Chapter 5

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The moment class finished, we both practically ran towards each other. I walk outside in a hurry and find him waiting there for me. We step towards each other and just take everything in. I take a breath of relief before practically jumping into his arms.

He is shocked at my gesture but doesn’t hesitate to hug me back.

“You’re alright, thank God!” He exclaims as I cling to him. His arms tighten around me and I’ve never felt safer in my life.

“Me?” I laugh as I pull back to look at him. I’m practically in tears, that’s how happy I am. I continue to talk, “Don’t worry about me! I was so worried about you. What happened after I left? You guys got back safely, yeah?”

This time he is the one to laugh at me.

“Of course I got back fine! After you got carried away, they soon came back for me” He tells me. I smile in relief, knowing that everything went well with him.

I push my hand through my hair and continue to repeat, “You don’t know how happy I am to see you! I thought you were injured, or dead or I-“

He interrupts me, “Ana, I’m alive! Chill”

I continue to babble, “But I just want to know how – “

He interrupts me, “I’m fine Ana!”

He rolls his eyes and laughs before saying, “You stress too much!”

I cross my arms as he teases me. Acting like a little kid, I stomp my foot down and retort back, “I do not!”

This only makes him laugh again, “I’ve technically met you two times, both of which you’ve managed to have some sort of panic attack!”

I move my hand to my hip and give him a little attitude, “Hey, I almost died!”

Finn bites his lip cautiously when I say ‘died’. He stays silent for a couple of moments.

“Are you alright Finn?” I ask him eventually.

He seems to snap out of whatever state he is in, “Oh yeah, I’m fine.”

I nod my head and continue to stare at him. I feel like he’s trying to avoid something but I just don’t what. We stand their awkwardly for a couple of moments and I try to think of a conversation starter.

Luckily for me, he beats me to it.

He says, “So, how about lunch?”

I eagerly nod my head. I have so many questions I want to ask him about what happened and to be honest, I could really use a friend right now. If that is what him and I are anyway. I mean, ever since our kiss, I have no idea what we are. To be honest, I’m probably just skipping ahead of myself. Guys like Jack and Finn would kiss girls all the time and it would mean absolutely nothing to them. I was probably just another girl to Finn and despite how I feel about him now, he probably doesn’t even think about me the way I think about him.

I find myself daydreaming about him and when I snap out of my reverie I catch him staring at me confused.

I blush in embarrassment but then try to change the mood.

“I don’t know any food places around here” I tell him.

He shrugs and answers back, “that’s alright, I know a good pizza place?”

“Yeah, alright” I tell him casually, even though I’m completely fangirling on the inside. I mean, pizza with the guy I’ve liked for the past three weeks. Oh hell yes!

I only pray that he likes the same pizza as me so that we can share. Once again, I find myself thinking of Finn feeding me pizza. Damn, I really need to stop daydreaming.

He starts to lead the way to the pizza place and I follow along like a little puppy dog. I try to stay close to him. I catch a few randoms looking at us as we walk past. And when I say us, I mean Finn. Because honestly, how can you not stare at him. He’s gorgeous. And then of course, there’s me. I just don’t compare. The only looks I’m getting from people around us are stares of disgust and jealousy.

After a few twists and turns, we finally arrive to the pizza place. Finn pulls out his wallet and asks me what I want.

I look up at the menu and look for the simplest pizza I know, only because I know that Finn will hopefully want the same thing.

“Ummmm, margherita?” I ask.

He puts an eyebrow up and questions my choice, “ I would never have guessed you to be a plain girl”

“Oh, well, I just thought... I don’t know” I say nervously, desperately trying to hide the fact that I actually would love a meat lovers or hawaiin. And I would usually get those pizzas, but theres a slim chance that Finn doesn’t like those pizzas, and that means we can’t share. That’s simply not a risk I’m willing to take.

“Ok, I guess margherita’s fine” He says disappointedly.

I try and come to his rescue, “Actuallly, I’m cool with whatever, what do you want?”

He shrugs, “It doesn’t matter really. But if I’m being honest... Then I’d have to say number 15”.

I don’t even look at what pizza he just said. I pretend to look at the menu and look for number 15 but to be honest I don’t even read the board. All I want is to share a pizza with him and I don’t really care what it is. And so in return, I just tell him what he wants to hear.

“I eat that too! Let’s get that instead!” I chirp in way too fast. He doesn’t seem to notice but he smiles at what I say.

“Ok, whatever you like” He says with a cute smile. He then turns to the guy at the cashier. I smile when he turns around as I have a good feeling that we’re know going to be eating the same pizza.

But of course, when I hear the words come out of his mouth, I start to freak out.

“Yeah mate, I’ll have a large spicy special” He says to the cashier. The cashier nods and tells him the amount to pay. While Finn happily pays, my stomach instantly turns in circles.

Spicy. As in hot. As in, the stuff I don’t do well. Oh shit!

I’m about to speak up, but when I do, it’s already too late. The money has swapped hands, and I have a feeling that I’m in for a terrible ride.

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