Chapter 1

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The whole group stood by helplessly watching Emma and Gideon fight it out. Emma wouldn't dare let any of her family come to harm because of her, especially by the hands of a monster like Gideon. Watching this was hardest on Henry, this was his mom, if it didn't end well he would lose her. Sure it would tough on Killian, Mary Margaret and David also, but for a kid losing his mom, well that was worst loss of all. Henry couldn't stand by any longer watching.

"Hey" Henry yells "that's my mom." Gideon appears in front of him suddenly, not knowing he was coming Henry steps forward a step, a sword suddenly glides into his stomach, everything went in slow motion after that for him, falling to his knees, then to the ground. He hears his family calling out his name.

Emma meanwhile manages to stab Gideon in the back; Killian and David quickly come and restrain him so Emma could get to Henry. She wastes no time getting to his side, taking his hand "Come on kid stay with me" she says watching him barely able to keep his eyes open. She watched Regina trying to heal him "why isn't it working?" she asks worriedly.

Regina seems confused by this as well "I don't know Emma, it should work" she tries again.

Emma looks up at her mom who is standing right there "Mom call a ambulance we need to get him to the hospital" she says trying to keep Henry awake.

"No need" they suddenly hear and see the blue fairy walking towards them. "He doesn't need a hospital."

"What do you mean?" both Emma and Regina ask.

"A hospital won't help him" Blue started motioning to Henry "that is a magic sword, not just anything can cure a wound inflicted by it."

"What do we do then?" Emma asks looking down at Henry.

"I'm afraid, it's complicated" she says getting worried looks from the moms "the only way to save him, will be to de-age him."

"Why de-age him?" Regina asks.

"The magic used on that sword is quite complicated and strong. To lose the effects left by the sword, we need to take him back several years."

"Ok" Emma starts "how far back are we talking here?"

Blue looks down seeing that both of Henrys mothers are holding a hand, she smiles some "He will be a infant again, nine to ten months old."

Emma's eyes go wide "So he basically will have to grow up again?" blue simply nods.

Regina looks at Emma then down at Henry "What will he remember?" she asks not taking her eyes off him.

"Not much, only what a child that age would. Faces will be it, I can have him recognize you both" she motions to both woman.

"No" Regina says stopping her "just Emma."

"Regina, what are you saying, he needs to recognize both of us" Emma says "we're both his moms."

"I'm aware of that Emma, I've had my chance with him" she takes Emma's hand "now it's your turn Ms. Swan. You can have your chance to raise him now."

"I can't Regina, there is no way I can raise him to be the amazing kid he is" tears where quickly filling Emma's eyes, as well as her mom's.

Regina gives her a sad smile "You have me and your mother to help, you can do this. I have faith that you can raise him well. He loves you Emma, and I know how much you love him you can do this."

Emma looks down at Henry, then over at Hook who is helping get Gideon into the squad car. "Alright, I can do this" she says with a teary smile at the three women.

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