[ Chapter 12 ]

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She tried to scream but she couldn't . She couldn't scream or move , the only thing she could in fact do is crying and that silently , waiting for the sleep to take her .

She wants to break things . Break the mirror , the bed , herself ... just to relieve the world from her miserable and harmful existence .

Her hand was still bleeding , filing the sheets with big , red spots . She had to change them , when all this ends . He hates to see the sheets dirty with blood .

Rain starts falling . She could sleep much easier with the slowly sound of the rain . She close her eyes and before she understood it , Harley had fallen asleep .

She wake up from the sound of the the purple lumburginy coming back . Her eyes open , inmidialty , widen from fear . She didn't knew what he was ready to do with her . Soon she heard the sound of the keys in the door and the his footsteps outside the hall .

He gets into the room without telling her nothing , keeping in his hands a glass of water and one mini box with white pills in it . Joker climbs up in the top of her waist , with his legs open and try to free her from the ropes and the cloth in her mouth . She starts screaming again and try to fight him , but his hold was really tight .

- Open your mouth ! Open your mouth , I said !

He force her to open her mouth , drink water and take all the pills . Harley felt dizzy . She slowly put up the fight and let herself to fell into his arms .

- Nice girl , he said and took her in his arms , let me help you now , ok ?

If she had her senses , she would scream , but her almost fallen asleep self just nod , realising she can't do anything else .

- You know , I get in a big trouble to take this shit ... But , what else can you do when your girlfriend has a crisis ? Well , Doc , who could ever imagine that one day you will be the one who takes the sedatives ?

He puts a smile on his face to cover his worried . This was the first time all those years that Harley Quinn have ever break . Or have sings she will eventually break like any other toy .

He start to undressing his little porselan doll , slowly , softly without tell a word . He let her completely naked in the bed and then starts to put out his shirt . A wild light shine in his doll's eyes for one second , in his sight to undress to . She felt her feet shaking again . But he stopped . He took her in his arms , shirtless , in bridal style and lead her to the bathroom .

He softly place her in the bath tub , takeing a sponge and start cleaning her body . He wash her bruises softly , gently , trying not to hurt her . Like he never did before . Harley smirks . Lethal . Their love . Or whatever this was . Kill them both . Inside . Outside .

He run the sponge though her face , petting it gently . He wipe some dry tears from her eyes with the edge of his wist .

He look at her , for a second , with her eyes closed and her skin more white than usual , more red than usual . Her long , platinum blonde hair , with the pink and blue edges fell into her face and cover her shoulders . Her pale , pretty face , with the dryed blood river running in her nose , some pieces of messy make up and her black and blue shoulders , full of bruises . She was a piece of violent art , cruelty and brutaltly ... And she never seem prettier to him than now .

- Now , let's take care of your hand , shall we ? He said and took softly her hand in his .

She was cut deeply , but thankfully no piece of glass was in , or at least he hopes so . He goes out from the bathroom for a moment and he returns with the first aid kit . He clean her hand and tie it with some bargains .
She didn't move at all . When he finished , he carried her in his arms again and put her to bed .

- Puddin ? she said weakly .

- Shhhh , honey , go to sleep , like a good girl , all right ?

- Can you stay here , with me ?

He turned his face to face her . The softly sun light was shinning in her face , while she was lying in the bed . Her face was now clean from the dryed blood and the messy make up , but the bruises and the cut in her button lips where still hear . She was like an angel . A broken , bruised angel who forgot how the heaven was ... forgot how to fly ... and eventually being forgotten in the cold , brutal human world ...

- Can you ? she asks again .

- OK , just for once , he said and he lied next to her .

He took his pills from the table next to the bed . He couldn't sleep without them years now . Harley knows that . She always put them in this table , with a glass of water , so he could take them easily .

She hung him tightly , lying into his chest with her eyes closed , smiling . He smile at her too but she couldn't see it . His little Harley girl . He run his fingers in her hairs and smell her . Harley , like the babies , has her own , special perfume . So he stay there . And smell it .

Apologies to humanity about this terrible thing . I just re - read this and I was like " What I was thinking ? Was I on drugs and I didn't remember it ? " I honestly believe it was good in the start but when I read it for second time ... just sorry . Yeah just made it dark and touching ( yeah that's what I was trying to do ) and f@ck the plot ... I just want to show both of them as mentally unstable , highlight the connection between them and the depth of their understatement ... Yeah I failed but it's an important part of the plot so I had to post it ... Sorry 😂

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