Chapter 8

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That night Finn drove me home. God knows how long we stayed in the toilet cubicle for, but it was one of the best first dates I’ve ever been on. Hell, it’s the only first date I’ve been on, yet, I know that nothing will be able to beat it.

I waved him goodbye and slept like a baby. I went to sleep with a smile on my face, knowing that the next day I’d be seeing him again.

It was now the next day, and I was excited as hell. We were going on another date and I was going to take him sightseeing. I mean, he had been in Australia for about three weeks now and he still hadn’t seen much of the country. I was determined to change that.

This time I’m the driver. After driving for twenty minutes, I finally pull into a driveway. I’m surprised how big the place is. I thought it was just him and Jack, but the place is absolutely massive. It looks as if the house would cater for at least ten people. I start to question how two students can afford such a place.

I get out of my car and walk up to the front door. I knock a couple of times and wait for Finn to answer the door. I’m surprised when an older man answers the door. He gives me a strange look, obviously waiting for me to say something.

“Oh hi, I think I might have the wrong address! Sorry!” I tell him sincerely before starting to walk away.

As I begin to turn around, I hear my name being called by a girl and I instantly turn around.

“Ana?” Eliza says, giving me a strange look.

“Eliza?” I question back before walking back up the steps to the front door. I look at the man once again and he looks shocked as hell.

We both look at each other in confusion. I can’t help but stare at him, he looks so familiar yet I swear I’ve never met this man before. Finally, Eliza decides to introduce us.

“Oh yeah, this is my Uncle Andy. He’s Finn’s dad” She says as she points to him. No wonder he looked so familiar, he looks just like Jack and Finn. She then turns to me and starts to introduce me, “This is Ana”.

“Ana?” He questions her. I look at him strangely. That is my name, so why is questioning it. He looks at Eliza again and repeats, “You mean, the Ana?”

Eliza nods her head. What the hell does he mean by ‘the Ana?’ I’m just Ana! Ordinary Ana.

Andy looks at Eliza and then looks back to me. There is a sadness in his eyes and I don’t understand why.

I decide to break the awkward tension and ask for Finn, “Is Finn here?”

Eliza now looks at me confused. She decides to voice her concerns, “No, he’s not. Was he meant to be?”

I nod my head as I look at my watch, “he told me to pick him up here at 1”.

Eliza runs her hand through her hair as she talks to me, “He uhmmm.... well, he... he left about an hour ago”.

I look at her shocked. Did he just stand me up?

I just nod my head and look down.

“I guess I’ll get out of your way then” I say before I turn around and walk away from the house. I hear Eliza following after me but I ignore her.

“Ana, wait!” She says. I turn around slowly. I may be upset that Finn has stood me up, but Eliza’s done nothing to me, and I owe her respect at least.

I come to a complete stop. She looks to the front door and Andy is staring at us. She starts to whisper so that he can’t hear what we are saying.

“Have you spoken to Finn today Ana?” She asks me.

I shake my head, indicating that I hadn’t.

“He hasn’t called you or texted you or anything?” She questions me. I’m about to say no when I realise I hadn’t actually checked my phone all day. I pull out my phone from my bag and check it quickly. I’m shocked to see I have four missed calls and five text messages. I instantly feel bad for not answering my phone.

I unlock my phone and read through my texts. They are all from Finn and read similar messages. I scroll to the top.

‘Hey, I’m sorry to do this to you, but can we cancel today and do it another day? Finn x’

‘Ana, are you there?’

‘Look, I know this is last minute and all, but please don’t be angry at me. I just can’t do this right now. I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you, I promise!’

‘Ana, answer your phone?’

‘Ok, you’re not answering, but, just whatever you do, don’t go to my house. I’m not going to be there. Just don’t go there’

I bite my lip as I read through them all. Now I wish I had looked at my phone before I came here. It would save me from looking like such an idiot in front of his father. Gosh, his father! I look back at the front door and the man is still staring at me. There’s a sadness to his eyes that I just can’t stop looking at. I want to ask him what’s wrong, but then again, he is Finn’s father and that probably won’t be the greatest way to meet him.

Eliza lets out a little cough and I realise that she is still standing there. I seem to forget that she is there all the time.

“I should have looked at my phone” I tell her feeling embarrassed. She puts her hand on my shoulder sympathetically.

“Look, Ana, I don’t know what Finn’s told you, but just give him a chance. Don’t break things off because of this, he really needs you right now” She tells me.

I look at her worried and ask, “What do you mean?”

“Just talk to him alright. He’ll tell you in his own time” She says as she starts to walk back into the house.

“What’s that supposed to mean Eliza?” I ask her again. She shuts her lips together and runs back to me quickly. She puts her hands on my shoulders and whispers quietly back to me.

“Do you know why his family is here?” She asks me.

“Here?” I ask.

“In Australia” She clarifies.

“I don’t know? Because they are his parents and they love their sons? Or because they live here?” I say logically, trying to guess the answer. She bites her lip and looks at me worriedly.

“That’s what I thought...” She says as she starts to walk away again.

I look at her even more confused.

“Eliza?” I ask her as she walks away.

As she walks back into the house, she screams out, “Just talk to Finn, alright?”

I watch as she closes the door. What the hell does she mean? I’m so confused, and now I just don’t know what to do.

Authors note: Hey guys! So I hope you like this chapter! I'll try update again next Monday :) Comment and vote  pretty please! T x

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