chapter 9

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Chapter 9

The rest of the summer flew by in the blink of an eye. The family spending plenty of time out on the Jolly, and time outside in the backyard, which the couple had turned into such a comfy hang out spot for their family and friends, they even had continued to watch movies out in the yard like they did on Emma's birthday. And there is the stuff they had out for the kids; Henry's pirate ship was the most popular. Towards the end of summer lead to Henry's second birthday, which was leading into new firsts for the little boy. More words and forming sentences, well somewhat. And he even started on potty training, which thankfully Regina was right there to help with pointers how she did it the first time around with Henry. The summer then led into fall, the air started getting cooler, warmish days turned into cool nights. Also came out was Henry's adorable pants and sweatshirts, there was something so adorable about her son in jeans and sweatshirts, and seeing him in hats was pretty cute too.

But now in the beginning of October was leading into something new, Emma was learning firsthand what people meant about the terrible twos. Her sweet little boy was causing problems in all kinds of ways; putting keys into the toilet, hiding shoes and cell phones, and then there where the tantrums, she never heard her kid be so loud before. And currently Henry was in the middle of one, yelling he wanted a cookie, Emma sits down on the couch, hiding her face in her hands "I'm such a failure" she says to herself, she knows deep down it wasn't true, but at the moment she really felt that way.

"ME WANT COOKIE" Henry yells once again.

Emma sighs looking over at her son "Henry, bud, you need to eat lunch first" she tries telling him calmly.

"No" Henry says crossing his little arm, sticking his lip out wanting to make his mom think he was sad.

"You already know the answer Henry" Emma replies giving him a stern look, one that usually works on the 2 year old.

Henry scrunches up his face "Mama mean" he says stumping off into the other room.

Emma leans pack into the couch with a whine, and her cellphone rings, she looks at the caller id which says Regina is calling "Hello?" she says answering the call.

"Oh good Miss Swan I'm glad you answered" Regina says.

Emma sighs again "What's up Regina?" Emma asks, Henry then decides to say loudly again that she is mean.

"I think I should be asking you that Emma. Why is Henry saying you are mean?" Regina asks putting aside the paper she was looking at.

"It's Henry, I think he entered those terrible twos" Emma says looking towards where her son was "He wants a cookie, but hasn't eaten his lunch, I said no so now I'm mean" she says combing her fingers through her hair.

Regina chuckles "Ah... I remember that time well. Remember Emma it's just a phase, it won't last forever."

"I know, I know" Emma says sitting back up "I just want it to be over. I mean my phone almost ended up in the toilet this morning. Last night Killian's hook ended up in the garbage can. And I have to admit, even though I know he doesn't mean it, him calling me mean hurts."

"That was tough, although the 'I hate you' is the worst sting" Regina says, having heard those words numerous times from the older Henry more times then she cared to admit. "He's testing boundaries at this point Emma; he's becoming more curious, he sees that he will get attention doing this stuff. While yes it's upsetting, and making sure he doesn't harm himself is important, but not over reacting is key. It will end soon, the first time around lasted a month and he was good. I mean he tested things from time to time but never this bad again."

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