Chapter 6

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Finn leads to me a spare table and I take a seat across from him. On the outside, I’m aware that I look perfectly calm. But on the inside, I already feel sick. I seriously don’t do spicy well.

Finn rips open the box and grabs out a piece for me. He sets it in front of me and I give him a smile. He takes his own piece and waits for me to start my own. I hesitantly grab for my piece and give it a little nibble. I take the smallest amount, yet the moment it hits my mouth, it feels like there is a fire inside of my mouth.

My mouth fills up with saliva and I feel like I could vomit. Cautiously, I swallow the hot pizza down and continue to pretend to be chewing. Finn takes a bite in to his and moans with pleasure. He doesn’t hesitate to smash down another few massive bites, while in the meantime I’ve taken one tiny nibble.

Eventually, he starts to catch on so I bring the pizza to my mouth and take another bite. Once again, I practically die from the heat. I can feel my eyes swelling up and I lift up my head to stop me from crying. I open my mouth up like a dog and try to let the cool air calm my burning tongue.

I drop the pizza down on to my plate. Finn watches me strangely so I pretend like I just accidentally dropped it. I hesitantly pick it up and I try to smile once again, even though I’m pretty sure I look like a retard.

Just as Finn waits for me to take another bite, I hear a random girl rush to our table.

“Oh hey there Finn” She says as she puts her hand on his shoulder. My eyes rush to where her hand is. Why is she touching him like that? Does she have a thing for him? Or worse, do they have a thing for each other?

Finn looks up at her and smiles and my heart immediately drops. Now, not only do I feel sick from that stupid pizza, but I also feel heartbroken.

“Come sit! Have some pizza” He motions towards the pizza. She looks at it and sits next to Finn. I dread not choosing to sit there before because they are now touching arm to arm. He once again tells her to grab a piece of pizza.

She does what he asks, but instead of grabbing her own slice, she decides to steal Finn’s half eaten one. She pulls it from his hand playfully and takes a massive bite. He laughs happily and I glare at her in jealousy. I mean, she’s beautiful. Her short blonde hair frames her beautiful face so perfectly and she has got to have the most amazing body.

I look down at my own body and see the complete opposite. In anger, I decide to take another bite of pizza. I take a big bite and feel like food burn inside of me as I start to process it.

In the mean time, Finn tries to get his piece of pizza back. He practically leans on her to get it and it looks like they are close enough to kiss. The sight makes me feel even worse, and suddenly I can feel the food I just ate coming up.

I try to control it and push it down but it keeps coming up. I desperately try to reach for some water but there’s none in sight.

Left with no other choice, I put my hand over my mouth, get up and run to the closest toilets.

I hear Finn calling out my name as I run off but I just run away in embarrassment. I reach the toilet and shove the door open. I run into the toilet booth and vomit my guts up. I don’t have time to close the door and I don’t even care. I just leave it open as I regurgitate the pizza I just ate.

I eventually just fall on the floor and sit next to the toilet crying. I rest my head on the toilet seat and just cry.

I jerk instantly when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I peak open an eye and see the pretty girl staring at me. I close my eyes again and just wish I’d died when the plane crashed. This has got to be the worst and most embarrassing situation I’ve ever been in.

“Are you alright?” She asks caringly.

I wipe my hand across my mouth and just nod.

“Have you been sick?” She asks me.

Once again, I just nod. She nods back at me but doesn’t even move away. I’m surprised at this. I mean, if she were sick, then the first thing I’d do is take a few steps back, if not metres.

Once again, she nicely asks, “Can I get anything for you?”

I shake my head, unable to even talk to her. She’s being so nice to me yet I hate her so much. Why did she have to touch Finn that way? Why did he have to smile back at her the way that he did?

Her phone starts to buzz and she pulls it out of her pocket. I look at the phone and see Finn’s name popping up. Of course he’d be calling her. Her... And not me.

When I don’t talk to her, she continues the conversation, “Finn’s worried about you”.

I roll my eyes and shake my head, “Why would he worry about me?”

I practically whisper this but she seems to hear everything.

“What do you mean, he obviously cares for you. You’re Ana right?”  She asks me.

I nod my head and acknowledge that she knows my name. Shame I don’t know hers, nor do I really care what it is.

“He’s been non-stop stressing about you for the past month” She informs me. Her phone suddenly rings again and Finn’s name pops up on the screen again.

I ignore the call and lift up an eyebrow in confusion, “He has?”

“Hell yes! Girl, don’t even doubt it. I don’t blame him I guess” She tells me.

“Blame him for what?” I ask confused.

“For being so into you, you’re gorgeous” She tells me. I cringe at her words...Gorgeous. That’s just something that I’m not.

I laugh at her, “Finn is not into me”.

“Oh trust me darl, he is” She insists.

I look at her beautiful face and just tell the truth, “No way, he’s into you. I mean, you’re so beautiful”.

She immediately laughs at what I say.

“Trust me, Finn isn’t into me honey” She tells me. I simply roll my eyes, indicating that I don’t believe her.

She sees me do this and so she finally decides to clear up the confusion.

“Ana, Finn is my cousin.” She tells me with a laugh. I look at her seriously and I finally understand. No wonder she’s so beautiful, she’s related to Finn. Damn.

“So you’re not his girlfriend?” I ask for final confirmation.

This makes her laugh even more. She confirms, “Nope, just his cousin!”

When realisation finally hits, I acknowledge how much of an idiot I am. I put my hand to my forehead and turn to face the toilet.

“Are you alright?” Finn’s cousin asks me.

“I think my stupidity has just made me sick” I tell her. She gives me a little giggle. She waits for me to vomit but nothing comes out.

I look towards her and ask, “What’s your name?”

“I’m Eliza! Nice to meet you” She says with a wide grin.

“I would say the same back, but I don’t exactly feel like this is the greatest situation to meet someone” I say as I point to the toilet.

She puts her arm on me and laughs, “No, I guess not! But hey, I met my boyfriend by vomiting on him and not in the toilet so I think this situation is just a bit better.”

I laugh at her story and suddenly become grateful that she is here. God knows what I’d do without her. Just as I start laughing with her, the door to the girls bathroom opens and Finn storms in.

“Right! I just can’t take it anymore” Finn shouts as he runs up to me and Eliza.

Authors Note: Hey guys! Hope you're having a nice Easter and that you liked the double update :) I'll update again next Friday, if not earlier! xx

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