[ Chapter 1 ]

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We get down every Friday night
Dancin' and grindin' in the pale moonlight
Grand Ole Opry, feelin' alright
Mary prays the rosary for my broken mind

Body electric , Lana Del Rey

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The heavy metal door of the cell open , and the soft light revile the tiny figure of the pale , blonde woman with the messy ponytails , looking at the empty space . The Dark Knight step in from the shadowstage and came closer to her , but the woman didn't bother to look her visitor . She was looking the old , dirty wall of her cell , full of pictures of the man she loves . Mr.J . Her Mr.J .

- Where is he ? He asked her , hoping for an answer that never came .

It was the same game , same story , day after day , night after night , every single time she was here , in Arkham ... The door open , the Bat enter and the questions asked .

- Why to tell you ? After all , you are the one who put me here ...

She was staring the pictures of her puddin , hung in the walls of her cell , visible know with the soft light of the hal . She smiles athe the look of his image , running her fingers at the paper surface of the poster . Her other hand were playing with a rug doll , with purple costume and green hair , she had made her by herself . She hung it firmly , kissing it thinking it was him ...

- You here because of him , Harleen , not of me ... He let you behind . You own it to yourself .

- My puddin didn't leave me back , she answer calmly , he will come back for me ... he promised ...

- He doesn't love you Harleen, he just using you ... That's not love Harleen ... not by any meaning of the word ...

- Oh , what do you know about love darling ? Nothing ...

- You deserve better Harleen , and you know that ... Why you waste yourself with him ? You could be great ... You could have had a family ... friends ... When was the last time you talk to your friends ? Do you have any friends ? Can you see what he is doing to you ? He isolate you , Harleen , no one dares to speaks to you because of him ...

- Why are you here ?

- I heard about the contitions they found you Harleen ... you were bruised and half-dead when they found you ... it was a miracle you could still walk . And yet he leaves you back . To fought me . So he could escape . While you would die .

She felt hot tears running from her cheeks . It wasn't true . Lies . Always lies . The Dork knight always lie , but he had this gift , this charisma, his lies always heard more convincing than the truth . She tried to close her ears with her hands but she could still heard his voice .

- Why you let him win ? There were times that you resist , that you fought back ... what happened ?

She shut her eyes and tried to ignore him . Batman came close to her and force her to look at his face - well , mask .

- He loves me ! yell Harley .

- He doesn't love anyone , not even himself ... Wake up Harley ! Wake up ! Look what he done to you !

He throw her doll in the floor . Harley gets up and pick it up from the floor .

She kiss the doll softly .

- My puddin is just a bit rough sometimes , but he does loves me .

She sat in her bed hanging her green headed doll .

- He loves me , repited Harley closing her eyes ... he loves me ... my puddin ... my puddin loves me ! You just said all those lies because you are jealous , B-man ... you can't find true love like my puddin and I did ...

- And you know ... said giggling , when I escape ... because you know it , Batsy we always escape , she says looking at him straight in the eyes , he will fuck me so damt hard ... says Harley with slow , erotic voice , so hard ... She continues gigging and she lay to her bed .

- I feel pitty for you ... pitty and disgust ... your condition ... it's his fault .

- It's not ... she said and take a small breath , his fault ... My puddin ...

- Change you . Destroy you . Your old self ... your true self ... it's all gone because of him .

- What a man with a mask knows about true self ?

She looked at the mask her lover adore like he was a God . And God he was for her ; he knew her wishes , he knew her faults, he knew her sins, he knew the truth, he always knew , but still unable to understand her falts , her weaknesses , her human nature, criticaze her , judge her and yet ready to forgive her. He shows her mercy, but throw her to hell, her destiny in his hands so many times , his death , her happiness .

- A man with a mask , she said and lower her voice , is never himself . He's only the person he wishes to be .

He was almost in the door , ready to leave . He hesitate , for a moment but then he replied to her with few words .

- Tomorrow we will use to you the truth serum . You always had the choice to speak by yourself if you want to .

Her eyes widen . They want to force her to betrayle Mr.J ... She wouldn't let that happened .

Puddin , oh sweet sweet puddin , where are you ? Your Harley girl needs you ... she needs him , she needs him a lot ... Her eyes filled with tears ... She needed to feel his lips touching hers , roughly ... to feel his cold blue eyes in her skin ... to feel his stong arms around her tiny waist ... He wasn't heartless . He wasn't monster . He wasn't useless . He was dangerous , charming and intelligent ... and he loves her ...

He was magnetic . When he talks , it's like a million fireworks explose in her mind ... he tastes like a summer drink , alcohol and ice ... he kiss her wild and passionated ... he walks like a God , everyone knows him , respects him ... and he was hers ... and she was his , they completed each other perfectly ...

She wouldn't betrayle him . Not by any force in this planet she would detrayle her angel . Her beautiful , murderous manipulative angel ... She clean her eyes and she starts planning her escape .

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Hi ! I know the first chapter is not so good but I promise it gets better after a while !

I apologise if I had any mistakes in grammar or vocabulary , but this is my first story in English ! If you see any mistake please tell me so I can fix it !

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