Part 20 ~ Unpoisoned Beer (Hopefully)

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Gerard's POV

Oh yeah, I'm definitely overthinking this right now. We clearly can't hide what's happening between us from the rest of the band much longer, I mean they're not that observant but they're definitely not dumb. If we keep making out onstage and running off together they're bound to get suspicious.

Mickey is definitely going to freak out. Fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuck. I fucked my brother's bestie. I put. My penis. Into. His. Best. Friend. ...Fuck. He's, without doubt, going to poison my beer if he finds out about this... Ray might not give a shit though, he usually didn't regarding such subjects.

I just had to get through this show without looking at Frank once, then maybe that would mean I'm capable of letting him go and st- ...oh wait shit no too late, I just looked at his butt. I'm in the shit for sure.

I just looked again.


We were all hanging out at the bar, our usual hangout after finishing shows. Frank was sat next to me on an old beat up couch in a dimly lit corner, both silently sipping our beers (and I was pretty sure mine wasn't poisoned). Ray was dancing with a cute girl and showing what was sadly very probably his best moves as Mickey seemed to be in deep conversation with a random guy with a fringe at the bar. No one was looking.

I rested my head on frank's shoulder and closed my eyes a bit, I usually felt pretty tired after dancing around the stage, but I also kinda maybe definitely wanted to be closer to him.

I suggled my face in his muscular shoulder, his comfy sweater a perfect pillow in my opinion. I felt his fingertips starting to twirl around some of my stray strands of hair tentatively and I internally melted. I loved when Frank played with my hair. I snuggled closer to him where I was practically sitting on his lap and he massaged my scalp with his caloused fingers soothingly.

I felt so relaxed, so comfortable, pleasant little shivers going through me once in a while. I was drifting away from everything, everything except Frank. It's all I seem to register anymore, I feel numb and warm. So war- ...


I woke up as softly as I had fell asleep. The first thing I saw was the last thing I had seen, Frankie's hazel eyes greeting me and his crooked grin that I reciprocated. We both sat, just snuggled against each other in comfortable silence. That is, of course if you don't count the drunken conversations or scratchy music that seemed to form the background sound of this bar.

He was the first to speak, or more accurately, blurt out out of nowhere:
"Do you think I'm tall enough?"
I couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle, "What? Where's this coming from so early in the morning?"
"Well first, it's like one am so while you're technically right, it's not really morning you just dozed off on the couch and-... "
"Well, I kinda liked having you all snuggled up to me, I couldn't bear wake you up when you looked so comfy anyways." I mentally awwed at that.
"How long was I out for?" I suddenly wondered.
"About half an hour? I don't really know I might have dozed off a bit too honestly..."
"Ah... And secondly?"
"Well, why did you ask me if you're tall enough Frank?" He shrugged, something he did when he was nervous.
"I dunno, I mean, I've been thinking Gee, probably overthinking about us. I just- sometimes, I look at you and wonder why you'd ever want to settle for someone like me..." It's his honesty that saddened me the most I think. That and the fact he was clearly avoiding my eyes.
"What?" He looked at me then.
"Frank." I took both his cheeks in my hands to try and emphasize this as much as I possibly could, "I don't give a shit about your height. I don't give. A single shit. How could I? You are beautiful. You are perfect. You are weird, and quirky, and fucking adorable and I don't give a shit what social conventions or fucking gender norms tried to make you feel like you were any less than perfect, 'cauz to me you are. You always have, and always will be. Is that understood?"

I leaned in and kissed him like I meant it, not even letting him time to answer me. I usually asked him before I did but he kissed back almost instantly, humming a bit and smiling a wobbly smile. I pulled back and opened my eyes, looking lovingly into his.

"Hey Gee?" He looked a bit nervous..
"Will you be my boyfriend?" I'm pretty sure I gasped, my eyes opening wide and smiling like an idiot. An idiot in love.

I felt like an explosion had gone off in my chest. It felt warm and dangerous and I loved it. Anyways, like that was a question I really needed answering, sitting in his lap and professing my adoration to him. I answered it anyways, since he looked like he thought I would actually reject him.
"You know it Frankie." I caressed his cheek lovingly, "You know it." I could feel relief coming out of him. Coming out of my boyfriend.

He smiled widely at me and we kissed again, noses bumping and both laughing a bit.
"Gerard, my boyfriend.. I like the way that sounds."
"Rolls right off the tongue right, boyfriend?"
"It really does Gee-"

"WHAT THE FUCK?" A familiar voice suddenly screamed. Too familiar.

We both froze in our current position, me half on Frank's - on my boyfriend's lap and cuddled up in his arms. This time, someone was in fact looking. We both looked at each other with panic written all over our faces and turned to see who had talked, though we both had already recognized the voice.

Ray. And he was so fucking... Mad? Confused? Shocked? Sad? Pissed? I couldn't tell honestly. God I wish I was better at reading people right now.

"What the fuck?" He repeated, since we were both still frozen in place, looking at him like lovestruck idiots caught in the act. Which is exactly what we were.

"What's up Ray?" Frank declared boldly, probably hoping he hadn't seen us kiss and was just highly inconvenienced by us so close to one another... yeah we were so fucked.

"What's up Ray? What's up Ray?! You can't just fucking kiss each other and then be like 'oh hey, what's up Ray?'! What the fuck guys??"

"Ray you can't tell Mikey about us." I blurted out. I liked my beer unpoisoned.

"What? What is 'us'? Are you guys, like a thing?"

I was going to answer but Frank beat me to it. "We just made it official actually... that's why we were kissing.."

I turned to look at Frank. I was so glad I could finally call him mine. After all these years of doubt and disappointment I could finally look at my boyfriend, him looking at me, no looking away to avoid being caught by the other.

Ray sighed audibly, like the exasperated mother he acted like 98,7% of the time and spoke again, "Okay, I'm really mad right now alright, but I'm also kind of really happy for you guys?... Oh my god... Are you like, boyfriends now?" He smiled at us excitedly, a wide grin on his face.

"Yeah, we are." I answered, taking Frank's hand in mine and looking shyly over at him.

"Yeah, I can see it, you do fit well together now that I think about it..." he sighed again, "look, it's not my place to tell Mikey, but he has to know, and he will eventually anyway, you guys are not sneaky. Like at all. You have to tell him okay?"

"We will... thanks Ray." I answered, incredibly relieved, though I already knew it wasn't really Ray's style to do drama. Thank god it was Ray that saw us. Mikey, thankfully, was nowhere to be seen.

"We'll talk about this later okay? I was actually coming to tell you I was leaving."

"With that cute blonde we saw you with earlier?" Frank asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Umm, yeah.. Okay bye Romeos!" He said, blushing violently and leaving precipitously.

Thank god for Ray.

Gosh darnit I love Ray. What's you favorite thing about him?

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Party-Pasta 💜

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