Part 18 ~ Frustration Wagon

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Frank's POV

It had now been three days since me and Gee had been able to be alone together. Three fucking days. Do you know how long that is? Huh? That's 72 hours of long longing stares. 4320 minutes of subtly brushing hands. 259 200 painful seconds - especially painful in the tight jeans we both insist on wearing still. You see, it's kinda hard sneaking around when you basically breathe your bandmates air all day long. It's kinda hard to cuddle with Gee with Rays bed three inches from mine. It's kinda hard kissing him in a dark corner since the tour bus is a fucking one room rectangle. It was kinda hard finding time alone when all we did was play shows, all together, and drive around, all together. Pretty fucking hard.

God I missed having our own hotel rooms, so I could just- just fucking touch Gerard. It was so hard watching him do anything without having the strong urge to wrap my arms around him tightly, kiss his pretty lips (and grind on him maybe a little bit?).

It's become worse after yesterday's accident especially. I just- do you even realize how fucking hot Gee is? Like, how do you expect me to not push him against the gas station bathroom wall and begin kissing him harshly? HOW?

He instantly had his hands in my hair and mine were around his neck, pulling his face towards me. We were both craving it so much.. I just instantly started moaning into the kiss and grinding on him. He was grunting and biting my bottom lip every now and again. His tongue shoved deep inside my mouth and hands pulling my - not so neat anymore - hair.

One of my hands left his neck and went exploring. It started its journey down his chest, then moving under his shirt around it, playing a bit with his left nipple, making him shiver. It then went around slowly until it rested on his butt, a moan traveling from his mouth to mine when I grabbed it and started to massage it in my - very lucky - hand. I took advantage of the fact I'd destabilized him to establish my mouth-dominance again, my tongue sliding in his mouth and moving around hungrily. Every inch of my body was eager to feel; eager to feel Gerard. On me. Around me. In me...

Aaaand thats the exact moment Ray decided to show up. I love that guy but at that moment I swear I could've stabbed him with a sharp object.. like a straw..? Wait no that's not sharp and not even slightly threatening. I... would've stabbed him with something dangerous like a.... carrot...?! Okay whatever I'm distracted right now. The point is I kinda wanted to stab him at that particular moment. Fucking Rail Doritos. Ha. Rail Doritos.

Anyways, as I was saying, Ray decided he did need to pee after all, so he went to join us in the bathroom where we were taking an awful long time. Hmm.. I wonder why's that.

When he heard the door open, Gee shoved me away from him - yes he shoved me. No I'm not exaggerating - and I was so surprised, being so caught up in the moment I hadn't heard the door, that I lost my balance and fell. Right on my ass. On the filthy floor of a random gas station bathroom. With a huge boner in my pants. Fucking A.

Ray looked slightly confused as to what I was doing sitting on my ass on the filthy floor of a random gas station bathroom with my hair all fucked up.
"Hmm, whatcha doing down there Frank?" He asked, laughing at me a bit while he helped me get back up.
"Hey Ray, yeah.. hmm.. well you see.." I began to start trying to produce a believable reason as to why I was sitting on my ass on the filthy floor of a random gas station bathroom with my hair all fucked to hell. It wasn't working at all.

Gee was quick to come to my rescue, thankfully, "Hahaha, well you see Ray, funny story actually, we were washing our hands moments before you came in when - I have no idea how he managed to do that - Frank tripped on some water and fell right on his ass. I told you those shoes were dangerous Frank!" He looked at me intently then, waiting for me to back him up,
"Yea, exactly." I added, "Fell right on my ass. Gotta hate, umm those slippery shoes right?"
"Rightttt. Okay so I'm gonna go pee.. You.. you be cautious Frank." He chuckled, seeming to accept our blatant lie as the truth. We then both quickly got out of the bathroom and avoided each other for the rest of the day.

We haven't been alone at all after that. If anything, our bathroom adventure made me even hornier.. which I thought an impossible height to reach. I knew there was only one way I could have my way with Gerard Way with a moderate level of suspiciousness. I planned on taking advantage of that very situation tonight. I had already played it a thousand times in my head, I knew exactly when to do it, and couldn't wait to.

I finally managed to make it to tonight's show, resisting successfully the urge to rip Gerard's clothes off when he bent down earlier to tie his shoes. I have a love/hate relationship with his tight jeans. Mostly love, especially when he's taking them off..

Gee was particularly intense tonight onstage. He ran around even more than usually, moving his arms a lot and screaming into the mic. Was it sexual frustration? Probably. He was being real sassy too, strutting around and doing some poses... One could believe he was trying to lure me in, like his hair flips were his siren song... It was working. Because if there's anything sexier than Gerard, it's sassy Gerard.

Or dom Gerard, but I won't get into that now, I'm way too turned on already.

Cliffhangerrrr. Deal with it you'll like what's next...

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