Part 17 ~ Lazy Laced Voice

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Gerard's POV

"Hey Frank, do you wanna play mario-kart or something?"
"Mmm? NoooOoo toooo comfyyy..."
"Come on Frankie," I said chuckling, "we've been cuddling for like an hour."
He answered with a lazy laced voice, "Nooo. I like... Mmmm squishy cuddly Gerbear."
"Did you just call me... squishy?" I said, laughing and turning my head towards the (tiny) man curled up on my side, his face nuzzled in my chest.
"Hell yea, you're ssh- squishy; you're the mmm- most squishy motherf- fucker I've ever met."
"I am not squishy!" I said, putting on a playful frown.
"Yea you are," he answered, with a smirk appearing on his face, "Fight me."
He opened his eyes and we stared at each other intensely in silence, as would two cowboys in a death duel, before both bursting out in laughter.

He started poking me in the ribs to tickle me, and soon we were in a full on tickle war - which is not something I ever thought I'd be involved in. Soon enough, I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. He was trying to grab my wrists to gain better access to my belly, while I was trying to escape his tickles and protect it by wrapping my hands around it or by scuffling away from him. He kept calling me squishy while we were rolling around in the bed, both trying to poke the others tummy, both really out of breath from laughing so hard. That is, obviously, until I clumsily tumbled off the bed, making a big 'bang' noise as I hit the ground.

"Are you okay Gee?" He looked a bit concerned but mostly he thought it was really funny probably. The bastard. A cute bastard though.

I rubbed my head a bit and climbed back on, wrapping my arms tightly around him.
"I'm okay now." I whispered in his ear. I felt his arms pull me closer and his warmth radiating into me. He hummed contently and kissed around my shoulder blade in a soft, happy way.

We had only put our boxers back on, but even though we were wrapped around each other, it didn't feel sexual, or lustfull. It was just us. Me and Frank. The best friends. The lovers. Irridiating happiness because of the others presence. Fooling around like too happy idiots.

I felt giddy just thinking about him, felt warm and safe in his presence, felt loved and sheltered from the world in his arms. At that moment I knew. Maybe I would have to let go of this hug after a bit, but I would never, ever, let go of Frank.

I'd never felt this comfortable with anyone, so open. I never had to overthink or doubt myself when I was with him, he made me feel so... I don't even know how to describe it. Like, every time he saw me, even if only after a short while, he would smile so adorably. The little - I like to call them his happy ripples - around his eyes would make an appearance. He would have that sort of glint in his eyes. It never failed to make me have stomach butterflies, knowing he was happy to see me, that I made him smile. And god, how I loved that smile, how it could melt my insides, like I was an ice cream and his smirky smile the sweet summer sun.

He could always make me smile too, even when I felt so down that I was paying hell a visit. He was so good at putting my jigsaw pieces back together; and god knows I'm a puzzle. I knew nothing could ever go wrong with him close to me.

I just... I never thought we'd ever be together. Somehow, the past two days felt like they were a mere daydream, a wonderful alternate reality that I could never have. But right now, I know I truly do have frank in my arms, trailing his hands around my back and smiling in the crook of my neck. I am literally living the dream. My dream.

"Wanna cuddle some more frankie?" I whispered in his ear, already knowing the answer to that question.
"Mmm.. always, squishy Gee."
I rolled my eyes at him, and pushing him gently so he was lying on his back again. I lay back down beside him, cuddling his side with my arms around him and our legs entangled. He let out a relaxed sigh, a corny smile plastered on his face.

Who'd have thunk Frank was a cuddler? Well, it's not like I was the cuddling type usually... but with Frank, it's actually quite nice. Scratch that actually, it's awesome. I never thought I'd be one to crave cuddling. Maybe.. maybe Frank felt the same? Like, I wouldn't want to cuddle with anyone else, was it the same for him? Did he use to cuddle with all of his... lovers...? Was I the only one?

I really didn't think I'd ever cuddle Frank, and moreover, that he'd be such a cuddle junkie. Was it, like me, only because of who he was with? Did I make him into this sappy, amazingly cute gummybear?

"Frank?" I finally muttered against his side, that I was nuzzling moments before.
He wiggled slightly since me talking against his side was probably tickling him a bit. I turned my head towards him and talked again, "Have you always been this cuddly?"
He chuckled a bit, a grin still sitting comfortably across his face, "No actually... I'm not usually one for cuddling. What about you Gee?"
"No, not really... kinda hate it usually actually... but - but not with you..." I brought my face back up to his and looked in his eyes, leaning in closer, my lips barely millimeters from his,
"I've never felt this comfortable with anyone.. I- I really like you Frankie."
"I really like you too Gee." He answered, before pressing his lips to mine for a short -  but sweet - kiss.

Satisfied with his answer, I went back down and lay my head on his chest. I felt like I'd just smoked a bunch of incense. With my soft, comfortable pillow under my head, moving up and down slowly with every breath, I felt so peaceful that I could've been chill whatever life threw my way, even impossible situations. Like, if someone walked frustratingly slowly in front of me right now, or called someone a fag, maybe I wouldn't have begun a fistfight with them right now. That's how fucking peaceful I was.

And holy shit he just started playing with my hair. I never let anyone touch my hair. But... this isn't so bad? It's actually nice... and I couldn't help but let out purring-like sounds as his hand lovingly stroked my messy hair.

I felt like a cat right now, all sprawled out on my human, craving some sweet petting... I just hoped I wasn't as much an asshole as cats were half the time. Like, I love cats, but sometimes they are straight up evil little fur balls. They're probably planning their world domination as we speak... though, I'd much rather have cats lead the world than a misogynistic racist cheeto, but I'm getting away from the subject here.

I just- I fucking love cuddling with Frank. I love him playing with my crazy curls of hair, as surprising as that is for me. I love how comfortable he is, and how comfortable this feels. And maybe I - I think maybe I do love Frank... not that I am about to admit that anytime soon though...

Sorry for the wait, but I hope the fluff was worth it ;) Comment and favorite if you liked it, and I'll see you soon, jacket sluts...

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