Chapter 15

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Author's note:

So I've been researching to try and see how long a vampire's pregnancy lasts within this universe and everywhere I look I can only find the answer of around 5 years so that's just what I'm gonna go with I guess...? (Disclaimer: I haven't read the manga due to the fact I haven't been able to find it to buy it so, therefore, everything is based off of the anime and research).

I sighed as I began to get ready for the gala, I felt like all I was doing lately was sighing. Hanabusa came around the corner and hugged me from behind, nuzzling his nose into my neck. 

"You look beautiful, Oka," he muttered.

I smiled and turned to look at him. "Thank you, Aido."

I looked at his neck and felt my eyes turn red. He smiled and leant his head back to give me access to his neck. I leant in and licked the spot I was going to bite, once my fangs pierced Hanabusa's skin, he moaned and I closed my eyes as I began to drink his blood. I only took a couple of mouth fulls as that would be enough to get me through the night then leaned back and watched as Hanabusa's wound healed. 

"I love you, Oka," Hanabusa said softly, kissing my forehead. 

I smiled. "I love you too, Hanabusa."

~~~At the gala~~~

Hanabusa had left before me for the gala as he had to go with his family and I had to make an entrance with Kaname. Rumours had begun to spread of my return, and so Kaname believed that it was the right time for me to make my official return to the vampire world as the head of the Ruriko line. 

"Come, Oka, it's time," I heard Kaname say. 

I rolled my eyes and stood up in order to follow him. He had been taking care of Yuki with the help of Takuma for the past twenty minutes, making us late to the gala. I hooked my arm around Kaname's and we entered into the ballroom with Takuma in front of us slightly. As soon as we entered, all of the vampires knelt down in respect for us, the only people not kneeling being Zero and Toga.

The vampires stood back up and I instantly made eye contact with Hanabusa as he walked towards us with his father and sister. 

"Lord Kaname, Lady Ruriko," Hanabusa's father, Nagamichi, said, "It is a pleasure to finally see you both again."

I smiled at the man. "The pleasure is all our, Nagamichi. It has been so long since I have seen you."

"Yes, Lady Ruriko. I was sorry to hear about the loss of your parents," Nagamichi stated, his voice turning sad. 

I saw Hanabusa tense and felt a warning vibe coming off of Kaname. I smiled sadly at the father of my mate. "As was I. It was such a shame."

"On a lighter note," Nagamichi said with a smile, "I am so happy to see you and Lord Kaname together, are the two of you courting?"

Hanabusa gave his father an angry look and I had to hold back my laughter. "Of course not, Nagamichi. Kaname is most definitely the man I am courting." 

Nagamichi smiled and then began to introduce his daughter to Kaname. After that, everyone took it upon themselves to begin introducing their daughters to Kaname as potential mates. I walked away, leaving Kaname with that mess and walked over to where Hanabusa was standing with a glass of champagne in his hand. 

"You look bored as hell," I said, standing next to him. 

"Not at all, Oka," he smiled, "I have you here."

I laughed slightly. I subconsciously placed a hand on my stomach and I felt Hanabusa smile at me. We watched the vampires dance and socialise, the two of us standing there in comfortable silence. I watched with careful eyes as Zero saw someone and began to follow them, leaving the ballroom. I frowned but decided I would ask him about it later, not wanting to leave Hanabusa alone. 

People had begun to leave and Nagamichi walked over to the two of us, smiling brightly. "So my lovely son is the one you've chosen to court, Lady Ruriko. I must say I am honoured that we have such a prestigious pureblood joining our family."

Hanabusa blushed. "Father!"

I laughed slightly. "But of course, Nagamichi, Hanabusa is a wonderful person. I am the one who is honoured to have such a perfect mate."

Nagamichi beamed at my words and Hanabusa blushed even more. Nagamichi talked to us a little longer until Kaname returned with Yuki in his arms and told Hanabusa and me that it was time to leave. 

We returned to Cross Academy and Hanabusa and I returned straight to my room. I slipped out of my dress and was left with no clothes on, I could feel Hanabusa's eyes on me as he watched me look for comfortable clothes to sleep in. Hanabusa suddenly appeared behind me, beginning to kiss down my neck, leaving little bites in some areas. I closed my eyes and leant back into him, moaning. 

Hanabusa led me over to the bed and began to undress. I smiled and he leant back down to kiss my lips. 

"I love you," I muttered as Hanabusa kissed all over my body.

I felt him smile against my skin and I felt at peace.

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