Part 14 ~ Draw Me Like One Of Your French Girls

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Gerard's POV

A while later, I got up and made us some coffee. It must have been around 3 o'clock. Frank got out of bed a few minutes later and hopped on the counter, hanging around and looking at me do the - super - hard task, until he seemed to spot something in the living room and went to investigate. I didn't give it too much thought.

"Holy shit Gee." He exclaimed for the other room. I went to see what he was making such a fuss about, only to find him sitting cross-legged on the floor with my sketchbook on his lap, the drawing of his hands I had made right in front of him. He looked at me, surprised. I felt a bit - a lot - embarrassed. I forgot that I had kind of left it right in the middle of the fucking place when he knocked on my door, and after that I got a bit... let's say distracted.

My face must've turned tomato red as I said quickly: "Shit.. I'm sorry... you must think I'm like a creep or something right? I am, I'm so sorry. I don't know why I drew that, it kinda just came to me... We can like burn it if you want or- " He cut me off suddenly: "What? Shush, you beautiful specimen. What- burn it? Fuck no, this looks so awesome! I never thought- I mean, wow. This is kinda honoring to be honest. Why the heck would I think you're a creep?" He power-walked to me and grabbed my cheeks, looking intensely into my eyes. "I'll never think you're a creep Ger. Whatever you do. You might me a freak, yes, but you're my freak, and I'm never letting you go. Is that understood? You're not scaring me away okay?"

I nodded and he continued after brushing away a stray strand of hair on my cheek: "I always love your drawings Gee, and I mean, the fact that you'd take the time to draw me is so sweet... and you're really talented man."
"Thank you.."
"Would you- I mean, only if you wanted to I mean, you don't have to, I mean, it's just a thought, an idea..."
"What Frankie?" I said with a giggle.
"Would you draw me? Like in my entirety? Not just my hands."

I was sort of taken aback by his request. I honestly thought he'd be creeped out by the fact I drew his hands, and now he wanted me to do a full portrait! What the fuck. I was usually a bit secretive about my drawings, and rarely showed them to anyone, so this was new for me. I was totally going to do it though.
"Well, anything for my Frankie." I said with a wink. "How do you wanna do this?"
"Nice, okay! Umh, what do you mean?"
"Well, like, where, what pose, and the likes."
"Hmmm, well, what if... yeah hahaha no, nevermind Gee. I could just like sit down on the couch with a pipe and monocle, or some shit like that."
"No, what were you gonna say?"
"It was dumb! Just a thought, seriously."
"If you tell me.. I'll give you a kiss..."
"Thats unfair Gee, you know I can't resist you... Okay, I'll tell you for... 2 kisses..."
"You drive a hard bargain Frankie, but I accept. What was it then?"
"Hahaha okay.. well I just thought, if you wanted to, haha you- maybe- draw.." he was stuttering a bit.
"Spit it outttt" It was his turn to turn santa claus red.
"Do you... wanna sketch me naked?"
We both blushed and chuckled awkwardly. He spoke again:
"You don't have to if you don't wanna, I mean, it was a crazy thought, it's dumb, let's just.. forget this happened okay? What were we taking about? I don't know! See? It never happened-"
"I'll do it."
"I said, I'll do it. I want to do that."
"Holy shit."
"Holy shit indeed. Now get naked you crazy motherfucker!"
He stubbled out of his clothes until he was only in his boxers. I looked at him lustfully and bit my lip, memories of not too long ago fresh out of my brain oven.

"Where?..." he asked, looking a bit self conscious. I motioned to the couch and he walked towards it, looking slightly apprehensive.
"You don't have to be stressed out okay? You know I think you're fucking perfect man, imperfections and all. I can't wait to draw you. Though, if you changed your mind, we don't have to, you know that right? We'll just do the monocle idea."
"No, no it's alright, I- I trust you Gee."
And with that, he took off his boxers and lay down on the couch in a half-sitting position, his right elbow supporting him. His other hand was on his toned chest, and his legs, one spread up and the one other lying down. He looked way too fucking sexy right now.

 He looked way too fucking sexy right now

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(Kinda like that ^)

He looked at me expectantly, a shy smile on his lips. My only answer: "Wow."
"Draw me like one of your french girls Gee.."

Frank's POV

He looked really concentrated, his brows furrowed a bit sometimes, his tongue sticking out when he was smudging a line, cocking his head once in a while while looking at the drawing, it was extremely cute.

I was left completely vulnerable, with him scrutinizing every inch, to the last detail, of my body. It didn't make me feel awkward, or self conscious though, as I thought it would. I trusted Gee completely, and I felt safe and loved under his warm stare. I really thought this would be weirder, but I felt actually pretty comfortable with him looking at me like that. If I was being honest, I kind of liked the idea of Gerard looking at me like that.

I let my mind wander to our- let's call it our 'bedroom adventure'. I could practically still hear his high pitched moans and whimpers; it should be considered music if you want my opinion. I could remember him stripping me naked, kissing me like an animal, fucking me like a... oh no. oH sHiT.
"Whatcha thinking about there frankie boy?" He said with a smirk. "I'd wanna ask you if that was a gun in your pocket but you're completely naked sooo.."
I blushed a lot. A lot.
"What do you think?"
"Some sexy beast I presume."
"Yeah he is." I put on my famous devilish grin and winked at him.
"I'm almost finished babe, and patient people are rewarded, you know..."
That did not help my erection. At all. Now, all I could think about was Gee blowing me.

I decided I wanted to tease him a bit, so I moaned. He stiffened a little, and stopped drawing to look at me. I put on my most innocent face and he squinted his eyes at me and went back to work.

I moaned again, more loudly this time, and finally earned a real reaction from him. He lay the sketchbook on his lap, shot me a challenging look and said: "Two can play at this game Frankie, except I can move."

I was going to say a wise-ass comment but was cut short by Gerard: "AaAAaaaaH Frank! Yes! Yes! Mmm right there! Hmmm Ah! Ah!" He was moving his hands all over himself and his crotch and all I could do was just stare, completely absorbed by him.

He stopped as sharply as he had started and picked the notebook back up, scribbling intricately once again. I started breathing again. It was clear that he was faking but it still made me fucking horny. Impatience will kill me one day for sure. Or over-hornyness, whatever's more politically correct.

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