Chapter 19

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When I woke up, Hanabusa was not by my side. I frowned and looked out the window to see that it was day time and was unsure of where he could possibly be. I got up and got dressed in a white sweater and black jeans before leaving my room to go find Hanabusa. I eventually found him standing outside of the school infirmary and I frowned, walking up to him. 

"What are you doing here, Aido?" I questioned.

He looked at me and sighed, not moving from where he was leaning against the wall. "Lord Kaname has me guarding Yuki since she's his lover now."

My eyes widened. "Since when was that a thing?"

He shrugged. "Last night."

I hummed slightly and joined Hanabusa leaning against the wall. We were in comfortable silence when suddenly a very familiar silver-haired boy rounded the corner and tried to enter the infirmary before Hanabusa stopped him.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing? There's a girl recovering in there," Hanabusa said, narrowing his eyes at the boy. 

The boy turned to us and my eyes widened when I realised who it was and he also looked shocked to see me but brushed it off. 

"I have a headache and just came to get some medicine," Ichiru said, placing a hand on his forehead. 

I narrowed my eyes but we let him into the infirmary. After a few seconds, I kicked off from the wall and entered the infirmary to see Ichiru about to put something into Yuki's mouth. I quickly grabbed his wrist and yanked the vial of what looked like blood out of his hand. 

"What do you think you're doing, Ichiru?" I questioned him. 

He shrugged my hand off of him and turned and left, passing Hanabusa who was glaring at him. I looked down at Yuki who had woken up during all of the commotions. 

"You don't even know how much danger you were in do you? What does Lord Kaname even see in you?" Hanabusa exclaimed, seemingly appalled at Yuki's obliviousness.

"Hanabusa Aido!" I scolded. 

Hanabusa looked at me then at Yuki and left the room, going back to standing outside of the room. I looked back at Yuki who seemed to be confused by what had just happened. She looked up at me but didn't know what to say. I huffed slightly and left the room, walking past Hanabusa and to Kaname's room at the Night Dorms, knowing that he would like to know about what happened with Ichiru.

I entered Kaname's room to see him looking out of the window. 

"Hanabusa and I walked in on Ichiru Kiryu trying to give this to Yuki," I said, handing him the vial, "I know whose blood that is Kaname, where did they get it?"

Kaname glared down at the vial and crushed it, causing it to turn into dust. "Because, Rido Kuran is still very much alive, just resurrecting."

My eyes widened and I took a step back. "You told me he was dead, Kaname."

He shrugged. "He will be soon enough."

I glared at him and exited the room. I saw Kaname leave the dorms and rolled my eyes. I decided to go sit in the foyer where no one else was. I grabbed a book and began reading. I was sitting there for hours before Hanabusa came in and saw me there. He smiled at me and picked me up. 

"What are you doing, Aido?" I asked, giggling.

"Taking my lovely mate to her bedroom so then she can rest comfortably," he said, beaming down at me.

I laughed slightly but decided to just snuggle into his chest. He placed me down on my plush bed and laid down next to me. At some stage, we both fell asleep in each other's arms. 

We had no idea what was coming within the next few hours.

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