Chapter 2

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The flight had taken off and I had been sitting there awkwardly next to Finn for the past 30 minutes. Not that talking him was awkward, it's just that I seemed to talk way more than him. He'd asked so many questions about me. I'd explained the places I'd been on holiday and how much I just loved England.

It was about time for me to find out a little about him, so when I could, I chipped in my own questions.

"So, are you coming to Australia on holidays?" I ask him curiously.

He shakes his head as he enters, "nah, Jack and I are moving there permanently."

I look to Jack but he doesn't even notice that we are talking about him. His head is burried in his computer screen and he seems to be editing some sort of video. I try to take a peak at the video to see what he's been filming. I see footage of him jumping out of a plane and my heart rate instantly increases. In response, I latch on to the arm rests of my seat. Or should I say, what I thought was the arm rests.

I feel Finn's hand come on to mine. I slowly drag my eyes away from the skydiving footage to meet Finn's totally confused eyes. I look back at him just as confused. Why is he staring at me? 

He catches on that I'm just as lost as he is, and so he slowly but dramatically looks from my eyes to his hand. I do the same, soon looking to his hand that is sitting on mine. It looks fine for the first two moments, but then I reliase what's actually happening. Because underneath Finn's large hand is sitting mine. And underneath my hand is Finn's leg.

I immediately pull my hand away in embarrassment.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry - I thought I grabbed the arm rest and I obviously grabbed your leg instead and I'm such a dork and I'm really - " I ramble on until he interrupts me.

"Ana, it's alright" He reassures me with a cheeky smile. I look away from him in shame. How can I be such an idiot? Way to impress someone... not! 

I look to my parents for help. Maybe one of them can swap seats or something and save me from the ongoing embarrassment that I will face for the next 20 or so hours. Unluckily for me, both of them are dead asleep. My little sisters lies between them, resting her head on my mothers lap. I internally groan in frustration.

My little internal tantrum is interrupted when I hear Finn's voice.

"So are you like, scared of planes or something?" Finn asks me. I turn to face him, quite surprised at his question.

As I turn my head, I accidentally see another snippet of Jack's video. All I see is someone jumping out of a plane in slow motion. The moment I see it I start to freak out again. I immediately  grab onto my arm rest and divert my eyes away. I look into Finn's beautiful eyes as a distraction.

My voice cracks as I answer his question, "No, I'm not scared of planes".

"Then why the big freak out?" He replies to me. I look from Finn to the laptop screen and swallow my saliva. I bite my lip nervously as I see the ground beneath in the footage. The more I watch, the more I totally lose it. 

Seeing my reaction, Finn taps on Jack's shoulder and lifts his headphones off his head.

"What?" Jack asks rudely.

Finn looks at Jack as he says, "Stop editing that video. Edit a different one".

"Why?" Jack asks curiously. Finn looks to me.

"I'm scared of heights, like extremely scared of heights" I tell them nervously. It all starts to make sense to Finn and I see a little 'o' forming on his lips.

"Pffft, then why are you on a plane? You do know how high this thing goes?" Jack asks sarcastically.

I ignore the rude tone of his voice and continue to explain myself, "I can't see outside from here so flying is alright. There's a reason that I sit in the aisle seat. It's just when I can see how high up I am that I kind of lose it."

Jack looks at the window which is closed shut. Let’s just say I didn't hesitate when he voluntarily closed it to edit his video. His hand moves to the bottom of the window and I can tell that he is about to lift it up. Finn catches on the same time as I do and he immediately hits Jack hand away.

"Don't be such a dick" He tells him off. Jack rolls his eyes.

"I was just joking, chillax guys" Jack says casually. He turns back to his laptop. I expect him to continue editing the damn thing, but I'm surprised when he clicks save and closes the window. Two minutes later, he has managed to open a different video.

I look to Finn and find him staring at me. He blushes and looks away from me.

I try to get his attention once again, "Thanks Finn".

"Nah, not a problem." He says before sighing and continuing on, "But seriously, don't worry, nothing's gonna happen. Just relax and enjoy the flight!"

I smile at him and nod. We suffer a few moments silence before I finally remember what we were talking about before my little meltdown.

"So you're moving to Australia?" I ask him.

He nods his head in excitement.

I look at him like he is an idiot and ask "Why?"

He looks hurt and confused, "What do you mean why?"

I backtrack on what I said and realise how rude I must have sound, "I mean, it's just that, you live in England! It's like, the most amazing place in the world - and you want to move? Are you crazy?"

He finally laughs as he catches on, "It's not as amazing as you think Ana" He tells me.

"Yeah it is, you have like the London eye and Big Ben and like sick accents. All we have is a bridge and a bloody annoying accent." I inform him.

"You're accent’s pretty awesome actually" He says, trying to imitate an Aussie accent but failing miserably.

I laugh at his expense, "you're gonna have to work on that".

He laughs along with me and nods his head.

"Nah, I have a few demons at home that I'm eager to leave behind" He finally says seriously.

Being the nosey girl I am, I counter back and ask, "What sort of demons?"

He bites his lip and sarcastically remarks, "the ones that hide underneath your bed".

I can see a protective wall forming and I see that he doesn't want to talk about the matter. I decide not to push it. I mean, I did just meet this cutie and it is a little strange to interrogate a complete stranger.

I'm about to change the subject when I'm suddenly interrupted by a large drop in the plane. My stomach is immediately up in the air and my hand is frantically searching for the arm rest. The lights start to flicker in and out and I start to get worried. The flight starts to get even bumpier and I start feeling a little light of breath. I look to people around me and they are just as confused as I am. My family has woken up from the great drop we just endured. My sister starts crying as the plane shakes.

Not being able to take their reaction, I look away from them to the passengers in front of them. The girl in front starts coughing and struggling for air. Unable to take in that sight either, I look towards Finn. Finn's looking worried as hell. His hands are on his seat belt and he is buckling it in tighter. Jack is looking around and trying to decipher what is happening. I see him grab his head as the oxygen mask falls on to it.

I start to truly panic when this happens. We are so high up and this plane is probably going to crash. Oh fuck!

 Authors note: Hey guys! So I'll be updating next Friday again :) But, something exciting happening the other day.... A little too late hit 10,000 reads! You don't know how happy this made me! You guys are awesome <3

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T xx

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