Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Emma is sitting at her work desk at the station; her hand is resting on her belly. Emma was now 6 and a half months pregnant, her belly had grown quite a bit, it now looked like she was smuggling a little more than half a basketball under her shirts. Henry was thankfully getting more excited about being a big brother; he still had days where Emma had to give him extra love, showing him he was still very much loved and her baby. They even had him helping with the nursery; Emma had decided she really didn't want to do a theme or anything. She decided to leave 3 of the walls white and the 4th would be a pastel purple. Pictures of the family hung above the crib, which Marco insisted to make her, along with a rocking chair, he even had Emma pick out a design for it. She choose more of a glider type chair, with a foot stool that moved like a glider as well. Currently she is sitting at her desk filling out paper work, after a scare last week during a arrest Emma was moved to desk duty by Killian and David much to her dislike. The only thing getting her through it, is the fact since beating the black fairy's curse 4 years ago it had been quite in the small town of Storybrooke, they have had a few suspicious characters pop up, but like many they were people just looking for a fresh start. She looks at the clock and sees she only has a hour left of her shift, and she can pick up Henry from school, but that wasn't what she was more ready for. Today was valentine's day, and for the first time since they married they will be spending it alone, well the baby growing inside her aside, Henry had been involved every year, more so in Emma's favor. But this year just them, and Henry was staying with Regina during their date. Emma sighs and David walks in she gives him a smile "Hey dad" she says as cheerfully as possible.

David comes over and kisses the top of Emma's head, then kisses his finger tips and touches her bump "How are two of my favorite girls doing?" he asks as he moves to his desk.

"Both good, she's doing some moving today though" Emma says rubbing her stomach where her baby was kicking.

David smiles "Just like her mom" he takes a file off his desk and goes to the file cabinet "you drove your mom crazy some nights, moving and kicking."

Emma chuckles "Henry was the same way, but he mostly just kicked when I swear he knew I was upset" Emma grabs the small bag of chips off her desk and eats a couple.

"He still has that talent huh?" David asked as he put the file away.

"Yeah he does" Emma says smiling. Then they both go back to work, a half hour later Killian walks in "Hey babe" Emma says and Killian comes over for a kiss.

"Afternoon loves" and he leans and kisses Emma's belly "How's our girl doing?"

Emma doesn't answer she grabs his hand and places it where the baby had been kicking "She's happy today I think."

Killian smiles ear to ear "I can't wait to meet her Emma. I bet she will be beautiful like you" he says squatting down keeping his hand where Emma put it.

"I want her to have your eyes" Emma says bringing her hand to his cheek "and I want her to kind and sweet like her daddy and brother."

"I think no matter how and who she is like, she will be a amazing little girl" Killian says with a smile and leans to kiss Emma's lips.

"Alright you two, we are still on the clock here" David says shaking his head at his daughter and son-in-law.

A little while later finds Emma driving to the school to pick up Henry, Emma gets out of her car and heads towards the door to wait. The bell rings and the door opens kids come running out, she quickly spots the mop of brown hair belonging to her son, and she smiles.

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