Chapter 15

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I look to my right. I look to my left. Fuck.

Where the fuck am I? What the fuck do I do? Where do I go? Who do I call?

I pick up my phone and look at it. As I expected, I have no missed calls from Finn. Nor do I have any texts.

I mentally hit myself and question why I had been so stupid. Why the hell did I ever trust him? This isn't the first time when he's stood me up. Yet, I never seem to learn my lesson.

I groan in frustration. I don't even want to cry, I'm that angry. I just want to hit something, or more like some one.

How dare he? Who does he think he is? He's meant to be my boyfriend, yet he can't even tell me that he is leaving. I'm so over his crap.

I grab my phone and start to dial my parents number. My mum picks up on the third ring.

"Ana, is everything okay?" She asks me over the line.

I shake my head as I speak, "Can you come pick me up? Finn... he's just..."

"What did he do? I swear to God, if he's touched you, I will kill him" My mum says, immediately assuming the worst.

"No, he hasn't touched me. He just... I don't know where the fuck he is and -" I tell her before she interrupts me.

"What do you mean you don't know where he is? Where are you?" She replies. I can hear her fumbling for her car keys in the background.

"I don't know mum" I tell her angrily.

"You don't know?" My mum repeats back at me. Her voice is frantic and that just pisses me off more. If anyone should be angry, it should be me. She has nothing to do with this.

"Yes mum. I don't know where the fuck I am" I tell her.

"HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW WHERE YOU ARE?" She screams back through the phone.

"I don't know" I reply just as angrily. 

"What?" Is all she replies.

"I said that I don't fucking know. Okay, I have no fucking idea where I am. Finn took me to this park and I have absolutely no fucking idea where I am." I reply back to her. 

"First of all missy, stop swearing at me. You are a lady!" She shouts at me. I roll my eyes at her. She's so ridiculous. She continues on, "And secondly, find out where the fuck you are!" 

I roll my eyes again. So it's okay for her to swear but not for me. Hypocrite. 

"I ... How am I meant to do that?" I  ask her.

"Just ask someone! I swear to God Ana!" She mutters out. I roll my eyes and tell her to wait on the line. In the mean time, I go over and ask the taxi driver where we are. I convey the message back over to my mother. She swears a little more and than hangs up on me.

I walk over to a nearby seat and wait patiently for my mother to arrive.

I fiddle with my phone for a while. I type out numerous texts to Finn. I have so many things I want to say to that boy, but I just don't know how to write it out properly.

In the end, I settle for a short and simple message. Hopefully, these few words gets  my point across.

I quickly glance over my message and check for any spelling mistakes.

"We're over."

I nod my head and press send. I stare at my phone for a while and wait for a reply but it never comes.

I don't even see how much time passes, but soon enough I can hear my mum screaming my name from inside her car.

I glance up and then hurry to the car.

As soon as I enter the vehicle, I am bombarded with questions.

"So he just left you here?" My mother asks spitefully.

I nod my head and pretend to look out the window. I don't want to talk about it, let alone with her of all people.

She persists with her million questions, "Well where did he go?"

"I don't know" I mutter out quietly.

"Well, did he say something? Maybe you just didn't hear it. I mean, you know how you can get. Always daydreaming and never paying attention." She says. I don't reply and she hits my arm.

"Are you even listening to me?" She asks.

I turn and face her and reply, "Yes. I hear you loud and clear. I just don't want to talk about it. So let's drop it."

"You don't want to talk about it? Are you fucking kidding?" She says, swearing once again. In my mind, I imagine the word 'hyprocite' being tattooed on her forehead. THe very thought makes me smile.

She notices my smile and gets angrier, "So what, you think this is funny?"

This brings me back to reality, "No."

"What was that Ana?" She asks me, obviously not hearing me speak.

I take a deep breath before saying, "I said no. Okay! You don't understand any of this. I just don't want to talk about it. Why can't you understand that? I. DON'T. WANT. TO. TALK"

She grips on to the steering wheel tightly. She obviously is very angry.

"Well, you don't get a choice. You can't just call and expect me to play taxi for you just because the boy you like stands you up. There's not only you in this world. Stop being selfish."

Selfish? Me, selfish? I roll my eyes. How dare she? I feel like I've just been bitched slapped. I don't even bother to reply to her, simply because I know that this will annoy her more.

She waits for my reply but it never comes. When she realises this, she pulls the car over to a side street. She stops the car and looks at me.

I look at her stubbornly.

"What happened?" She asks angrily.

I shrug and reply rudely, "It's none of your business" 

Her eyes widen and her jaw clenches. I expect her to verbally slam me down. But she doesn't. Instead, she does something that I never expected her to do. She reaches her hand over towards me and does the thing that no parent should ever do to their child. 

She hits me. 

Her hand slams right accross my face. My head is flung to the side and my own her automatically flies to my face. I grab on to my sore cheek and tears start to finally come. 

I look over to her and she looks as shocked as me. For some reason, I suspect that even she didn't think that she would hit me. 

I don't say anything to her. I look away from her. I can't even face her. Not after what she has just done. She's no longer my mother. No. A mother would not do that. 

I look at my surroundings. I notice where we are. We are close enough to home. I know where we are.

It takes me about two seconds to make my next decision. I reach for the car door and open it.

Soon enough I'm outside of the car and walking away from her.

I bite my lip as I realise what decision I have just made. I'm know single, I have no money and I sure as hell hate my own mother. Life's just fucking great.

Authors note: Hey guys! Hope you're all doing well. So I feel like I should just tell you that I'm going on holidays for a month next week. Basically, I have no idea whether or not I will update or not during that time. Sorry guys! I'll try to update as many times as possible before I go, but after then there will be no set schedule. Please don't hate me :( I will seriously try my hardest to update as many times as possible before I go.

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