Part 13 ~ His Tongue Was Dancing A Slow With Mine, And He Was A Great Dancer

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Frank's POV

I was really scared of screwing this up for Ger, but we were both in heaven right now. I could practically feel my eyes roll back into my skull as I slammed myself down against him once again, yelling out all kinds of sweet, sweet profanities. He was hitting my prostate over and over again, and I probably won't last very long at this pace.

He looked at me pleadingly and bit his lip. Holy shit that's hot. I rolled my hips around a bit, earning yet another moan from him. "Ohh shit Frank, you feel so good, sosogood. Ahh! Don't... d-don't stop!" I went up quickly and slammed violently down, crying out for him. I was going at a crazy pace, riding his dick practically balls deep.
"Gee! Geeee.. AH! Ahh, you- so huge- I can't AHhhh. You feel so good shit! I'm so close Gee, socloseholyshit.."

I grabbed my cock and started pumping myself harshly, craving some release. He put his hand on top of mine and made me go even faster, making me moan uncontrollably. I was right on the verge of coming, it was too much, way too much pleasure to handle for much longer.

Gerard's POV

It was so hot, seeing Frank touch himself like that, with his brows furrowed a bit, his mouth hanging open, my dick deep inside him, a glimmer of sweat all over his body... "I'm so close Frankie, you- you look so beautiful. So beautiful." He blushed a bit and slammed down once again, making me throw my head back against the headboard with a quite loud bang.

I grabbed a hold of his waist tightly and started to thrust myself up to meet him, while also pushing him down, my other hand still jerking him off. He let out a surprised moan at the initiative and put his free hand on my shoulder, trying to keep his balance. He yelled out again and clenched his hole around me, throwing me right over the edge. "HOLY! Frannnkk I'm gonna- I'm gonna cum! FRANKKKK!"
"AHH! Cum- cum for me Gee, AH! GOD!"
I came quite violently, my whole body shivering and my head so dizzy, crying out Frank's name the whole time. He came seconds after me all over our chests, his butt clenching again and nails digging into my shoulders which practically made me cum another time right then and there.

He rode out his orgasm, whimpering my name with his eyes screwed shut and mouth loosely open. He finally opened his eyes and looked at me, I probably looked like a complete wreck. That was the most intense orgasm I had ever had. "Holy shit." is all he could muster at the moment, we were both really out of breath. We just looked at each other for a few minutes. He looked so hot, his crazy hair and lustful eyes, perfect mouth and strong thighs.

"Gee, you look so pretty like that. I love knowing that it's me that makes you sweat, I love hearing you scream my name. That- that was really intense.."
"I can't believe we just did that. I mean, that-..."
"What?" He smiled.
"That was amazing Frankie."
"Can I kiss you Gee?"
He leaned in and we kissed slowly, lazily, so happily. His tongue was dancing a slow with mine, and he was a great dancer.

I suddenly realized, as he shifted a bit on top of me, that I was, in fact, still buried inside him. We both moaned tiredly and he slowly raised himself up to get off. Once he was, he took the condom off me and threw in in the trash, before sitting on my lap and gently putting his hands on my cheeks, looking deep into my eyes lovingly. We both leaned in and kissed, for minutes we stayed like that, completely vulnerable, completely abandoned, bathing in the warm glow we had created.

Frank's POV

I didn't feel weird exposing myself like that to Gerard, holding nothing back and kissing him stark naked. I felt safe and loved, no stress, no pressure. It was his first time, but that was still kind of a first for me, feeling so close to someone, not physically, but close emotionally. Feeling lucid and foggy-minded at the same time. He had been so gentle with me, I knew he cared and it felt amazing to to this with him, especially knowing I was his first. He wrapped his arms around my chest and rested his head in the crook of my neck, nuzzling a bit. I smiled widely and kissed the top of his head.

I got off his lap reluctantly and went to get a towel to clean us both off a bit. After that was done, I came back into bed, where Gee was already lying, and pulled the sheets up on top of us. He wiggled closer to me and spooned me, his hot breath on the back of my neck. He whispered sweet nothings into my ear and caressed my chest lazily. I felt safe, warm, loved. With Gee so close to me, I felt as if nothing could ever go wrong.

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