Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Emma had woken up early this morning to go for a run, these days it was the best time to go. Her husband and their two kids where still sound asleep, it gave her time alone (pretty much the only time during the day now) and time to think. This morning her thoughts surrounded her daughter, her baby was turning one today, she couldn't believe it, that also meant Henry was only a few months away from being 7, the older Henry would have been turning 20 then, something she could not wrap her head around. She missed the kid a lot, but she also wouldn't trade this Henry either, being there for all the things she missed before, especially having lost the memories Regina gave her back in the year they were in New York. She rounds the corner onto Main Street; nothing had really changed since she came almost ten years ago now. Granny's was still the go-to place for food, and Granny herself was as feisty as ever, all though she starting to slow down a bit now. With Ruby having moved back with Dorothy and the woman had adopted their daughter, Ruby was starting to learn more about the business to take over soon, to provide for her little family. Archie was the one and only shrink in town; there was no shortage of patients in the small town. Yep, the town she couldn't wait to leave that night was now the town she couldn't imagine ever leaving now; she has family and friends now. A amazing husband who would do anything for her and their kids; and of course there are the kids. Henry he was becoming one hell of a kid, Regina always gushed what a great kid he was, now she was seeing it. He was smart, god so smart, kind and sweet, she couldn't be prouder of him if she tried. Then there was Ella, her mini-me with blue eyes, she was stubborn but loved with all her heart, and was always willing to cuddle if her parents or brother needed it. She was also proving to be her father's daughter, loved the water and up early most days, but also loved naps like her mom. Emma still couldn't believe it was a year ago today that little duckling of hers was born, Emma wasn't one to get emotional but when it came to her kids she couldn't help it.

Emma suddenly finds herself approaching the house, which brings a smile to her face, she never felt, before Henry came, that she would ever have a home, especially one filled with love like hers was. She walks in to find that everyone still seemed to be sleeping, not all that surprising for 7 am on a Sunday. She heads upstairs to the rooms, first she cheeks on her daughter, she was surprisingly asleep, but she wouldn't be surprised if her and her daddy where up while she was out. She then heads to Henry's room, she stands and watched his chest rise and fall as he breathes , clutching 'quack' the duck to his side, it was still his favorite thing since Killian brought it home for him. Once she saw her kids where safe and still asleep she went into her and Kilian's room, he too was asleep, even though Henry was not biologically his, they somehow slept so similar, one arm resting above his head while the other was at his side, his face was facing her empty side of the bed, she kisses his cheek before moving to get clean clothes. As Emma finishes her shower, Killian walks into the bathroom.

"Morning love" Killian says as Emma moves the shower curtain.

"Hey" Emma says with a smile as she dries off.

"How was your run this morning?" he asks.

"Good, its so peaceful, being pretty much the only one out" Emma says and she steps out the shower and kisses her husband.

Killian smiles at her "That's why I always enjoyed waking up at dawn, peaceful."

Emma smiles and kisses him again, and puts a hand on his chest "I can't believe Ella is one today."

Killian puts his arms around Emma and kisses her forehead "She's still our baby girl love. And look how well Henry has come around to being a big brother."

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