Part 10 ~ The Bad kind Of Blow

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Frank's POV

Waking up with Gee in my arms had been the best thing to ever happen to me. I held him tight and kissed him softly, but he pulled away a bit and seemed to ponder on something, looking away from my eyes. I felt his body tense up gradually under my embrace, eyes opening wide. He looked panicked.

Before I could say anything, he was running towards the door. Confused and concerned, I got up and put my boxers on hurriedly. I caught up to him as he was reaching the door, putting my hand on his shoulder in what I hoped was a reassuring way. When his eyes met mine, the worry they carried blew me away. Not the good kind of blow, like we did last night *wink wink* but the bad, bomb related kind of blow.

"Talk to me" I said softly to the crumbling man that stood in front of me. He finally managed to say the few words that were eating him up slowly from inside.
"This was a mistake... wasn't it? A drunken mistake, a one-night stand - " I cut in suddenly.
"What?.. I don't.. I would never.. Ger I wasn't even drunk, for the first time in a long time, and neither were you in my knowledge.. this was only a one-night stand to you?..." I can't believe I was foolish enough to think this meant as much to him as it did to me. Had he just used me to experience, to see if he liked guys and shit? Had he used me? Had I just put in jeopardy our friendship? The band? To be honest, I was also starting to panic a little. I hoped that I was wrong, because that was not a one night stand to me. I had really hoped it would become a multiple night stand, because I liked the shit out of that dude. I looked at him apprehensively.

He returned the stare with a look in his eyes I couldn't quite decifer and finally said, so softly I almost didn't hear:
"I wish it wasn't..."

Holy shit imma kiss him. And that I did. I pulled his chin down a bit, our eyes still locked together in a heated stare. I finally closed mine as our lips connected, opening my mouth a bit and licking his bottom lip. It was a sweet kiss, slow and soft. I put my hands on his hips and pulled him closer to me while his hands were gently holding my face, stroking my cheekbone a bit. We kissed and kissed and got closer and closer. We were chest to chest now and I tentatively slipped my tongue in his hot mouth. He opened it up willingly, our tongues lazily moving together.

We were like this for years, entire centuries, milleniums, it seemed. I finally had to pull away a bit so I could breathe, realizing I had held my breath the whole time. After looking at each other, both breathing heavily for a bit - it seems he hadn't thought of breathing either - I said:
"I meant everything I said yesterday Ger, I want you, and only you. This was not a one-night stand to me and... I want to stay. Can I? ...I mean stay? I like cuddling with you..."

Gerard's POV

Did Frank Fucking Iero just ask me to cuddle with him? I might die. To answer his question, I leaned in and kissed him softly again, a stupid grin on both our faces. I pulled away, looking happily into his adorable hazel eyes. I then took my pants and shirt off again and guided him towards the bed, until we were both lying down next to each other. He moved closer and rested his head on my heart, cuddling my side and caressing my chest. I pulled the covers back up and pet his hair lovingly, peaceful. This. This was perfect.

I guess heaven wasn't that far away after all...

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