Chapter 5

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Oka Ruriko's POV:
I wasn't quite sure what I would call the relationship between Aido and I. After we kissed, we acted... different around each other. I didn't know how to act and Aido was very clingy.
We were in the sitting area along with Akatsuki, Takuma and Senri, discussing plans for Takuma's birthday party.
"Aren't you excited to be having a birthday party, Takuma?" I asked excitedly.
I was on the sofa next to Aido one second and the next second I was in front of Takuma smiling brightly.
He laughed slightly. "You seem more excited about the party than I am, Lady Ruriko."
"Please call me Oka. And I've always loved birthday parties! They're just so much fun!" I beamed.
"Well, Lady Ruriko, you will most certainly enjoy mine then. We'll probably even throw one for you this year as well." Takuma said, smiling brightly.
"Really?" I asked softly. "I get a birthday party?"
"Have you never had a birthday party before, Lady Ruriko?" Takuma asked softly.
I shook my head no and he gave me a small smile.
"Then you shall get one this year!" Takuma exclaimed.
I slowly smiled widely and hugged Takuma. I felt two pairs of eyes burning into us so I pulled away after only a second to see Senri glaring at me and Aido glaring at Takuma.
"Thank you so much, Takuma!" I exclaimed bowing.
He laughed. "No problem, Lady Ruriko. It's what friends do."
"Friends...?" I asked.
"Yes. Friends." He paused. "Anyone who reads manga, and yaoi manga at that, is a friend of mine."
My smile went even wider and I returned to my seat between Akatsuki and Aido.
"Takuma, Senri, I need you to go to town and take care of a Level E for me," Kaname said from the top of the staircase.
Takuma and Senri stood up from the sofa. "Of course Kaname," Takuma said.
Senri nodded and they both left the room. Akatsuki quickly moved to the sofa that they were previously.
"Oh thank god. I thought I would be squashed to death by you two." He sighed.
"We were barely touching you!" Aido exclaimed.
Akatsuki laughed. "You're right. I mean Oka is practically sitting on top of you, Hanabusa."
I blushed bright pink and looked away. "I don't know what you're talking about."
I felt an arm go around my shoulders as Aido pulled me closer to him.
"Aww. Oka is blushing!" Aido exclaimed.
"Shut up," I muttered.
Akatsuki laughed again and stood up. "Well, I'm going to go check on Ruka. I'll see you two later."
Akatsuki walked away, leaving Aido and me alone, with Aido's arm still around me.
"So, Oka, what shall we do together while we have time to kill?" Aido asked me.
"I-I'm not sure, Aido. What do you think we should do?" I asked softly.
"Hmm. I have an idea." He whispered into my ear.
My eyes widened when he quickly forced me to look him in the eyes and kissed me. His arm moved from its position around me and he moved both of his hands to my hips. My own arms went around his neck, my hands joining together.
I pulled away and put my forehead on his. "What are we doing, Aido?" I asked softly.
"I'm not sure, Oka." He replied softly. "But... I think that... I may have... feelings for you that are more than just friends."
I giggled slightly. "I figured that, Hanabusa."
"The question is, Oka, is do you have those same feelings for me?" He asked me softly, looking into my eyes.
I hesitated slightly and then pulled away from him. "Aido... I really do like you..." I paused. "But Aido, you have to understand that I don't know how to define my feelings, so I can't say for sure if I return your feelings."
He stood up. "Okay."
"No. It's okay, Oka. I understand." Aido said softly.
He walked away and I sighed and placed my head in my hands. I felt a single tear go down my face. After that single tear, a waterfall streamed down.
"Why do I always mess everything up?" I whispered to myself.
~At Takuma's birthday party~
I was dressed in a black dress that went to my mid-thigh and it had one shoulder. My hair was in a bun and I had winged eyeliner and red lipstick.
I walked down the stairs of the Moon Dorms to the sitting area to see Akatsuki and Aido sitting on the two sofas there.
"Hello, Oka. How are you?" Akatsuki asked me.
I fidgeted awkwardly but smiled. "I'm well, thank you, Akatsuki."
Aido had tensed slightly since I came into the room but had given me a small smile anyway.
"Lord Kaname has asked us to escort Zero and Yuki to the party from the entrance of the Moon Dorms, so we should probably go," Aido stated.
I nodded. "Right."
We all walked out and to the gates. When we reached them, they opened and Yuki and Zero were standing there, seemingly having a very emotional conversation.
I smiled kindly at them. "Kaname has asked us to come and collect you, please follow us."
I turned and walked away without waiting for the others, knowing that they would be following closely behind me. We walked past many of the Night Class students that I haven't even met yet, I sort of just stuck with the original ones I had met.
"Are they all vampires?" I heard Yuki ask.
"Yes, they are. And please stay close to us, that is the safest place you could be." Aido answered her.
I sighed and continued walking to the main party. When we finally reached it, Takuma was at the food table, holding a glass of the disgusting blood water and was smiling at us.
I swear I can see him sparkling...
"Yuki! Zero! How lovely of you to be able to join us!" Takuma exclaimed.
"What exactly is this?" Yuki asked.
"Well, it's my birthday of course!" Takuma exclaimed.
I walked up to the food table and got a glass of the blood water and started to sip it.
"Yuki, Zero. Please join me up here." I heard Kaname say.
I watched as Zero and Yuki slowly walk through the vampires and up the stairs to where Kaname was sitting with Seiren standing closely by. They talked about something and Yuki sat down next to Kaname, where he put his arm around her and pulled her closer to him.
After a few seconds, Zero pulled out his gun and aimed it at Kaname. Within the blink of an eye, I was in front of Zero glaring at him.
"Please do put your gun away," I said.
He hesitated but slowly placed it back into his jacket.
I nodded. "Good boy." I paused and smiled. "Now we are here to celebrate our dear Dorm Vice President's birthday. Please try not to start anything."
I walked back to my spot and calmly picked up a glass of champagne and started drinking it as everyone began to go back to the party.
"That was quite an extraordinary thing to witness," Aido said as he walked up to stand next to me.
"Nonsense. Some people are just easier to control than others." I replied.
"Well, on a different topic, would you like to dance, Lady Ruriko?" He asked, holding out his hand to me.
I smiled at him and took his hand, placing down the champagne. "I would love to, Mr Aido."
He led me to the dance floor and he placed one hand on my waist and the other in my hand while I placed mine on his shoulders. We began to dance, having eye contact the whole time.
"Aido, about earlier, I want to change the answer I gave you," I said.
"Yes?" He asked, hopeful.
"I think that I do return your feelings. I just don't understand those feelings, and I'm scared of them." I revealed.
"You have no reason to be scared, Oka." He said softly. "I think I may be falling in love with you, Oka Ruriko."
My eyes widened. "Aido, I think that I may be falling in... love... with you too."
Aido leaned in and brushed his lips against mine. Both of my hands went to his shoulders and his went to my hips. I kissed him and it lasted only a few seconds, but it held so many emotions. We pulled away from each other and we both smiled.
The song ended and I grabbed his hand, pulling him to the food table. When we got to the table, I let go of his hand and grabbed two glasses of champagne and handed one to Aido. I smiled at him and he returned it.
I glanced away to see Takuma and Senri with the cake. Senri had a knife and went to cut a piece of but ended up cutting Takuma's finger.
"Did you do that on purpose, Senri?" Takuma asked.
Senri didn't answer and Takuma went to wipe his finger with a napkin. "Don't waste it," Senri said, grabbing Takuma's wrist and brought Takuma's hand to his mouth, drinking his blood.
"Wow. They really are close, aren't they?" I asked.
"Yes, they are. They've been dating for nearly the whole time that we've been at Cross Academy." Aido told me.
I smiled brightly at him. "That's cute." I finished off the champagne and grabbed Aido's hand. "Come with me."
He nodded and followed me. I led him inside and to the seating area. I sat down and Aido sat next to me. I leaned on to his shoulder and closed my eyes. I could smell his blood and it smelt good. I quickly moved so then I was straddling him.
"Your blood smells very good, Aido," I said softly, nuzzling his neck.
He leaned his head back, allowing me to have more access. "You can have some of you would like to."
I smiled and licked his neck where I was going to bite him. I sunk my fangs in and I was most definitely right.
His blood was delicious.
His grip on my hips tightened and he groaned slightly. I pulled away and my eyes were bright red and I could feel his blood on my lips. I looked into his eyes and he smiled at me.
"How did I taste, Oka?" He asked me.
"You taste very good, Aido." I moved slightly so then he had access to my neck. "Would you like some of mine?"
I felt his tongue on my neck and I closed my eyes. Right as he was about to bite me, someone entered the room.
"This is not something I expected to walk in on." I heard Kaname say from behind us.
I quickly got off of Aido, my eyes wide and turned to Kaname.
"Lord Kaname!" Aido exclaimed at the same time I exclaimed, "Kaname!"
Kaname smirked. "Don't worry you two. I'm just passing through."
He walked up the stairs and disappeared from our sight. I sat down next to Aido and I wiped off the blood from my lips.
"You know, I didn't get to taste your blood," Aido stated, moving his lips to my neck.
I smirked and stood up. "But we wouldn't want to get caught again, would we?"
"No, we would not." He agreed.
I took his hand and pulled him up. "Then I guess we should go somewhere else, shouldn't we?"
He nodded and I led him up the stairs to my room. We sat down on the love seat in the same position as we were downstairs and I kissed him.
I pulled away from the kiss and gave him access to my neck and he licked a spot and let his fangs go into my neck. I closed my eyes and gripped onto his shoulders tighter.
"How do I taste, Aido?" I asked.
He pulled away from my neck and he smiled, his lips were covered in my blood.
"You taste delicious, Oka," Aido answered.
I smiled at him and kissed him again.
This is love.

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