Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Since the amazing mother's day that Killian gave Emma she had been racking her brain trying to find a way to make his first father's day special. Killian may not have been biologically Henry's dad, but he was in every way that counted. Sadly Henry's dad Neal and Henry had very little time together, sure they spent time together but it wasn't much. Bigger Henry never really said anything, but Emma knew it bugged him that he didn't know him well, but being the hopeful kid he was, the fact that he died a hero seemed to in some way make up for it. Now this Henry had a father in Killian, sure big Henry liked Killian saw him as a father figure, went to him for advice, and was one of he and Emma's biggest supporters in being together, because as Henry put it, Killian made her happy. She knew being out on the Jolly would make him happy, but she wanted to do something more than just that.

Father's day rolled around faster than Emma would of liked, but she felt she had a good plan. She was starting with breakfast, she ordered Killian that he had to sleep in, and that when it was ok to come downstairs she would let him know, he came to have quite the liking for pancakes, so pancakes and fruit it was for his breakfast.

Meanwhile upstairs Killian was laying down in he and Emma's bed, Henry joining him. Killian was watching some show about boats, Henry just lying there with him, relaxing sitting close. Killian enjoyed spending time with Henry like this, when nothing was going on, and he would just sit and cuddle babbling away about nothing. Killian is taken from his thoughts when he hears Henry voice.

"Killy?" Henry says.

"Yes lad?" Killian asks with a smile, only this young boy could get away with name.

"Eat?" he asks.

"We have to wait for your mommy Henry to come get us."

Henry perks up when Killian mentions his mom; he looks around and asks "Mama?"

"I think soon lad. I know I'm hungry too" then Killian hears the little boys stomach growl "I see not as hungry as you though" he says tickling Henry's side earning giggles from the boy.

"What's going on in here?" Emma asks from the doorway, smiling ear to ear at her guys.

"Mama?" Henry says managing to squirm from Killian and goes to the end of the bed.

Emma meets Henry there and lifts him up to kiss him placing him on her hip "Moring Henry" she says then whispers "Tell Killy happy daddy's day."

Henry nods his head and faces Killian again "'Appy Daddy day" Henry manages to slowly say.

Emma walks over to Killian's side of the bed and gives him a kiss, making Henry cover his eyes "Happy father's day Killian."

"Thank you love" he says giving her another kiss on the lips.

Emma smiles "When you're ready come downstairs, I made breakfast for you" Emma says then leaves the room with Henry on her hip still.

Killian smile and shakes his head as he watches his wife and son leave. He still had no idea how he got this lucky, but he sure was glad he did, he never thought he could be this happy. "Swan you kill me" he says to the empty room.

When Killian gets downstairs, and enters the kitchen, he sees the great breakfast that his Swan made him. There was a glass filled with orange juice, a plate with pancakes and fruit at his spot. He finds Emma what he had to guess making Henry's plate as he waited patiently in his high chair. Killian moves to Emma and puts his hands on her hips "This looks great Emma" he says earning a smile from her.

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