Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Emma wakes up the next morning, was it all a dream she asks herself, running her hands through her hair. The thought that Henry, a baby version of Henry was in the room next door was a scary thought. She turns to see Killian's side of the bed empty, and that's when she hears the bit of static. Emma turns to see the baby monitor on her night stand, she picks it up and that's when she starts to hear babbling, the adorable sound of her son babbling. It wasn't a dream, it was real, her son, no longer a teenager but a baby, she was getting another chance to be his mom from the beginning. Emma walks over to the room next to theirs; she stops in the doorway when the sight takes her back. Henry, in adorable monkey footie pajamas, sitting up in his crib, the moment she was in sight his face lit up, he was so happy to see her. Once Emma recovers she walks over towards the crib, Henry lifts his little arms to her, making Emma smile "Hey Henry" she lifts him up and kisses his head "did you sleep good hmm?" and cuddles him close.

Henry looks up at her and squeals happily putting his chubby hands on her cheeks making her laugh "I will take that as a yes" she says patting his butt "someone needs a change." It was at this moment she was thankful for having a baby brother, the experience was needed at the moment. She manages to change his diaper and getting him redressed in his monkey pajamas, thankfully Henry is calm and patient, simply staring up at the ceiling while she did her work. She lifts him from the changing table, and placing him on her hip "all clean now kid" she says and they head down to the kitchen.

Once downstairs Emma looks around realizing it was clear as day that a baby now lived here, baby stuff all over. She gets to the kitchen and gets him in his highchair and hands him a toy to keep him busy with. "Ok Henry, what do kids your age have for breakfast? I mean I think you're too big for a bottle at every meal." She looks around and sees a container of baby cereal "Ah ha, cereal. Sound good?"

Henry bangs on the tray of his highchair, Emma nods "Sounds like a yes" she says walking over to him and bops his nose, earning giggle from Henry.

Killian then walks into the house, and to the kitchen "Morning love" and goes and kisses Emma. He turns to Henry "Morning lad, is mommy getting you breakfast?" Henry babbles at him, earning laughs from Emma and Killian.

Emma notices Killian has something behind his back "Hiding something there?"

Killian smiles "No love" and he pulls out a yellow duckling stuffed animal "for Henry" he says. Emma takes the stuffed animal and looks at the tag on it, it read yellow duckling. Killian notices tears forming in her eyes and takes her hand "a duckling for your duckling Swan" he says simply.

"Killian..." is all Emma can say as the tears start to fall.

Killian smiles, knowing he made a good choice "I figured since this Henry is surrounded by the other Henry's hand-me-downs, I thought this Henry deserves at least one thing strictly his."

Emma attacks him with a hug "That's perfect" she looks at the duck in her hand as she pulls away. Emma walks over to Henry and hands him the duck "what you think?" she asks showing him the animal, Henry reaches for it and takes and automatically hugs. "I guess it's a winner" she says smiling at Killian. "Watch him while I make his cereal?"

"Of course love" Killian sits in the chair next to Henry and gently takes the duck. He plays with it entertaining Henry getting giggle from him "So love" he starts as she finishes up "I was wondering. What are your plans?"

Emma comes to relieve him, sitting in front of Henry with the bowl of food and gives him a bite "What do you mean?" she asks looking at him.

"Well I know from the movies of this realm, that when women have a child they take off work for a time to bond and such with the child. I was wondering what you are thinking love?" Killian asks, it was clear he was just curious, not trying to push her into anything.

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