chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Another few weeks past and Henry's first birthday was fast approaching, somehow timing of the de-ageing and his age all lined up together so he still had the same birthday, that mid-August birthday. Henry now was walking fairly on his own, his legs still wobbly, his walk had a bit of a drunken stagger to it, which made all the adults laugh. And he babbled a lot more making both his mom, aunt (also his other mom) and grandma think he could be talking soon. The kid was becoming more fun each day, playing with toys that did more than just light up and make noise, Henry was starting to really love playing with cars, loving the Tonka trucks from the other Henry.

Emma was currently sitting on the front steps watching Henry play in the grass of the front yard. Playing with the larger scale Tonka trucks he loved, pushing it around occasionally looking over at Emma with a smile. Then Emma sees her mom walking up with her little brother in a stroller, Neal and Henry had really hit off when they first met 6 weeks ago, not surprising the age gap wasn't much only a couple months.

"Hey sweet heart" Mary Margaret says coming into the yard, giving both her daughter and grandson a smile.

"Hey mom" Emma says giving her a hug, then looks at her little brother "hey little bro" she says taking him out of his stroller giving him kisses making him squeal.

Emma sets him down in the grass while her mom says hi to Henry, and the two women go to sit on the steps again. "You ready for his birthday next week?" Mary Margaret asks.

"Got it planed out, but the thought that he is already one is sad" Emma says watching her son and brother interact. At almost 1 Henry was kind, patient and gentle with Neal, it made her smile.

Mary Margaret smiles at her daughter "You have plenty of time with him Emma; you still have so many firsts and milestones to witness, so many moments that make being a mom worth it."

Emma looks at her and smiles "I know, I guess starting out with a ten month old, just feels weird to already plan a first birthday is all."

"Are you having a theme or anything for it?"

"His Tonka trucks, I found this picture thing on line that Granny can put on his cake and it has like dirt roads and a few of the trucks on it."

"He would love that Emma" she says proudly of her daughter. "Is there anything he needs or doesn't need any more of?"

"Mostly clothes, Regina only kept so much when he got to this size, must have been her favorites."

Mary Margaret nods "Ok, clothes I can do that" they sit and watch the boys some "they are going to be a force to reckon with aren't they?"

Emma smiles "Oh yeah, for sure, probably will be each other's protectors."

"Besides you that is" Mary Margaret states matter-of-factly with a smirk.

"You got that right" Emma says with a laugh.

The week flew by, it was now the day before the party, which was landing on his actual first birthday. Killian had just gotten from the station, Emma left a few hours earlier. "Love, I'm home" he calls stepping into the house.

"In the kitchen" Emma calls back.

Killian walks in to see Henry sitting in his high chair, the tray covered in vegetables, Emma looking flustered, but he couldn't help but laugh. "What happened in here?" he asks.

"Henry decided that his bowl is supposed to be a drum instead, so he dumped out his food, and it became a drum" Emma said with a smirk.

Killian walks over to Henry "That was bad form Henry, your mommy worked hard on giving you a nice meal there" he was given a huge grin, he found himself not being able to be mad at the lad, based on Emma's smirk neither could she.

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