[ Chapter 11 ]

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OK guys ... this turned out a bit darker than I thought ... Happy Valentines day ? Yeah , it contains a dark theme & violence so if you are sensitive ( although after the previous chapter no sensitive person would ever read this story longer ) don't read it . Personally this my favourite character ❤

Few days later

She look at her reflection in the mirror . She could hardly feel her feet . Black and blue bruises cover her shoulders and her chest . Her hair was a mess . The red river of blood from her nose have dryed .

He doesn't give her death , a sort painful , relieving death , no , not at all . He poison her , slowly , silently , giving her pain and pleasure , since she doesn't know what was pleasure and what pain anymore .

He use to leave her at home , for hours and then , when he gets home , he was always drunk . Then he beats her since she bleed . Breaking her in pieces . And when she starts crying , he takes her in the bed , with him . He run his fingers to her hair and kiss her neck . And he built her again with his body . She rebuilt herself with his kisses , thinking that he loves her , he loves because he wouldn't make love with her if he don't ... but deep down she knows that this cold , violent , love making wasn't love , it was just sex . A need to pleased .

He doesn't talk to her .He had built his walls again , walls she thought she had break but here there are again , ready to break her down . They only said two or three sentences to each other , and when he leaves , she was alone at home . She drinks bear or whatever she could found on the house and she watch Television . Until he came back .

She could take a lot of things except that ; the constant repetition of the same routine . And she knows , she knows she can't break it , she can't leave him ... she have trap herself in this circle ... the circle of violence , sex and isolation ... she feels the true world miles and miles away from her , and the only thing that breaks the routine was the Saturday nights when he takes her with him at the club ... small , tiny breakings full of alcohol , smoke and lust ...

She look at the mirror again . He was harder than the previous times . He had fuck her pretty hard . She wasn't sure if she enjoy it , she couldn't take it in the end but he didn't stop . She wants to wash away his touch from her body , his smell , his lips but at the same time , she wants to keep him with her , for ever ... and this time , not because she loves him , but because she needs him .

She needs someone , anyone with her ... She was pathetic . A shame . And the worst part is ... he will leave her here , alone . Even though if she needs him . She needs him a lot . She heard the bathroom door open .

- Mr.J ? She said with her voice shaking .

He walks in , next to her . He softly push her away and look himself in the mirror . He fix his hair and brush them carefully . She watch him fixing his hair and she softly put her hand into his hair . He turned and look at her . He puts his hands behind her ears ... he move his thumbs next to her lips and look deep in to her eyes . So deep she was afraid he could see her naked soul , all her thoughts ...

She put her lips on his gently . He was surprised at the beginning but then he kiss her back . He put his hands around her waist . His touch now has nothing to do with his touch before . His touch was a human touch . And he kiss her ... and there is not even close to the way he do it a night ago . It was the way a man kiss the woman he loves . And for one minute , mayde only for once , she was sure he loves her . Just for this tiny tiny moment , he loves her .

He softly remove her hands from him gently . He break the kiss and he take her hand on his . He look at her eyes again but this time , her eyes were wet .

- Don't go , she whispers , please don't go , I need you ... just for one time ...

She put her hands around his neck and starts crying silently .

- I will be back in a few hours , pumpkin pie , he told her gently and he tries to free from her touch .

She hungs him strongly and he push her with power . Harley fell to the floor and Joker left the room .

Eventually , she stand up in her feet again with difficulty . Her breath was heavy . She look at the mirror again and starts screaming , breaking it with her hand . Blood cover her hand but she keep screaming and hit herself at the bathroom walls . She doesn't heard the door open or see the worried Joker gets in .

- Harley ? Harley what happens ? he asked and then notice her bloody hand . Let me see it , he said and come closer to her .

Her bloody fist hit him in the face and throw him to the floor . The blood from her hand cover his face too . He gets up , and grab both her hands and stack her in the wall . She kick him between his legs and throw him to the floor .

She tried to run away from him but he grab the towel who lied in the floor in her legs and trow her in the floor to . Harley keep screaming and fighting with him . She tried to climb in the bed , but he hold her down . With one hand he pin both her hands on the ground above her head and he get up . He stack her in the wall and with his other hand he grab her hair .

She split him in the face and then he let her right hand free and she slaps him . He takes a bloody piece of the broken mirror and keep next to her neck . She stops screaming . For one minute , only their heavy breathing were hearing .

Her eyes have no tears now , only a wild light , giving her an insane looking . She doesn't seem scared at all . She was smiling , and scary crazy smile , with no fear , no hesitations and no second thoughts ... a picture of insanity itself .

- What are you waiting ? Do it ! she yells at him .

He did't answer , just look at her eyes .

- Do it ! she yells . Do it , do it , I saw you want it ! You want it , don't you ? So do it ! she keep yelling .

He still didn't answer just look at her eyes . He throws the piece of glass to the floor .

- Wuss , she whispers but before she open her mouth to speak again he had slap her and she felt to the floor .

She starts screaming while he grad her tightly and throw her to the bed . He starts to searching in the closet for something and then he returns with some large ropes . She was screaming hysterically while he climbs up her and tied her in bed .

- What happened , Doctor ? You don't like when they did it to you but you like it when you did it to me , right ? he says and he took a cloth from the floor and close her mouth . Finally , some silence .

He climbs up to her and he force her to look at him .

- Look at me , he said , I said look at me !

She look at his blue eyes , and she saw the storm inside them . A storm inside him . A storm she cause . He breaks her . But she breaks him too . She had pass the point of no return . He had to decide . Kill her or keep her . The time has almost came . She heard his heart beating , raply like hers and for once again the only sound was their breathings .

She wants to scream and never stop , scream since the end of the word . He leave the bed and then he goes to the bathroom and wash the blood from his face . He took his coat and leave the room . She only heard the sound of the purple lumburginy leaving and then she knows he had left .

Harley was still tied in the bed . Tears start falling from her eyes but she couldn't swipe them . Her hands where tied and she had tied them by herself .

Lethal Lust [ Joker & Harley Quinn ]Where stories live. Discover now