Chapter 8

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Zero Kiryu's POV:


Ichiru and I were walking through the cherry blossoms when suddenly we saw a little girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes sitting on the edge of the path. Ichiru went to walk up to the girl, but I grabbed his arm and held him back.

"Ichiru, no. She's a vampire." I stated, shaking my head.

Ichiru looked at me and frowned. "You always have been better at sensing the vampires than me."

I gave him a small smile and Led him away from the small girl, who had looked up at us with sadness in her eyes. I looked at her and slightly behind her, I saw a woman who had long silver hair and was wearing a traditional kimono.

~Flashback end~

Maria reached out to try and touch Yuki's face, but I quickly pulled Yuki back, away from Maria. Maria smiled at us and walked away and I turned to Yuki, giving her a stern look.

"Stay away from Maria, Yuki. I have a bad feeling about that girl." I warned.

She gave me a small smile and I turned around and walked away.

~The next morning~

Oka Ruriko's POV:

For the first time in the past few days, I woke up without Aido laying asleep next to me. It made me feel sad.

I got out of the bed and heard the door open. I turned around to see Midori enter my bedroom. She gave me a kind smile and I returned it.

"Good morning, Oka. I'm guessing that you slept well?" Midori questioned, as she walked to my closet.

I nodded. "Yes, I did. I must admit, however, that I did not enjoy waking up to see that Aido was not here." I heard her giggle slightly as I sat down on the daybed near my window and sighed, leaning back, closing my eyes. "What was that Midori?"

"Nothing, Oka. Just that you seem to be getting very attached to Aido." She paused for a second. "Have the two of you even classified what the relationship is between the two of you? Has he even asked you to the ball tonight yet?"

"I'm sure that he's planning to. But we don't have to define what our relationship is. We both love each other and that's all that matters." I stated with confidence.

Midori came out of my closet, carefully holding my dress in her arms and then laid it out on my bed. "Is that really all that matters? Because what if you don't define your relationship and one of you have doubts about your relationship and what it is." She walked back to my closet and grabbed me an outfit for the day. Since the dance was tonight, we didn't have our classes tonight.

She came back out and handed me my clothes. I went to the folding screen, going behind it and began to get dressed.

I shook my head and smiled slightly. "But that won't happen, Midori. Trust me. Aido loves me and I love him." I hesitated slightly before continuing. "We have shared blood, Midori. I do believe that that defines our relationship enough."

Midori stopped what she was doing and snapped her head towards me. "Aido dared to drink your blood? The blood of a pureblood vampire?" She asked, furious.

"Don't worry, Midori. I let him willingly." I said softly as I came back out from the folding screen and sat back down at my spot, putting on my shoes and necklace.

She closed her eyes and sighed, then she opened her eyes again. "Just know, Oka, that if he dares to harm you in any way, I will be the one to end him."

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