Part 21 ~ Soft Gee, Warm Gee, Little Ball Of Fur...

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Frank's POV

It had been three days since Ray saw us together, but honestly I couldn't care less. I'm starting to feel pretty serious about this relationship, and now that it's official, I'm aching to show Gerard off.

I mean, I know I have a gorgeous, genius, magnificent creature for a boyfriend, but I just wish we could show our love for each other to the world. Holding hands in public, sharing food, grabbing each other's butt while passing each other... I want to do all that with Gee. I want us to be out into the open, to be two lovestruck idiots fumbling around the world together, leaving tiny glimpses of romance everywhere we pass.

Maybe I'm a hopeless romantic.

I've just never felt like this before, like I just wanna give everything I have to Gee without blinking, even my heart, knowing he could decide to crush it at any moment.

It's trusting someone enough to know they'll take care of it - your heart - and craddle in in their soothing hands through the ups and downs of this rollercoaster we climb on innocently. It's missing him when he's not next to me, missing his radiant smile. It's replaying scenes of our relationship in my head like scenes of my favorite movies, his giggles erupting and warming up my whole body. It's Gee, simply.

Maybe - probably - it's love.

Simply being like this, Gee curled up on my lap on the couch of the hotel room we finally decided to get for the night while we watched shitty shows on TV, was perfect to me. I loved hearing him giggle at the dumb jokes and hum in contentment as I pet his hair gently. I could feel his warmth radiating through me, though I didn't know if it was his actual body heat of the simple feeling of comfort being close to him brought me that warmed me up from the inside out.

He was the cutest like this, his hair a mess and his batman pajama pants that hung low on his hips. His chest has bare, which was a sign he had gotten more comfortable with his body around me. That thought made me burst with pride and adoration. I couldn't help but reach out and gently stroke the stretch marks visible on his belly, tracing their patterns and kissing his mop of hair. What a perfectly uneventful evening with my gorgeous, amazing boyfriend.

Gerard's POV

I really like being with Frankie.

He always made me feel good about myself, making my insecurities maybe a bit more secure. Saying how he loved my thick thighs and jelly belly, how he loved how he could grab them, or just rest his head on me and I would be really comfortable. He said how much he loved the stretch marks on my thighs and stomach, saying it just added texture to his boyfriend. With him, I felt like I was beautiful. Not perfect; beautiful.

He was beautiful. With his passionate eyes and funky hair. With his toned body littered with intricate body art, each one meaningful in its own way. With those eyes that always looked at me with such intensity, like I held all the answers. With his happy ripples and tiny scars on his nose and bottom lip where his piercings once were. And oh, those lips. I could never get tired of kissing them, never get tired of kissing Frank. Never get tired of kissing my boyfriend.

This whole relationship thing was new for me - for him too - but he made it come so easily. I felt proud to call him my boyfriend, I honestly wish I had the guts to scream it from the rooftops, or even just tell my brother.

I don't know exactly what it is I feel for Frankie. He makes me feel warm inside, that's for sure, and like I'm on top of the fucking world.

He is the biggest fire and I'm a pyromaniac, I cannot help but adore. I loved making him smile, I loved it when he was happy, I loved everything about him.

God, I did. I did know how he made me feel, how I felt about him. It was so fucking simple actually.

"Yea?" He answered, looking at me with a lazy smile on his face and dreamy eyes, the Tv long forgotten about.
"I love you."
Without skipping a beat, as if he had been thinking about similar things, he answered back confidently "As I love you, Gee." His eyes turned soft and a barely-there blush had formed on his cheeks. I swear his cuteness is too much to handle at times.

I turned my body on his lap and cradled his cheek in my hand, looking into those intense hazel eyes once again and feeling myself get lost in them, while also realizing I'd be lost without them. He took the hint and leaned forward, pushing his lips against mine gently but with passion underlining every move of our eager lips.

There we were, two lovestruck idiots, falling idiotically in love, forgetting about the rest of the world for a fleeting moment and just appreciating the other's everything.

And I couldn't help but smile like a sap. He loved me.

His soft lips were turned up too, an upside down frown I could feel moving against mine slowly, enjoying every moment, every sensation and every eternity we made each other feel. The kiss meant so much more than all the others did before. Every word of romance and everything we felt for each other was communicated in that kiss.

His lips definitely felt different when they had just formed the words I love you.

Love is a dangerous thing, a dangerous word. His lips could possibly be the end of me. Though, the more I thought about it, is there a better way to fall, if it's not in love? To fall in love with Frank.

I'll be careless for him.

Thank you for being patient with me, here's some cute fluff just for you as a reward They finally said it *whooray*

I think this book is coming to an end soon:( I have maybe three or four chapters planned, still deciding on how to finish it though... I'll miss this story, even if it's kinda shit 😂

I'm working on a new frerard oneshot book right now, the first chapter will probably come out soon so I'm excited for that though!

How do you feel about this chapter? Tell me what you think! Comment, vote, use telepathy, send owls! Whatever floats your boat.

Rock on jacket sluts,
Party-Pasta 💜

.But You're Beautiful To Me. ~Frerard~Where stories live. Discover now