Midori was wiping my forehead with a damp cloth. 

"Midori?" I questioned, slightly dazed. 

She smiled at me. "Oh, you're awake, Oka. You've been asleep for awhile. Lord Kaname told everyone else not to disturb you, even Hanabusa Aido. He told me to look over you and make sure your temperature is stable."

I sat up quickly and grabbed the bucket that was next to the bed and vomited my own blood. I felt Midori sat down next to me on the bed and pat my back as I vomited. I eventually stopped and put the bucket down, wiping my mouth on the back of my sleeve.

"Get me Aido, Midori," I said in a dark tone.

Midori hesitated. "But Oka, Lord Kaname said-"

"I don't care what Kaname freaking said Midori, go and get Aido!" I exclaimed.

She stood up, bowed and then left the room. I laid my head back down onto the sweat-soaked pillow and waited for Midori to come back with Aido. 

I don't remember any of the other aristocrat or pureblood vampires getting this sick while pregnant. 

I heard the door open and felt the bed sink down next to me. 

"Oka. Are you okay?" I heard Aido ask as he brushed my bangs away from my forehead.

I opened my eyes and smiled at him. "Hey, I missed you."

He gave me a soft smile. "You were only asleep for about three hours, my love."

"I still missed you."

Aido laughed slightly. "Okay. Are you feeling better?"

I was about to answer but instead of words coming out, more blood did. I grabbed the bucket again and that continued for about another minute. 

"I'm going to take that as a no..." Aido said slowly.

I laughed slightly. "I think that I might need to see Kaname."

Aido stood up. "I will go get him for you my love."

He ran out of the room and I could hear his footsteps slowly fade away as he went downstairs. I didn't vomit within the amount of time between Aido leaving and him returning with Kaname following behind him with a concerned look in his eyes.

"What is wrong, Oka?" Kaname asked as he kneeled next to the bed where I was laying down.

"Why is it effecting me so much?" I asked softly.

Kaname sighed. "When a member of your particular bloodline becomes pregnant, then she falls gravely ill. Most die before the baby is even born, but some lucky ones survive through it."

"So Oka might die?" Aido asked Kaname in a worried tone.

Kaname avoided eye contact with the both of us and stood up. "If she is unlucky then she will be dead by the end of the week."

He left my bedroom and Aido grabbed my hand in his. "I'm sorry, Oka."

Yuki Cross's POV:

I was in the Headmaster office when Kaname walked in with a look I've only seen once or twice. A look of concern.

"Kaname? Are you okay?" I questioned.

Kaname took a deep breath. "Headmaster Cross, I have news about Lady Oka Ruriko. She is pregnant with Aido Hanabusa's child. By the end of the week, she may be dead."

I gasped. Oka may die? Oka's pregnant? When did all of this even happen?

Headmaster Cross sighed and took off his glasses, rubbing her eyes. "Make sure you give her the best medical treatment possible. And keep Maria away from her," he turned to look at me. "Yuki, you will act as Oka's personal guard. If she leaves the moon dorm at any time even with another vampire, go with her."

I nodded and saluted to him. "Sir, yes sir."

I gave him a bright smile and ran out of the room to find Oka.

Kaname Kuran's POV:

"Are you sure it's wise for you to choose Yuki as Oka's guard. I could assign Aido, they are mates after all he would do anything to protect her," I stated to the Headmaster.

The Headmaster looked at me. "Absolutely, Kaname. Yuki will be excellent as a guard."

"Very well."

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