Part 5 ~ Lovestruck Idiots

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...He finally looked at me, a smile pulling on the sides of his mouth "Hey Fran-frankie?" "Yeah Ger?" He looked deep in my eyes, his were glistening. "Did you - did you feel it too?"

(Still Frank's POV)

Words that hit me 1000 miles an hour. We looked in each others eyes, not wanting to tear them apart. Did I feel it too? I did. Of course I did. And so, I did what any lovestruck idiot would do, and asked, "Can I kiss you Ger?"

Gerard's POV

Fuck it. I slowly got closer to his face, his plump, inviting lips the only thing I could concentrate on. After what seemed an eternity, our lips collisioned. The kiss was sweet, so soft and loving, his lips tasting of cherries and cigarettes. He suddenly grabbed my face, putting more passion into our kiss. His tongue was now licking my bottom lip, asking permission. I happily complied and soon his tongue was exploring my mouth. Every corner of it.

While our tongues battled each other, I crawled closer until I was basically straddling him, my legs around his torso. My hands found a way to his hair, tugging on it a bit, remembering the effect that had on him earlier. This time, an honest to god moan escaped his lips, which didn't fail to make my skinny jeans feel a bit uncomfortable. Wow. His hands left my face and slowly started rubbing my back under my shirt, then my chest.  I moaned a bit, not an ounce of self control in sight. I didn't really feel as if I had to hold back with Frank. I also didn't feel self conscious as he rubbed my chubby thighs, or carressed my scars. I didn't feel stressed out when he started to pull on my shirt, breaking the kiss for a few seconds to pull it above my head. I did the same for his.

Soon we were both bare chested, and he pulled away from the kiss and let his eyes travel across my face and chest. "You are so beautiful Ger. And so perfect in all your imperfections. So hot. I can't believe I'm kissing you right now." I blushed a lot. He looked at me adorably before adding, "I really want to be with you Ger. I've thought a lot - A lot - about it and I don't care about the consequences, I think you're the one for me. The only one." He gently brushed my tears away and caressed my cheek.

I finally answered, "I've been thinking about this too. I'm so scared Frank. I don't wanna lose the band and.. I don't wanna lose you..."

"I will never leave you Ger. Whatever happens. You're my best friend man. We can go at whatever pace you're comfortable with and we don't have to tell the guys - not yet anyway. Honestly, I haven't felt this way in... ever! I have never felt like this before."

"Me neither" I admitted. After a moment I added, "You're so handsome Frank, and so kind and considerate. I've been crushing on you for years man. I never thought you'd return my feelings."

"I was scared shitless you wouldn't return mine... This isn't a dream is it?"

"I hope not...but just in case, we should probably enjoy it to the fullest" I answered, winking at Frank.

.But You're Beautiful To Me. ~Frerard~Where stories live. Discover now