Chapter 11

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I woke up the next day with a good feeling. Today, I was finally going on a date with Finn.

I had absolutely no idea where we were going, which is kind of wierd considering that I'm the one from Australia and he isn't. I didn't even know what to wear. I didn't want to go all out and wear a pretty dress and heels just in case we go hiking or something.

I settle on my metallic looking jeans and a pretty top with flats and hope that I have dressed appropriately.

I sit on the couch and wait for Finn to arrive. The doorbell eventually rings and I rush to the door.

As soon as I open the door I'm shocked. Finn is wearing a shirt with tight jeans and damn does that boy look fine. My mouth practically drops to the ground. He does that thing where he runs his hand through his hair dramatically. I lift up an eyebrow as I perve at him.

"Hi" I breath out nervously. He smiles and goes in for a hug. I latch on to him the moment he is close enough.

""Hey, you look gorgeous" He whispers in my ear. I thank him quietly as I let go of him. We stare at each other awkwardly for a moment until he suggests that we go.

We walk to the car together in silence. He goes to the passenger side of the car and opens the door for me like the perfect gentlemen. I don't think he knows much this means to me.

Once I hop in his car, he walks in and gets in the drivers seat.

I look at him and question, "I know it's probably a little late to ask and all, but have you even got an Australian drivers license?

He turns on the car as he says, "Nah, I've got a British one. And an international one too... Jack and I like to travel so we both made sure we got international licenses".

"Oh" I say, not knowing what to say seeing as he bought Jack up.

He notices my hesitation and continues to talk, "You can talk about him you know".

I nod my head and just say, "okay".

I give him a smile as he drives off.

"So, where are we going exactly?" I ask him.

"It's a surprise!" He exclaims excitedly.

"Hey - that's so not fair. This is my country, your not supposed to be surprising me with things in my own country!" I joke with him.

He feigns hurt and asks, "Who said this isn't my country too? From what I know about Australia, this place is a multicultural place!"

He makes a good point. I try to think up something witty to say back, but all I come up with is, "And you know so much about Australia, do you?"

He smiles and laughs, "Yeah, I do".

I decide to test his knowledge, "So who is the current Prime Minister?"

He bites his lip and I laugh. He obviously doesn't know the answer. He laughs along with me as he drives and I feel genuinely happy. For some reason, all the stress in my world just leaves me. All the uni homework and family problems I have just seems to leave my mind.

I decide to keep the conversation going, "So how are you liking Australia anyway?"

He pulls up at a red light and looks straight at me. He smiles as he says, "I don't know, it's pretty amazing right now".

I smile back at him and he randomnly asks, "So Ana, how are you liking Australia?"

I giggle at his cheeky question.

"Australia feels like home to me" I tell him with a laugh before continuing on, "Why are we discussing a country?"

He laughs along with me before saying, "I don't know, what else did you want to discuss?"

I look outside and try to think of ideas, "How bout we play 20 questions?"

"Go for your life" He tells me and I jump up and down in my seat excitedly.

He looks over momentarily before concerntrating back on the road.

"What was that?"  He asks me curiously.

"A happy dance" I admit shyly. He immediately laughs and I feel embarrassed.

"I like your happy dance" He admits.

"I'd say the same for you but I've never seen your happy dance" I tell him.

He just shakes his head, "Don't have one Ana".

I put my hand on my mouth in shock, "Everyone has a happy dance!"

"Not me!" He defends himself.

"Sure you do, you're just too shy to admit it... I'll see it one day, just you wait" I tell him.

"You'll be waiting a long time" He tells me.

"That's alright, I have a lot of time" I say. He rolls his eyes and keeps driving.

He speaks up again, "So, what's your first question?"

"Oh yeah! 20 questions, I almost forgot!" I admit. I take a moment to think of my first question. When I finally come up with something, I ask, "Do you brush your teeth before or after breakfast?"

He turns his head to look at me wierdly, "Out of all the questions in the world to ask, you want to know the time I brush my teeth. Most people ask what your favourite colour is or what you like to do in your spare time, but nope, not you. You just want to know my teeth cleansidng schedule".

He laughs along as he says those last words and I am soon to join him.

"I like to make the game interesting!" I defend myself with a little giggle.

"So you ask me questions about my teeth? Are you trying to say my breath stinks?" He teases me.

I immediately deny his assumptions, "No ofcourse not! I mean, I'm sure your breath smells quite nice. I wouldn't know because... well, I don't go around smelling peoples mouths, if that makes sense? I just..."

I stop myself when I realise that I'm babbling. I look over to him and he has a massive grin spread across his face.

"I brush my teeth after breakfast" He informs me.

All I reply with is "Cool".

He smiles at my response and then looks back to the road. The car comes to a stop at the traffic lights. He takes the opportunity to look at me. 

"My turn!" He tells me. I nod at him eagerly.

A smile instantly forms on his lips as he asks me his question.

"Can I kiss you?" He asks me. My heart skips a beat and my mouth instantly creeps up into a smile.

I try to form the word 'yes' but I fail miserably. Instead, I just nod my head. He leans over and reaches towards me. I meet him half way. Just as our lips are about to meet, a sudden noise startles us.

We both look to the car behind us and curse him for beeping at us. Finn catches on quicker than I do and he turns around to see the green traffic light staring at us. He moves away from me and starts driving the car again.

In my head, I mentally curse out the guy behind us.

Authors note:

Hey guys! So Proud reached 1K reads YAAYYYY :) I don't have much to add here, but please vote and comment. Your comments really inspire me <3 Love you to the moon and back, T x

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