Part 1 ~ A Pretty Good Eternity

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HEYY there!
I solemnly swear that I'll:
-update frequently
-not end it with like 'oh yeah that was all a dream looool'
-finish this story
-be up to no good

This is my first fic ,and I really want to make it great so if you have any comments/concerns of find any errors, I'd be really glad if you commented it :)

Thanks jacket sluts and I hope you'll enjoy!


Gerard's POV

The fans started screaming so loud - and I'm pretty sure that girl in the front just fainted - as I leaned in to kiss Frank. It wasn't like we hadn't kissed onstage before, we had a kind of unspoken aggreement where we'd fool around onstage to piss off any homophobitches. It was strictly a stage thing though. Yeah. That's exactly what it was, and nothing more.

But something was different about today's makeout session... I guess? Well it was the first time I'd kissed him and not the other way around but I mean.. that doesn't mean anything. He just looked so hot playing his guitar, super passionate and sexy and hot and sweaty and sexy... It kinda, nevermind it totally made me super horny actually. So, as I has saying, I got (a little) distracted from singing and just power-walked to him.

He looked kinda surprised as I attacked him with my mouth, honestly not caring about anything else in the world right now than him plump, salty pink lips. It felt so good. Since we hadn't kissed onstage for a while I guess I'd forgotten how good of a kisser he was. But it was more than that. This time, it wasn't the usual angry, harsh, 3 seconds kisses we'd exchanged before. This one, it felt like forever. Like the whole world just stopped, for us, and it felt like a pretty good eternity. It was passionate, and sweet.

Frank dropped his guitar and grabbed me by the waist, pulling me even closer as I tangled my hands in his tangled pitch black hair. He seemed to like it because a soft sound escaped his lips and echoed into me - which I liked. Very much.

Our lips and bodies danced together for about a trillion years and I savored every second. But every eternity has an end - wait... does that make sense? - and I was soon forced back to reality, Frank's dreamy dark brown eyes looking at me deeply and kinda shyly before - sadly - pulling away and turning his attention to the task at hand.

At first he struggled a bit and was kinda clumsy but he partly regained his concentration after a little while. Why only partly you ask? Well of course that's because for the remainder of the show I was looking at him. And by looking I mean undressing him - and fucking him - with my eyes. The. Whole. Show. He must have been so annoyed with me, but even if I had wanted to look away, I couldn't have. I don't think it would've been physically possible. It was like looking at a beautiful piece of art...with a sweet ass.

As the last notes of "Thank You for the Venom", the last song of the show, echoed through the enormous room, my brain started functioning properly again. Fuck. Whaaaaat had just happened? What was happening to me? Did I actually like him?!

I know I'm supposed to be a poet and all that, but right now the only word I can find to describe where my head's at is fuuuuuck.

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