[ Chapter 14 ]

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She was running on the streets , without being able to walk good . She had fell few times but she couldn't care less . The taste of freedom drunk her even more - even if she had to pay for this taste with her life even .

She goes into the first bar she saw . It was still early , about 9 . But he would found her , he would found her soon . Because mayde he wouldn't realize it if no one next to him remind him her existence , but when someone did it , he would remember she hadn't ask for permission .

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- Where is she ?

Joker hold the man against the wall .

- I don't know , Boss I was just sitting in the bar , I miss only one minute and she was gone !

- Find her ! He yells at him . All of you ! Get out and the streets and find her ! Find her !

He slip his hair back . Did she ... left him ? No , she can not do that , that was impossible . Did her little flower friend come and get her for one of her crazy mission ? Well , that was a possibility but the last time he heard about her she was locked in Arkham . Of course , if she really want it , maybe for a tropical forest cutten down , she could escape easily like always . He could call her , maybe but she wouldn't answer him . No , Ivy's place would be the last place to check , he didn't want to give her the pleasure to think , even for a moment that SHE had leave HIM . SHE was never gonna leave HIM and he wouldn't give her that satisfaction . Not even for a moment .

- We will found her , Boss that's for sure , Johnny Frost said .

He left the bar furious . He had to find her before one of his henchmen did . He had already being humiliated enough by her lost . He had to find her first before they brought her back crying that she didn't want to go back home . And all those idiots laughing at his back .

In those places in Gotham , nights are more colourful than days . And more popular . Drunk men chasing girls with heavy make up , mini shirts and high heels that doesn't allowed them running . Rapists waiting in the corners . Drug dealers sold their stuff . Young women with short , tight pants meet their lovers in cars . Gangsters making deals for the ownership of the streets . Young boys tried their luck at threaten the passengers to get their money and if they are lucky enough , successed , unless they end up in the huge rubbish bins , next to the corps of outlaw lovers , cops and unlucky girls . Yes , it was dangerous in those streets of Gotham at nights , even more dangerous than days . But danger have his glory , and there is no more glamorous place to go at nights than the dirty night clubs , with the hitting smell of multiple drinks and smoke . In the most bars , music was so loud that was heard and outside of the bars , mixing together , making a rare sound patern , reminding him wild nights of his youth . Before Harley .

He enters to the first club he saw and start searching for her . And then he saw her . She was in the stage of the club , giggling , dancing and laughing .

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He was sure . The pretty girl who dance in the club ... it was her . The crazy bitch who tried to kill them few time ago .

The man was sitting in the club , drinking his vodka , speaking with his friends . A lot of girls are the club were entertaining , but she was ... no words could describe her .

The beautiful blonde was leaking her perfect , sexy body in the rhythm of the music , better even than the dancers . God , she was really crazy , wasn't she ?

He felt a strong arm to grad him and pouch him back . He turn his face to see a man with green hair push him back and walk to the stage .

- Hey , you ! What the heck you think you're doing ? Say the man .

- I am sorry , he said to him , I'm just going to collect what's mine .

He freeze at the sight of him . The Joker ? Jesus !

The green headed man walk to the stage . One man tried to stop him but he eat a bullet to his head . He grads the beautiful girl from her wrist and force her to leave the stage . The girl was still laughing but the man ... not at all .

He should have thought it . A crazy bitch like her ? Who else boyfriend could have ?

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They both walk out of the club , with Harley still boasting in laughter and Joker keeping her wrist strongly . They leave the lights of the night life and walks through the darkness of the streets , trying to find the way to the car .

- Walk , he yell at her , I said walk !

- Oh , come on baby , don't you think we have fun , huh ? Look at me , I had so much fun , so much fan ...

- Harley , could you stop acting like an alcoholic slut ?

Harley stopped .

- Prezon , she said but before she continues he had slap her and she fell on the floor .

He grad her tightly from her throat , almost cutting the air from her lugs .

- You stupid whore ! Don't ever dare to speak me like this again , ever ! Stupid , stupid , stupid whore !

His hands leave her throat and he let her body to hit the floor .

Harley starts laughing even louder now , and her laughter wasn't hiding any pleasure at all . It was pain , it was sadness , mania , but not happiness . Not pleasure .

- Why are you laughing , huh? Like what you hear ? He said and kick her in the stomach .

- I'm laughing because that exactly what I am for the whole Gotham ! Your whore ! Your stupid whore ! She yells at him , louder than usual , louder that she ever did .

They had reached at the car , but none of them seems ready get in yet .

- Don't raise your voice on me !

- Unless what J ? You will hit me ? Come here , I'm ready !

She hand stand up , yelling like he did .

- Come here , I'm ready ! I'm ready I said ! Hit me !

The wild light . The wild spirit . The face of the true craziness . She was smiling , and there is nothing to smile to ... the low , evening air was blowing in her hair ... her eyes were no longer peaceful , he didn't know if they would ever being again . She cross the line . She embarrass to darkness , every time a little more . She thought things she shouldn't think . She wish things she shouldn't . She breaks .

The time has came . He had to make a choice . Harley Quinn was no joke anymore . She doesn't make him laughing . Kill her or love her . No regrets . No second choices .

He had trap himself in this circle and he had trap her with him . And every choice he was gonna take was the wrong one .

He opened the car door and push her in , putting her the seat belt but he didn't came in with her . He stay out of the car and starts laughing . Not his usually , insane , maniac laughter ... no . He laughs with the way the demons laught when they saw the Hell's Gates , a laughter which didn't remind human being at all . His laughter could froze the blood of every living being of the planet . It was sculptured by the demons of his mind in the darkest places of his soul . Waiting in silence to boost of . The comical face of the tragedy . It starts raining . The water fall on his white face and drops of rain running in his wet green hair .

It was the laughter of a man who wants to see the world burned . And his self with it .

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