[ Chapter 7 ]

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The bed was small , dirty and uncomfortable . She waiting him finish , without letting even a moan . After he finished his ... " job " , Joker let her lie in the bed , half dressed half naked .

She couldn't move her body . He tiered her more than the most times . She had no energy to dance or to move . She just lye on the bed , with her dress still in .

He didn't bother with undressing her . Sometimes , he acts like an animal . Hungry , rushing like there is some reason to rush . But then , when he finishes , he was totally under control and he just goes back to talk about " business " . Important business , like how to catch the B-man , buy weapon , organised robberies ... to paint Gotham in blood ... that's her favourite .

She felt her throat empty , she wants a drink . There was a little fidge in the corner of her room . She took a drink and started drinking from the bootle . She heard a gunshot . Someone pissed of her puddin again . She took her drink and lie on bed .

The door open and he enters the room again . Without tell her a word , he starts looking for something under her bed . He took a box of and took some bottles and needles out . His hands shacking and he was looking really nervous .

- Let me help you , she said and take the needle from his hands .

- I can do it myself , thank you , said Joker and try to took the needle back .

- Honey ... your hands are shacking and I don't want lose you from overuse ... the last time , you pass out in the bathroom and doctors said you were really lucky to survive , Harley told him calmly as he leaves the needle on her hand .

She put the needle on his pale white skin and after a while he let her alone in the room . She took her drink and continued drinking .

" He doesn't loves you Harley ... he doesn't love anyone or anything ... not even himself "

His words hit her in the head , nails in her heart . How could this be true ? How is even possible he couldn't love her ?

He doesn't care about money , not really . It was not about money . It was about sending a message . No one dares to steal for him , not because he cares about money but for respect . Respect and recognition were the only thing he cares about . Especially from Batman .

He does care for Batman , she thought ... Batman was important . He was always important . Always first . She was always in second place . Even in the first days , in the Asylum , she notice how much he cares about him . But he didn't love him . He was important but not loved . She never understood that . Why to be so much important someone's you don't love ?

Does he cares about himself ? Sure he cares for his ego , but from himself ? Sometimes yes but some others ... he didn't seems to care about his life at all . He acted stupidly , dangerously , without to think the consequences . He doesn't about his self as a person , a human being , rather than an idea , a mind state ...

Does he loves her ? She hopes so ... she had done everything he wants , everything he needs just for that . To love her . If he doesn't , her life was meaningless . She doesn't know . She wasn't sure .

Sometimes , he look at her and his gaze was total empty . Like he doesn't feel anything for her . Nothing . And some others ... some other times , he was looking at her and she knew , she knew that he was in love with her , because this gaze was the gaze of love .

" That's not love Harley ... Not with any meaning of the word ... "
He was wrong . Love has many meanings , Batman ... she thought , many colours , and dark and dirty ones ... and hurtful , and painful and ungly , ungly colours ... he could never understand it , he could never look though her eyes , and see the world like her ... he had an image of what love is , and image so different from hers , from their . For him , love probably means hearts and suns and rainbows ... love was something good , something ... normal .

A normal they could never have . A normal she wish they could have . Some times , she dreams about it with the same way she once dreams about madnes . Human curse . Always want the one thing they couldn't have .

Hey ! Sorry for being such a sort chapter , but my original chapter was deleted so I had to rewrite it 😧 . You might wander about Harley thinks Joker doesn't love her . But it's simply in the human nature . People change their minds and their opinions about the others all the time , depending on how they feel , what happened to them and how clean they saw the things every time . So I hope you enjoy the chapter , I promise you in the next chapter there will be more action !

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