Part 16 ~ A Series Of Loud Moans And Multiple Profanities Later

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Frank's POV

I threw him on the bed and climbed on top of him. He started grunting as I bit around his neck, I was starting to be frustrated that I hadn't found his sweet spot yet.

"MmmmH AhhHhhh Ah! Fraaaank"

Found it.

I licked the aera that made him produce those slutty moans, nibbling at it and sucking. I knew he loved it, not only from the beautiful sounds he emitted, but also from the heated stare we shared when I stopped and let my face hover over his. He licked his lips as invitation and I pushed mine against them harshly, a messy tongue-y mix we were assembling. I pushed my erection against his and grinded my hips, capturing his moan in my mouth.

He suddenly grabbed my shoulders, smirked at my confused face, and flipped us over completely, pinning my wrists above my head.
"Fight me" I said, my vision blurred by lust.
"Oh, I will frankie, and I'll win too"
I tried to argument but he grinded down on me suddenly, my words coming out approximately like this:
"Yo- MMmm Ahh wh- AH!"

He was so winning.

He smiled at me and kissed my cheek, leaving a trail of kisses from it, down my neck and stomach and stopping on my thigh. InCrEAdiBLy cLOsE to my aching cock. He looked at me with devilish eyes and licked my whole length, never breaking the stare.
"Holy shit Gee" I finally managed to get out, totally out of breath.
"I know, right?"

With that he licked around the top of my penis before suddenly taking half of it in his mouth. I... I really moaned like a whore; I knew it, he knew it from the looks he was giving me, I hoped to god the neighbors didn't know it..

"AhHaAAH, gee, SHIT, gee! AHhh!" He started going faster and attempting to go further, his head bobbing up and down and sweaty hair all over his face. What he didn't have trapped in his hot mouth, he was stroking with his hand faster and faster.

It was overwhelming, the perfectly imperfect man going down on me, with his perfect greasy hair, his perfect chubby thighs, his perfect.. butt. Yeah, I'm not ashamed okay, I'm a butt person (*wink wink*). Point is, even if I wanted to, I could never stop myself from being so loud right now, I was way too turned on, I desperately needed release. Like, righttt now.

Suddenly, he took me all the way in, my dick hitting the back of his throat. He was gagging a bit, but I seriously didn't think he could do that, this was technically only the second blowjob he'd ever done so I didn't expect him to try that. Not that it didn't make me grunt his name or grip the sheets tightly. He was really good at it for a rookie.

He pulled off and I pouted, but he soon has hovering above me again. He grinded down on me, our cocks rubbing against each other faster and faster. We were both moaning now and I captured one of his in my mouth, feeling it dispersing in my body, making me even more turned on - if that's even possible. He was so dominant today, this was a whole new side of him, one I fucking loved. My hips were bucking more and more now, and I knew I wasn't going to last much longer at that pace.

"Shit Gee... fuCK! Don't s-Mmmm don't stop! So c-close!" I reached out and played with one of his nipples, making him gasp.
"Cum for me frankie - fuck! AHhh - cum for me baby!"

One more move of his hips and I lost it, my vision obscuring, my legs shaking, cum splattering both our chests. He let himself flop down beside me as I slowly regained consciousness. I suddenly realized he hadn't orgasmed. Like I was going to let that happen.

I slowly crawled on top of him, my face above his for a few seconds before I dropped lower and started nibbling on his earlobe, my hand slowly tracing a path down his chest to his over sensitive cock. I wrapped my hand around him and started pumping slowly, letting the pleasure build up inside him again. I let go of his earlobe and began to look for the sweet spot on his neck once more.

I could feel his precome lubbing up my fingers as I picked up the pace, his breath getting harsher and grunts escaping him more and more. I brought my face up to his again and watched him, with his dilated pupils, sweaty face, mouth half hung open. Fuck he looked perfect like that.

Never breaking the stare, I picked up the pace again, his soft grunts becoming whorish moans and his eyes looking more and more unfocused.
"Don't stop Frank.. AH! Gon- gon-"
"Go ahead baby"

A series of loud moans and multiple profanities later, we were one on top of the other catching our breath, not thinking once about the mess we made. How could it matter when we knew it came (*wink wink*) from the incredible high we were both coming down from.

I got myself off of him and lay on my back beside him. He was contemplating the ceiling and declared:
"That felt amazing Frank. I mean, I can't believe how good it feels to be with a guy. I can't believe how good it feels to be with you. God, you make me feel good, you make me feel alive, you make me feel... loved." With that he turned his head towards me. "You make me feel loved."
I closed the space between us as he shut his eyes and leaned in, meeting my lips for an eager yet sweet kiss, a long, unrushed, passionate kiss.

"I feel the same Gee" I answered, a smile pulling at my swelled lips. I turned so I had my back to his chest and let him spoon me, leaving loving kisses on the back of my neck. I felt so comfortable with Gerard. Like all my boudaries were suddenly unimportant, my insecurities suddenly secured. We were both against each other, appreciating each other, completely naked, without a care in the world. With him, it didn't feel like someone burst my bubble, it felt like he had simply joined me in it, a bubble for two.

We were a bubble for two.

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