[ Chapter 13 ]

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She woke up feeling her head heavy from the painkillers and the sedatives . He was lying next to her , sleeping peacefully .

She watch him sleeping , remembering how rarely she could do that as he usually woke up before her , the times he did sleep . He was usually sleeping two or three hours , berly more . When he sleeps , he looks so ... peaceful . A condition he never was when he woke up . And so handsome .

She slowly run her fingers to his green hair . She see the bargains carefully placed in her hand . He had put it there . He had take care of her . Normally , that would make her happy . Make her feel visible , special ... but now ... she could only feel disgust . She had never him to feel sorry for her . She wasn't a weak pathetic victim , and he was the last person she ever wanted to see her this way .

He feel pitty for her . The only thing she hates to see in everyone's eyes . Sorry . Pity . And she wasn't willingly to wait for him to wake up and look at her like she was his victim . She wouldn't bare to see this look .

She wanted to escape but she knew there was nowhere she could go . But right now , hell was better than this place .

She run downstairs as fast as she could , trying to open this door . But the door was locked . Harley feel her legs melting in the floor . She tried to open it again but still nothing so she start hitting the door again again , with fury , but the door wasn't opening , or breaking down . Her head was hurting , like million voices were talking to her .

The door was not gonna open . Not now , not ever . She was trapped like an animal in a cage she choose herself . Tears start falling from her eyes like a river . She slam herself against the heavy wooden door in a desperate attempt to make it open but she only end up hurting herself .

She heard him coming downstairs but she didn't bother looking at him . She just wanted an escape from him , and escape from here and she didn't care how . He grabs her by herself shoulders and force her to look at him .

- Baby ? Hey , baby what happened ? She didn't stop crying .

- Put your hands down of me ! she yells .

- Harley ! Relax ! What happened , pumpkin pie , what's wrong ? He tried hung her , but she make a step back .

- Don't touch me ! she yells and run to the kitchen as he follow her . She lock herself there and start crying even more . He starts slamming the door and yelling at her .

- Harley ! Open the door now ! This is not funny anymore ! Open the door now ! I said open the door Harley ! Open the fucking door or you will regret that !

He kicks the door , almost breaking it . Harley grab a knife from the kitchen and hold it . He breaks the door and enter in the kitchen .

- Get away from me , she said with the same wild look she had the previous day . I said get away from me !

- Put it down , Princess , he said coming closer to her . Put it down I said !

But Harley didn't obey . Her wild light in her eyes have come back . Rebellion . She didn't listen him anymore . She keep the knife in the level of her eyes and although her hands shaking , those grey - blue rebellion eyes , telling him she is gonna use it .

- Oh , come on baby , he said trying to convince her , just give to Daddy the knife , and he will forget about it ...

- Liar ! She yells .

- Come on , pumpkin pie , he told her , changing his voice , you truly don't want to make Daddy angry , don't you ? Do you really to piss me of ? You ? Me ? Because if all this show continues , I ...

- I am not afraid of you ! Her hands was shaking .

He slap her with power and she trow the knife down . She try to take it back again but he grab her from her wrists and force her to go to the bedroom . He took a dress for the closet and put it in her , while she was still screaming .

- Shut up , darling , no one is hear you , he said while he was putting her her dress . We are going on a ride , see ? We will have so ... much ... fun ... do you hear me ?

When he finishes dressing her up , he put his arms around her waist and carry her out of house , while she was hitting his back with her hands , without stop screaming . He openes the car door and put her inside , wear her her belt and then close the door again . He set in the driver sit and start driving . Harley keep looking at him furious .

- Why you take me with you ? She asks in the end .

- I don't trust you in home in that conditions . You might have some crisis again .

- I don't have crisis ! She yells .

- Baby , baby ! Relax ... OK ?

- You sick bustard ... Don't treat me like I am fucking crazy ! You're sicker than me and you know that !

- Harley , if you don't stop , I will drive the car to a wall ! You know I can , and I promise you , I will !

She stop speaking and they finally reach to the bar . Johnny Frost and the rest of his henchmen where already there . Joker leave her in the bar and go to the meeting room .

She took a bottle of Wiske and sat in couch . She finish the first bottle and she took a second . And a third . The meting wasn't going to finish soon and she was bored . The alcohol warm her body , making her want to dance . She was so bored and when she is bored she needs needs something to play with . She left the bar and start running into the streets , feeling , for first time all those months , free .

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