Chapter 14

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I sighed while we were sitting in class. This was my first night back since we had discovered that I was pregnant, and all of the Night Class was smothering me with care, that was until I had snapped and then all of them except Hanabusa had backed off. I sat my head on my desk, my appearance had recovered dramatically and I was now back to looking like my normal self. 

"Excuse me, everyone," Kaname said and everyone looked up at him immediately, "I need you all to do me a favour."

I sighed and rolled my eyes, turning in my seat to look at Kaname. I had gotten Hanabusa to agree not to tell anyone, not that it took much convincing. 

"I need all of you to protect Zero Kiryu from the vampires sent by the Senate," Kaname said. 

My eyes widened. So that's who Kaname had framed.

"Lord Kaname, are you sure?" Ruka questioned. 

"Yes Ruka, this is a top priority," Kaname answered. 

I sighed and stood up as everyone else bowed to Kaname. I rolled my eyes and left the class, going to where I could sense Zero and Yuki's presence. Zero still didn't like me, but he had grown to at least tolerate my presence, realising that I wasn't here to hurt anyone, probably also seeing me as less of a threat due to my pregnancy. 

I found Yuki and Zero surrounded by vampires from the Senate and sighed. I appeared in front of them and waved my hand slightly, ripping the vampire about to attack them into shreds, killing him instantly. 

"Oka?" Yuki questioned. 

I ignored her and turned to who seemed to be the main vampire of the group. "What is your business here?"

His eyes widened when he realised who I was. "Lady Ruriko, I was informed that you were dying." 

"Well, obviously you were informed wrong," I said, my eyes beginning to glow red, "Now, do not make me ask again, what is your business at Cross Academy?"

"We are here for the termination of the vampire Zero Kiryu for the murder of pureblood vampire Shizuka Hio," he answered. 

I laughed slightly and he looked at me as if I was crazy. "Well, that isn't going to happen. Zero is under the protection of this academy," I stated, "And since that is the case, that means that he is under the protection of not only me but Lord Kaname Kuran as well as the rest of the vampires who reside here."

He sighed. "The Senate will not be happy with this."

"Then let them not be happy," I smirked, "I would love to see them try to take me on, if I really wanted to I could kill you all right now and not even break a sweat."

I sensed the presence of the rest of the Night Class, including Kaname and Hanabusa begin to surround us. 

"That may be, Lady Ruriko, however," he looked up at me, his nails beginning to extend, "I must follow through with the orders given to me."

I sighed and let him come at me, then he was suddenly encased in ice and crushed. I smirked as the Night Class revealed themselves and Hanabusa came over to check on me to make sure I wasn't harmed. 

"I'm fine, Aido," I said, reassuring my vampire. 

Kaname began to talk to the rest of the Senate vampires, sending them away, basically declaring war on the Senate. They all left and Kaname sent the rest of the Night Class students back to class and I took Hanabusa's hand, leading him to our fountain. 

"We have the gala tomorrow," I sighed. 

"We do, it will be your first official outing since returning, Oka. Are you nervous?" Hanabusa asked me. 

I smiled at him. "With you there, I couldn't ever be nervous because I know that I'll be alright."

He smiled at me and leaned in, kissing my lips delicately. The kiss was full of love and adoration. I had meant what I said about knowing I would always be okay if Hanabusa was there, I knew that he would protect me with his life, and I also knew that I would protect him with mine. 

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